Method to calculate interpolation step value in Excel
The following Microsoft Excel formula performs linear interpolation by calculating the interpolation step value:
where end is the cell address of the larger number, and start is the cell address of the smaller number.
Interpolation is a method used to determine a present or future value factor when the exact factor does not appear in either a present or future value table. Interpolation assumes that the change between two values is linear and that the margin of error is insignificant.
To create a sample linear interpolation formula, follow these steps:
Type the following values in a worksheet:
A1: 9 B1: =(A7-A1)/(ROW(A7)-ROW(A1)) A2: =A1+$B$1 A3: A4: A5: A6: A7: 11
Select cells A2:A6. On the Edit menu, point to Fill, and then click Down. The formula is filled down, and the following values are displayed in cells A2:A6:
A2: 9.33333 A3: 9.66667 A4: 10. A5: 10.33333 A6: 10.66667
You must type the reference to the step value in cell B1 as an absolute reference (with dollar signs).