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exFAT file system specification

1 Introduction

The exFAT file system is the successor to FAT32 in the FAT family of file systems. This specification describes the exFAT file system and provides all the information necessary for implementing the exFAT file system.

1.1 Design Goals

The exFAT file system has three central design goals (see list below).

  1. Retain the simplicity of FAT-based file systems.

    Two of the strengths of FAT-based file systems are their relative simplicity and ease of implementation. In the spirit of its predecessors, implementers should find exFAT relatively simple and easy to implement.

  2. Enable very large files and storage devices.

    The exFAT file system uses 64 bits to describe file size, thereby enabling applications which depend on very large files. The exFAT file system also allows for clusters as large as 32MB, effectively enabling very large storage devices.

  3. Incorporate extensibility for future innovation.

    The exFAT file system incorporates extensibility into its design, enabling the file system to keep pace with innovations in storage and changes in usage.

1.2 Specific Terminology

In the context of this specification, certain terms (see Table 1) carry specific meaning for the design and implementation of the exFAT file system.

Table 1 Definition of Terms Which Carry Very Specific Meaning

Term Definition
Shall This specification uses the term “shall” to describe a behavior which is mandatory.
Should This specification uses the term “should” to describe a behavior which it strongly recommends, but does not make mandatory.
May This specification uses the term “may” to describe a behavior which is optional.
Mandatory This term describes a field or structure which an implementation shall modify and shall interpret as this specification describes.
Optional This term describes a field or structure which an implementation may or may not support. If an implementation supports a given optional field or structure, it shall modify and shall interpret the field or structure as this specification describes.
Undefined This term describes field or structure contents which an implementation may modify as necessary (i.e. clear to zero when setting surrounding fields or structures) and shall not interpret to hold any specific meaning.

This term describes field or structure contents which implementations:

  1. Shall initialize to zero and should not use for any purpose

  2. Should not interpret, except when computing checksums

  3. Shall preserve across operations which modify surrounding fields or structures

1.3 Full Text of Common Acronyms

This specification uses acronyms in common use in the personal computer industry (see Table 2).

Table 2 Full Text of Common Acronyms

Acronym Full Text
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
BIOS Basic Input Output System
CPU Central Processing Unit
exFAT extensible File Allocation Table
FAT File Allocation Table
FAT12 File Allocation Table, 12-bit cluster indices
FAT16 File Allocation Table, 16-bit cluster indices
FAT32 File Allocation Table, 32-bit cluster indices
GPT GUID Partition Table
GUID Globally Unique Identifier (see Section 10.1)
INT Interrupt
MBR Master Boot Record
texFAT Transaction-safe exFAT
UTC Coordinated Universal Time

1.4 Default Field and Structure Qualifiers

Fields and structures in this specification have the following qualifiers (see list below), unless the specification notes otherwise.

  1. Are unsigned

  2. Use decimal notation to describe values, where not otherwise noted; this specification uses the post-fix letter "h" to denote hexadecimal numbers and encloses GUIDs in curly braces

  3. Are in little-endian format

  4. Do not require a null-terminating character for strings

1.5 Windows CE and TexFAT

TexFAT is an extension to exFAT that adds transaction-safe operational semantics on top of the base file system. TexFAT is used by Windows CE. TexFAT requires the use of the two FATs and allocation bitmaps for use in transactions. It also defines several additional structures including padding descriptors and security descriptors.

2 Volume Structure

A volume is the set of all file system structures and data space necessary to store and retrieve user data. All exFAT volumes contain four regions (see Table 3).

Table 3 Volume Structure

Sub-region Name





Main Boot Region
Main Boot Sector 0 1 This sub-region is mandatory and Section 3.1 defines its contents.
Main Extended Boot Sectors 1 8 This sub-region is mandatory and Section 3.2) defines its contents.
Main OEM Parameters 9 1 This sub-region is mandatory and Section 3.3 defines its contents.
Main Reserved 10 1 This sub-region is mandatory and its contents are reserved.
Main Boot Checksum 11 1 This sub-region is mandatory and Section 3.4 defines its contents.
Backup Boot Region
Backup Boot Sector 12 1 This sub-region is mandatory and Section 3.1 defines its contents.
Backup Extended Boot Sectors 13 8 This sub-region is mandatory and Section 3.2 defines its contents.
Backup OEM Parameters 21 1 This sub-region is mandatory and Section 3.3 defines its contents.
Backup Reserved 22 1 This sub-region is mandatory and its contents are reserved.
Backup Boot Checksum 23 1 This sub-region is mandatory and Section 3.4 defines its contents.
FAT Region
FAT Alignment 24 FatOffset – 24

This sub-region is mandatory and its contents, if any, are undefined.

Note: the Main and Backup Boot Sectors both contain the FatOffset field.

First FAT FatOffset FatLength

This sub-region is mandatory and Section 4.1 defines its contents.

Note: the Main and Backup Boot Sectors both contain the FatOffset and FatLength fields.

Second FAT FatOffset + FatLength FatLength * (NumberOfFats – 1)

This sub-region is mandatory and Section 4.1 defines its contents, if any.

Note: the Main and Backup Boot Sectors both contain the FatOffset, FatLength, and NumberOfFats fields. The NumberOfFats field may only hold values 1 and 2.

Data Region
Cluster Heap Alignment FatOffset + FatLength * NumberOfFats ClusterHeapOffset – (FatOffset + FatLength * NumberOfFats)

This sub-region is mandatory and its contents, if any, are undefined.

Note: the Main and Backup Boot Sectors both contain the FatOffset, FatLength, NumberOfFats, and ClusterHeapOffset fields. The NumberOfFats field’s valid values are 1 and 2.

Cluster Heap ClusterHeapOffset ClusterCount * 2SectorsPerClusterShift

This sub-region is mandatory and Section 5.1 defines its contents.

Note: the Main and Backup Boot Sectors both contain the ClusterHeapOffset, ClusterCount, and SectorsPerClusterShift fields.

Excess Space ClusterHeapOffset + ClusterCount * 2SectorsPerClusterShift VolumeLength – (ClusterHeapOffset + ClusterCount * 2SectorsPerClusterShift)

This sub-region is mandatory and its contents, if any, are undefined.

Note: the Main and Backup Boot Sectors both contain the ClusterHeapOffset, ClusterCount, SectorsPerClusterShift, and VolumeLength fields.

3 Main and Backup Boot Regions

The Main Boot region provides all the necessary boot-strapping instructions, identifying information, and file system parameters to enable an implementation to perform the following:

  1. Boot-strap a computer system from an exFAT volume.

  2. Identify the file system on the volume as exFAT.

  3. Discover the location of the exFAT file system structures.

The Backup Boot region is a backup of the Main Boot region. It aids recovery of the exFAT volume in the event of the Main Boot region being in an inconsistent state. Except under infrequent circumstances, such as updating boot-strapping instructions, implementations should not modify the contents of the Backup Boot region.

3.1 Main and Backup Boot Sector Sub-regions

The Main Boot Sector contains code for boot-strapping from an exFAT volume and fundamental exFAT parameters which describe the volume structure (see Table 4). BIOS, MBR, or other boot-strapping agents may inspect this sector and may load and execute any boot-strapping instructions contained therein.

The Backup Boot Sector is a backup of the Main Boot Sector and has the same structure (see Table 4). The Backup Boot Sector may aid recovery operations; however, implementations shall treat the contents of the VolumeFlags and PercentInUse fields as stale.

Prior to using the contents of either the Main or Backup Boot Sector, implementations shall verify their contents by validating their respective Boot Checksum and ensuring all their fields are within their valid value range.

While the initial format operation will initialize the contents of both the Main and Backup Boot Sectors, implementations may update these sectors (and shall also update their respective Boot Checksum) as needed. However, implementations may update either the VolumeFlags or PercentInUse fields without updating their respective Boot Checksum (the checksum specifically excludes these two fields).

Table 4 Main and Backup Boot Sector Structure

Field Name





JumpBoot 0 3 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.1 defines its contents.
FileSystemName 3 8 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.2 defines its contents.
MustBeZero 11 53 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.3 defines its contents.
PartitionOffset 64 8 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.4 defines its contents.
VolumeLength 72 8 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.5 defines its contents.
FatOffset 80 4 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.6 defines its contents.
FatLength 84 4 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.7 defines its contents.
ClusterHeapOffset 88 4 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.8 defines its contents.
ClusterCount 92 4 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.9 defines its contents.
FirstClusterOfRootDirectory 96 4 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.10 defines its contents.
VolumeSerialNumber 100 4 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.11 defines its contents.
FileSystemRevision 104 2 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.12 defines its contents.
VolumeFlags 106 2 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.13 defines its contents.
BytesPerSectorShift 108 1 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.14 defines its contents.
SectorsPerClusterShift 109 1 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.15 defines its contents.
NumberOfFats 110 1 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.16 defines its contents.
DriveSelect 111 1 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.17 defines its contents.
PercentInUse 112 1 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.18 defines its contents.
Reserved 113 7 This field is mandatory and its contents are reserved.
BootCode 120 390 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.19 defines its contents.
BootSignature 510 2 This field is mandatory and Section 3.1.20 defines its contents.
ExcessSpace 512 2BytesPerSectorShift – 512

This field is mandatory and its contents, if any, are undefined.

Note: the Main and Backup Boot Sectors both contain the BytesPerSectorShift field.

3.1.1 JumpBoot Field

The JumpBoot field shall contain the jump instruction for CPUs common in personal computers, which, when executed, "jumps" the CPU to execute the boot-strapping instructions in the BootCode field.

The valid value for this field is (in order of low-order byte to high-order byte) EBh 76h 90h.

3.1.2 FileSystemName Field

The FileSystemName field shall contain the name of the file system on the volume.

The valid value for this field is, in ASCII characters, "EXFAT ", which includes three trailing white spaces.

3.1.3 MustBeZero Field

The MustBeZero field shall directly correspond with the range of bytes the packed BIOS parameter block consumes on FAT12/16/32 volumes.

The valid value for this field is 0, which helps to prevent FAT12/16/32 implementations from mistakenly mounting an exFAT volume.

3.1.4 PartitionOffset Field

The PartitionOffset field shall describe the media-relative sector offset of the partition which hosts the given exFAT volume. This field aids boot-strapping from the volume using extended INT 13h on personal computers.

All possible values for this field are valid; however, the value 0 indicates implementations shall ignore this field.

3.1.5 VolumeLength Field

The VolumeLength field shall describe the size of the given exFAT volume in sectors.

The valid range of values for this field shall be:

  • At least 220/ 2BytesPerSectorShift, which ensures the smallest volume is no less than 1MB

  • At most 264- 1, the largest value this field can describe.

    However, if the size of the Excess Space sub-region is 0, then the largest value of this field is ClusterHeapOffset + (232- 11) * 2SectorsPerClusterShift.

3.1.6 FatOffset Field

The FatOffset field shall describe the volume-relative sector offset of the First FAT. This field enables implementations to align the First FAT to the characteristics of the underlying storage media.

The valid range of values for this field shall be:

  • At least 24, which accounts for the sectors the Main Boot and Backup Boot regions consume

  • At most ClusterHeapOffset - (FatLength * NumberOfFats), which accounts for the sectors the Cluster Heap consumes

3.1.7 FatLength Field

The FatLength field shall describe the length, in sectors, of each FAT table (the volume may contain up to two FATs).

The valid range of values for this field shall be:

  • At least (ClusterCount + 2) * 22/ 2BytesPerSectorShiftrounded up to the nearest integer, which ensures each FAT has sufficient space for describing all the clusters in the Cluster Heap

  • At most (ClusterHeapOffset - FatOffset) / NumberOfFats rounded down to the nearest integer, which ensures the FATs exist before the Cluster Heap

This field may contain a value in excess of its lower bound (as described above) to enable the Second FAT, if present, to also be aligned to the characteristics of the underlying storage media. The contents of the space which exceeds what the FAT itself requires, if any, are undefined.

3.1.8 ClusterHeapOffset Field

The ClusterHeapOffset field shall describe the volume-relative sector offset of the Cluster Heap. This field enables implementations to align the Cluster Heap to the characteristics of the underlying storage media.

The valid range of values for this field shall be:

  • At least FatOffset + FatLength * NumberOfFats, to account for the sectors all the preceding regions consume

  • At most 232- 1 or VolumeLength - (ClusterCount * 2SectorsPerClusterShift), whichever calculation is less

3.1.9 ClusterCount Field

The ClusterCount field shall describe the number of clusters the Cluster Heap contains.

The valid value for this field shall be the lesser of the following:

  • (VolumeLength - ClusterHeapOffset) / 2SectorsPerClusterShiftrounded down to the nearest integer, which is exactly the number of clusters which can fit between the beginning of the Cluster Heap and the end of the volume

  • 232- 11, which is the maximum number of clusters a FAT can describe

The value of the ClusterCount field determines the minimum size of a FAT. To avoid extremely large FATs, implementations can control the number of clusters in the Cluster Heap by increasing the cluster size (via the SectorsPerClusterShift field). This specification recommends no more than 224- 2 clusters in the Cluster Heap. However, implementations shall be able to handle volumes with up to 232- 11 clusters in the Cluster Heap.

3.1.10 FirstClusterOfRootDirectory Field

The FirstClusterOfRootDirectory field shall contain the cluster index of the first cluster of the root directory. Implementations should make every effort to place the first cluster of the root directory in the first non-bad cluster after the clusters the Allocation Bitmap and Up-case Table consume.

The valid range of values for this field shall be:

  • At least 2, the index of the first cluster in the Cluster Heap

  • At most ClusterCount + 1, the index of the last cluster in the Cluster Heap

3.1.11 VolumeSerialNumber Field

The VolumeSerialNumber field shall contain a unique serial number. This assists implementations to distinguish among different exFAT volumes. Implementations should generate the serial number by combining the date and time of formatting the exFAT volume. The mechanism for combining date and time to form a serial number is implementation-specific.

All possible values for this field are valid.

3.1.12 FileSystemRevision Field

The FileSystemRevision field shall describe the major and minor revision numbers of the exFAT structures on the given volume.

The high-order byte is the major revision number and the low-order byte is the minor revision number. For example, if the high-order byte contains the value 01h and if the low-order byte contains the value 05h, then the FileSystemRevision field describes the revision number 1.05. Likewise, if the high-order byte contains the value 0Ah and if the low-order byte contains the value 0Fh, then the FileSystemRevision field describes the revision number 10.15.

The valid range of values for this field shall be:

  • At least 0 for the low-order byte and 1 for the high-order byte

  • At most 99 for the low-order byte and 99 for the high-order byte

The revision number of exFAT this specification describes is 1.00. Implementations of this specification should mount any exFAT volume with major revision number 1 and shall not mount any exFAT volume with any other major revision number. Implementations shall honor the minor revision number and shall not perform operations or create any file system structures not described in the given minor revision number's corresponding specification.

3.1.13 VolumeFlags Field

The VolumeFlags field shall contain flags which indicate the status of various file system structures on the exFAT volume (see Table 5).

Implementations shall not include this field when computing its respective Main Boot or Backup Boot region checksum. When referring to the Backup Boot Sector, implementations shall treat this field as stale.

Table 5 VolumeFlags Field Structure

Field Name





ActiveFat 0 1 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
VolumeDirty 1 1 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
MediaFailure 2 1 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
ClearToZero 3 1 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
Reserved 4 12 This field is mandatory and its contents are reserved. ActiveFat Field

The ActiveFat field shall describe which FAT and Allocation Bitmap are active (and implementations shall use), as follows:

  • 0, which means the First FAT and First Allocation Bitmap are active

  • 1, which means the Second FAT and Second Allocation Bitmap are active and is possible only when the NumberOfFats field contains the value 2

Implementations shall consider the inactive FAT and Allocation Bitmap as stale. Only TexFAT-aware implementations shall switch the active FAT and Allocation Bitmaps (see Section 7.1). VolumeDirty Field

The VolumeDirty field shall describe whether the volume is dirty or not, as follows:

  • 0, which means the volume is probably in a consistent state

  • 1, which means the volume is probably in an inconsistent state

Implementations should set the value of this field to 1 upon encountering file system metadata inconsistencies which they do not resolve. If, upon mounting a volume, the value of this field is 1, only implementations which resolve file system metadata inconsistencies may clear the value of this field to 0. Such implementations shall only clear the value of this field to 0 after ensuring the file system is in a consistent state.

If, upon mounting a volume, the value of this field is 0, implementations should set this field to 1 before updating file system metadata and clear this field to 0 afterwards, similar to the recommended write ordering described in Section 8.1. MediaFailure Field

The MediaFailure field shall describe whether an implementation has discovered media failures or not, as follows:

  • 0, which means the hosting media has not reported failures or any known failures are already recorded in the FAT as "bad" clusters

  • 1, which means the hosting media has reported failures (i.e. has failed read or write operations)

An implementation should set this field to 1 when:

  1. The hosting media fails access attempts to any region in the volume

  2. The implementation has exhausted access retry algorithms, if any

If, upon mounting a volume, the value of this field is 1, implementations which scan the entire volume for media failures and record all failures as "bad" clusters in the FAT (or otherwise resolve media failures) may clear the value of this field to 0. ClearToZero Field

The ClearToZero field does not have significant meaning in this specification.

The valid values for this field are:

  • 0, which does not have any particular meaning

  • 1, which means implementations shall clear this field to 0 prior to modifying any file system structures, directories, or files

3.1.14 BytesPerSectorShift Field

The BytesPerSectorShift field shall describe the bytes per sector expressed as log2(N), where N is the number of bytes per sector. For example, for 512 bytes per sector, the value of this field is 9.

The valid range of values for this field shall be:

  • At least 9 (sector size of 512 bytes), which is the smallest sector possible for an exFAT volume

  • At most 12 (sector size of 4096 bytes), which is the memory page size of CPUs common in personal computers

3.1.15 SectorsPerClusterShift Field

The SectorsPerClusterShift field shall describe the sectors per cluster expressed as log2(N), where N is number of sectors per cluster. For example, for 8 sectors per cluster, the value of this field is 3.

The valid range of values for this field shall be:

  • At least 0 (1 sector per cluster), which is the smallest cluster possible

  • At most 25 - BytesPerSectorShift, which evaluates to a cluster size of 32MB

3.1.16 NumberOfFats Field

The NumberOfFats field shall describe the number of FATs and Allocation Bitmaps the volume contains.

The valid range of values for this field shall be:

  • 1, which indicates the volume only contains the First FAT and First Allocation Bitmap

  • 2, which indicates the volume contains the First FAT, Second FAT, First Allocation Bitmap, and Second Allocation Bitmap; this value is only valid for TexFAT volumes

3.1.17 DriveSelect Field

The DriveSelect field shall contain the extended INT 13h drive number, which aids boot-strapping from this volume using extended INT 13h on personal computers.

All possible values for this field are valid. Similar fields in previous FAT-based file systems frequently contained the value 80h.

3.1.18 PercentInUse Field

The PercentInUse field shall describe the percentage of clusters in the Cluster Heap which are allocated.

The valid range of values for this field shall be:

  • Between 0 and 100 inclusively, which is the percentage of allocated clusters in the Cluster Heap, rounded down to the nearest integer

  • Exactly FFh, which indicates the percentage of allocated clusters in the Cluster Heap is not available

Implementations shall change the value of this field to reflect changes in the allocation of clusters in the Cluster Heap or shall change it to FFh.

Implementations shall not include this field when computing its respective Main Boot or Backup Boot region checksum. When referring to the Backup Boot Sector, implementations shall treat this field as stale.

3.1.19 BootCode Field

The BootCode field shall contain boot-strapping instructions. Implementations may populate this field with the CPU instructions necessary for boot-strapping a computer system. Implementations which don't provide boot-strapping instructions shall initialize each byte in this field to F4h (the halt instruction for CPUs common in personal computers) as part of their format operation.

3.1.20 BootSignature Field

The BootSignature field shall describe whether the intent of a given sector is for it to be a Boot Sector or not.

The valid value for this field is AA55h. Any other value in this field invalidates its respective Boot Sector. Implementations should verify the contents of this field prior to depending on any other field in its respective Boot Sector.

3.2 Main and Backup Extended Boot Sectors Sub-regions

Each sector of the Main Extended Boot Sectors has the same structure; however, each sector may hold distinct boot-strapping instructions (see Table 6). Boot-strapping agents, such as the boot-strapping instructions in the Main Boot Sector, alternate BIOS implementations, or an embedded system's firmware, may load these sectors and execute the instructions they contain.

The Backup Extended Boot Sectors is a backup of the Main Extended Boot Sectors and has the same structure (see Table 6).

Prior to executing the instructions of either the Main or Backup Extended Boot Sectors, implementations should verify their contents by ensuring each sector's ExtendedBootSignature field contains its prescribed value.

While the initial format operation will initialize the contents of both the Main and Backup Extended Boot Sectors, implementations may update these sectors (and shall also update their respective Boot Checksum) as needed.

Table 6 Extended Boot Sector Structure

Field Name





ExtendedBootCode 0 2BytesPerSectorShift – 4

This field is mandatory and Section 3.2.1 defines its contents.

Note: the Main and Backup Boot Sectors both contain the BytesPerSectorShift field.

ExtendedBootSignature 2BytesPerSectorShift – 4 4

This field is mandatory and Section 3.2.2 defines its contents.

Note: the Main and Backup Boot Sectors both contain the BytesPerSectorShift field.

3.2.1 ExtendedBootCode Field

The ExtendedBootCode field shall contain boot-strapping instructions. Implementations may populate this field with the CPU instructions necessary for boot-strapping a computer system. Implementations which don't provide boot-strapping instructions shall initialize each byte in this field to 00h as part of their format operation.

3.2.2 ExtendedBootSignature Field

The ExtendedBootSignature field shall describe whether the intent of given sector is for it to be an Extended Boot Sector or not.

The valid value for this field is AA550000h. Any other value in this field invalidates its respective Main or Backup Extended Boot Sector. Implementations should verify the contents of this field prior to depending on any other field in its respective Extended Boot Sector.

3.3 Main and Backup OEM Parameters Sub-regions

The Main OEM Parameters sub-region contains ten parameters structures which may contain manufacturer-specific information (see Table 7). Each of the ten parameters structures derives from the Generic Parameters template (see Section 3.3.2). Manufacturers may derive their own custom parameters structures from the Generic Parameters template. This specification itself defines two parameters structures: Null Parameters (see Section 3.3.3) and Flash Parameters (see Section 3.3.4).

The Backup OEM Parameters is a backup of the Main OEM Parameters and has the same structure (see Table 7).

Prior to using the contents of either the Main or Backup OEM Parameters, implementations shall verify their contents by validating their respective Boot Checksum.

Manufacturers should populate the Main and Backup OEM Parameters with their own custom parameters structures, if any, and any other parameter structures. Subsequent format operations shall preserve the contents of the Main and Backup OEM Parameters.

Implementations may update the Main and Backup OEM Parameters as needed (and shall also update their respective Boot Checksum).

Table 7 OEM Parameters Structure

Field Name





Parameters[0] 0 48 This field is mandatory and Section 3.3.1 defines its contents.













Parameters[9] 432 48 This field is mandatory and Section 3.3.1 defines its contents.
Reserved 480 2BytesPerSectorShift – 480

This field is mandatory and its contents are reserved.

Note: the Main and Backup Boot Sectors both contain the BytesPerSectorShift field.

3.3.1 Parameters[0] ... Parameters[9]

Each Parameters field in this array contains a parameters structure, which derives from the Generic Parameters template (see Section 3.3.2). Any unused Parameters field shall be described as containing a Null Parameters structure (see Section 3.3.3).

3.3.2 Generic Parameters Template

The Generic Parameters template provides the base definition of a parameters structure (see Table 8). All parameters structures derive from this template. Support for this Generic Parameters template is mandatory.

Table 8 Generic Parameters Template

Field Name





ParametersGuid 0 16 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
CustomDefined 16 32 This field is mandatory and the structures which derive from this template define its contents. ParametersGuid Field

The ParametersGuid field shall describe a GUID, which determines the layout of the remainder of the given parameters structure.

All possible values for this field are valid; however, manufacturers should use a GUID-generating tool, such as GuidGen.exe, to select a GUID when deriving custom parameters structures from this template.

3.3.3 Null Parameters

The Null Parameters structure derives from the Generic Parameters template (see Section 3.3.2) and shall describe an unused Parameters field (see Table 9). When creating or updating the OEM Parameters structure, implementations shall populate unused Parameters fields with the Null Parameters structure. Also, when creating or updating the OEM Parameters structure, implementations should consolidate Null Parameters structures at the end of the array, thereby leaving all other Parameters structures at the beginning of the OEM Parameters structure.

Support for the Null Parameters structure is mandatory.

Table 9 Null Parameters Structure

Field Name





ParametersGuid 0 16 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
Reserved 16 32 This field is mandatory and its contents are reserved. ParametersGuid Field

The ParametersGuid field shall conform to the definition provided by the Generic Parameters template (see Section

The valid value for this field, in GUID notation, is {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}.

3.3.4 Flash Parameters

The Flash Parameter structure derives from the Generic Parameters template (see Section 3.3.2) and contains parameters for flash media (see Table 10). Manufacturers of flash-based storage devices may populate a Parameters field (preferably the Parameters[0] field) with this parameters structure. Implementations may use the information in the Flash Parameters structure to optimize access operations during reads/writes and for alignment of file system structures durning formatting of the media.

Support for the Flash Parameters structure is optional.

Table 10 Flash Parameters Structure

Field Name





ParametersGuid 0 16 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
EraseBlockSize 16 4 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
PageSize 20 4 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
SpareSectors 24 4 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
RandomAccessTime 28 4 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
ProgrammingTime 32 4 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
ReadCycle 36 4 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
WriteCycle 40 4 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
Reserved 44 4 This field is mandatory and its contents are reserved.

All possible values for all Flash Parameters fields, except for the ParametersGuid field, are valid. However, the value 0 indicates the field is actually meaningless (implementations shall ignore the given field). ParametersGuid Field

The ParametersGuid field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic Parameters template (see Section

The valid value for this field, in GUID notation, is {0A0C7E46-3399-4021-90C8-FA6D389C4BA2}. EraseBlockSize Field

The EraseBlockSize field shall describe the size, in bytes, of the flash media's erase block. PageSize Field

The PageSize field shall describe the size, in bytes of the flash media's page. SpareSectors Field

The SpareSectors field shall describe the number of sectors the flash media has available for its internal sparing operations. RandomAccessTime Field

The RandomAccessTime field shall describe the flash media's average random access time, in nanoseconds. ProgrammingTime Field

The ProgrammingTime field shall describe the flash media's average programming time, in nanoseconds. ReadCycle Field

The ReadCycle field shall describe the flash media's average read cycle time, in nanoseconds. WriteCycle Field

The WriteCycle field shall describe the average write cycle time, in nanoseconds.

3.4 Main and Backup Boot Checksum Sub-regions

The Main and Backup Boot Checksums each contain a repeating pattern of the four-byte checksum of the contents of all other sub-regions in their respective Boot regions. The checksum calculation shall not include the VolumeFlags and PercentInUse fields in their respective Boot Sector (see Figure 1). The repeating pattern of the four-byte checksum fills its respective Boot Checksum sub-region from the beginning to the end of the sub-region.

Prior to using the contents of any of the other sub-regions in either the Main or Backup Boot regions, implementations shall verify their contents by validating their respective Boot Checksum.

While the initial format operation will populate both the Main and Backup Boot Checksums with the repeating checksum pattern, implementations shall update these sectors as the contents of the other sectors in their respective Boot regions change.

Figure 1 Boot Checksum Computation

UInt32 BootChecksum
    UCHAR  * Sectors,        // points to an in-memory copy of the 11 sectors
    USHORT   BytesPerSector
    UInt32 NumberOfBytes = (UInt32)BytesPerSector * 11;
    UInt32 Checksum = 0;
    UInt32 Index;

    for (Index = 0; Index < NumberOfBytes; Index++)
        if ((Index == 106) || (Index == 107) || (Index == 112))
        Checksum = ((Checksum&1) ? 0x80000000 : 0) + (Checksum>>1) + (UInt32)Sectors[Index];

    return Checksum;

4 File Allocation Table Region

The File Allocation Table (FAT) region may contain up to two FATs, one in the First FAT sub-region and another in the Second FAT sub-region. The NumberOfFats field describes how many FATs this region contains. The valid values for the NumberOfFats field are 1 and 2. Therefore, the First FAT sub-region always contains a FAT. If the NumberOfFats field is two, then the Second FAT sub-region also contains a FAT.

The ActiveFat field of the VolumeFlags field describes which FAT is active. Only the VolumeFlags field in the Main Boot Sector is current. Implementations shall treat the FAT which is not active as stale. Use of the inactive FAT and switching between FATs is implementation specific.

4.1 First and Second FAT Sub-regions

A FAT shall describe cluster chains in the Cluster Heap (see Table 11). A cluster chain is a series of clusters which provides space for recording the contents of files, directories, and other file system structures. A FAT represents a cluster chain as a singly-linked list of cluster indices. With the exception of the first two entries, every entry in a FAT represents exactly one cluster.

Table 11 File Allocation Table Structure

Field Name





FatEntry[0] 0 4 This field is mandatory and Section 4.1.1 defines its contents.
FatEntry[1] 4 4 This field is mandatory and Section 4.1.2 defines its contents.
FatEntry[2] 8 4 This field is mandatory and Section 4.1.3 defines its contents.













FatEntry[ClusterCount+1] (ClusterCount + 1) * 4 4

This field is mandatory and Section 4.1.3 defines its contents.

ClusterCount + 1 can never exceed FFFFFFF6h.

Note: the Main and Backup Boot Sectors both contain the ClusterCount field.

ExcessSpace (ClusterCount + 2) * 4 (FatLength * 2BytesPerSectorShift) – ((ClusterCount + 2) * 4)

This field is mandatory and its contents, if any, are undefined.

Note: the Main and Backup Boot Sectors both contain the ClusterCount, FatLength, and BytesPerSectorShift fields.

4.1.1 FatEntry[0] Field

The FatEntry[0] field shall describe the media type in the first byte (the lowest order byte) and shall contain FFh in the remaining three bytes.

The media type (the first byte) should be F8h.

4.1.2 FatEntry[1] Field

The FatEntry[1] field only exists due to historical precedence and does not describe anything of interest.

The valid value for this field is FFFFFFFFh. Implementations shall initialize this field to its prescribed value and should not use this field for any purpose. Implementations should not interpret this field and shall preserve its contents across operations which modify surrounding fields.

4.1.3 FatEntry[2] ... FatEntry[ClusterCount+1] Fields

Each FatEntry field in this array shall represent a cluster in the Cluster Heap. FatEntry[2] represents the first cluster in the Cluster Heap and FatEntry[ClusterCount+1] represents the last cluster in the Cluster Heap.

The valid range of values for these fields shall be:

  • Between 2 and ClusterCount + 1, inclusively, which points to the next FatEntry in the given cluster chain; the given FatEntry shall not point to any FatEntry which precedes it in the given cluster chain

  • Exactly FFFFFFF7h, which marks the given FatEntry's corresponding cluster as "bad"

  • Exactly FFFFFFFFh, which marks the given FatEntry's corresponding cluster as the last cluster of a cluster chain; this is the only valid value for the last FatEntry of any given cluster chain

5 Data Region

The Data region contains the Cluster Heap, which provides managed space for file system structures, directories, and files.

5.1 Cluster Heap Sub-region

The Cluster Heap's structure is very simple (see Table 12); each consecutive series of sectors describes one cluster, as the SectorsPerClusterShift field defines. Importantly, the first cluster of the Cluster Heap has index two, which directly corresponds to the index of FatEntry[2].

In an exFAT volume, an Allocation Bitmap (see Section 7.1.5) maintains the record of the allocation state of all clusters. This is a significant difference from exFAT's predecessors (FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32), in which a FAT maintained a record of the allocation state of all clusters in the Cluster Heap.

Table 12 Cluster Heap Structure

Field Name





Cluster[2] ClusterHeapOffset 2SectorsPerClusterShift

This field is mandatory and Section 5.1.1 defines its contents.

Note: the Main and Backup Boot Sectors both contain the ClusterHeapOffset and SectorsPerClusterShift fields.













Cluster[ClusterCount+1] ClusterHeapOffset + (ClusterCount – 1) * 2SectorsPerClusterShift 2SectorsPerClusterShift

This field is mandatory and Section 5.1.1 defines its contents.

Note: the Main and Backup Boot Sectors both contain the ClusterCount, ClusterHeapOffset, and SectorsPerClusterShift fields.

5.1.1 Cluster[2] ... Cluster[ClusterCount+1] Fields

Each Cluster field in this array is a series of contiguous sectors, whose size is defined by the SectorsPerClusterShift field.

6 Directory Structure

The exFAT file system uses a directory tree approach to manage the file system structures and files which exist in the Cluster Heap. Directories have a one-to-many relationship between parent and child in the directory tree.

The directory to which the FirstClusterOfRootDirectory field refers is the root of the directory tree. All other directories descend from the root directory in a singly-linked fashion.

Each directory consists of a series of directory entries (see Table 13).

One or more directory entries combine into a directory entry set which describes something of interest, such as a file system structure, sub-directory, or file.

Table 13 Directory Structure

Field Name





DirectoryEntry[0] 0 32 This field is mandatory and Section 6.1 defines its contents.













DirectoryEntry[N–1] (N – 1) * 32 32

This field is mandatory and Section 6.1 defines its contents.

N, the number of DirectoryEntry fields, is the size, in bytes, of the cluster chain which contains the given directory, divided by the size of a DirectoryEntry field, 32 bytes.

6.1 DirectoryEntry[0] ... DirectoryEntry[N--1]

Each DirectoryEntry field in this array derives from the Generic DirectoryEntry template (see Section 6.2).

6.2 Generic DirectoryEntry Template

The Generic DirectoryEntry template provides the base definition for directory entries (see Table 14). All directory entry structures derive from this template and only Microsoft-defined directory entry structures are valid (exFAT does not have provisions for manufacturer-defined directory entry structures except as defined in Section 7.8 and Section 7.9). The ability to interpret the Generic DirectoryEntry template is mandatory.

Table 14 Generic DirectoryEntry Template

Field Name





EntryType 0 1 This field is mandatory and Section 6.2.1 defines its contents.
CustomDefined 1 19 This field is mandatory and structures which derive from this template may define its contents.
FirstCluster 20 4 This field is mandatory and Section 6.2.2 defines its contents.
DataLength 24 8 This field is mandatory and Section 6.2.3 defines its contents.

6.2.1 EntryType Field

The EntryType field has three modes of usage which the value of the field defines (see list below).

  • 00h, which is an end-of-directory marker and the following conditions apply:

    • All other fields in the given DirectoryEntry are actually reserved

    • All subsequent directory entries in the given directory also are end-of-directory markers

    • End-of-directory markers are only valid outside directory entry sets

    • Implementations may overwrite end-of-directory markers as necessary

  • Between 01h and 7Fh inclusively, which is an unused-directory-entry marker and the following conditions apply:

    • All other fields in the given DirectoryEntry are actually undefined

    • Unused directory entries are only valid outside of directory entry sets

    • Implementations may overwrite unused directory entries as necessary

    • This range of values corresponds to the InUse field (see Section containing the value 0

  • Between 81h and FFh inclusively, which is a regular directory entry and the following conditions apply:

    • The contents of the EntryType field (see Table 15) determine the layout of the remainder of the DirectoryEntry structure

    • This range of values, and only this range of values, are valid inside a directory entry set

    • This range of values directly corresponds to the InUse field (see Section containing the value 1

To prevent modifications to the InUse field (see Section erroneously resulting in an end-of-directory marker, the value 80h is invalid.

Table 15 Generic EntryType Field Structure

Field Name





TypeCode 0 5 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
TypeImportance 5 1 This field is mandatory and Section Section defines its contents.
TypeCategory 6 1 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
InUse 7 1 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents. TypeCode Field

The TypeCode field partially describes the specific type of the given directory entry. This field, plus the TypeImportance and TypeCategory fields (see Section and Section, respectively) uniquely identify the type of the given directory entry.

All possible values of this field are valid, unless the TypeImportance and TypeCategory fields both contain the value 0; in that case, the value 0 is invalid for this field. TypeImportance Field

The TypeImportance field shall describe the importance of the given directory entry.

The valid values for this field shall be:

  • 0, which means the given directory entry is critical (see Section and Section for critical primary and critical secondary directory entries, respectively)

  • 1, which means the given directory entry is benign (see Section and Section for benign primary and benign secondary directory entries, respectively) TypeCategory Field

The TypeCategory field shall describe the category of the given directory entry.

The valid values for this field shall be:

  • 0, which means the given directory entry is primary (see Section 6.3)

  • 1, which means the given directory entry is secondary (see Section 6.4) InUse Field

The InUse field shall describe whether the given directory entry in use or not.

The valid values for this field shall be:

  • 0, which means the given directory entry is not in use; this means the given structure actually is an unused directory entry

  • 1, which means the given directory entry is in use; this means the given structure is a regular directory entry

6.2.2 FirstCluster Field

The FirstCluster field shall contain the index of the first cluster of an allocation in the Cluster Heap associated with the given directory entry.

The valid range of values for this field shall be:

  • Exactly 0, which means no cluster allocation exists

  • Between 2 and ClusterCount + 1, which is the range of valid cluster indices

Structures which derive from this template may redefine both the FirstCluster and DataLength fields, if a cluster allocation is not compatible with the derivative structure.

6.2.3 DataLength Field

The DataLength field describes the size, in bytes, of the data the associated cluster allocation contains.

The valid range of value for this field is:

  • At least 0; if the FirstCluster field contains the value 0, then this field's only valid value is 0

  • At most ClusterCount * 2SectorsPerClusterShift* 2BytesPerSectorShift

Structures which derive from this template may redefine both the FirstCluster and DataLength fields, if a cluster allocation is not possible for the derivative structure.

6.3 Generic Primary DirectoryEntry Template

The first directory entry in a directory entry set shall be a primary directory entry. All subsequent directory entries, if any, in the directory entry set shall be secondary directory entries (see Section 6.4).

The ability to interpret the Generic Primary DirectoryEntry template is mandatory.

All primary directory entry structures derive from the Generic Primary DirectoryEntry template (see Table 16), which derives from the Generic DirectoryEntry template (see Section 6.2).

Table 16 Generic Primary DirectoryEntry Template

Field Name





EntryType 0 1 This field is mandatory and Section 6.3.1 defines its contents.
SecondaryCount 1 1 This field is mandatory and Section 6.3.2 defines its contents.
SetChecksum 2 2 This field is mandatory and Section 6.3.3 defines its contents.
GeneralPrimaryFlags 4 2 This field is mandatory and Section 6.3.4 defines its contents.
CustomDefined 6 14 This field is mandatory and structures which derive from this template define its contents.
FirstCluster 20 4 This field is mandatory and Section 6.3.5 defines its contents.
DataLength 24 8 This field is mandatory and Section 6.3.6 defines its contents.

6.3.1 EntryType Field

The EntryType field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic DirectoryEntry template (see Section 6.2.1). TypeCode Field

The TypeCode field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic DirectoryEntry template (see Section TypeImportance Field

The TypeImportance field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic DirectoryEntry template (see Section Critical Primary Directory Entries

Critical primary directory entries contain information which is critical to the proper management of an exFAT volume. Only the root directory contains critical primary directory entries (File directory entries are an exception, see Section 7.4).

The definition of critical primary directory entries correlates to the major exFAT revision number. Implementations shall support all critical primary directory entries and shall only record the critical primary directory entry structures this specification defines. Benign Primary Directory Entries

Benign primary directory entries contain additional information which may be useful for managing an exFAT volume. Any directory may contain benign primary directory entries.

The definition of benign primary directory entries correlates to the minor exFAT revision number. Support for any benign primary directory entry this specification, or any subsequent specification, defines is optional. An unrecognized benign primary directory entry renders the entire directory entry set as unrecognized (beyond the definition of the applicable directory entry templates). TypeCategory Field

The TypeCategory field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic DirectoryEntry template (see Section

For this template, the valid value for this field shall be 0. InUse Field

The InUse field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic DirectoryEntry template (see Section

6.3.2 SecondaryCount Field

The SecondaryCount field shall describe the number of secondary directory entries which immediately follow the given primary directory entry. These secondary directory entries, along with the given primary directory entry, comprise the directory entry set.

The valid range of values for this field shall be:

  • At least 0, which means this primary directory entry is the only entry in the directory entry set

  • At most 255, which means the next 255 directory entries and this primary directory entry comprise the directory entry set

Critical primary directory entry structures which derive from this template may redefine both the SecondaryCount and SetChecksum fields.

6.3.3 SetChecksum Field

The SetChecksum field shall contain the checksum of all directory entries in the given directory entry set. However, the checksum excludes this field (see Figure 2). Implementations shall verify the contents of this field are valid prior to using any other directory entry in the given directory entry set.

Critical primary directory entry structures which derive from this template may redefine both the SecondaryCount and SetChecksum fields.

Figure 2 EntrySetChecksum Computation

UInt16 EntrySetChecksum
    UCHAR * Entries,       // points to an in-memory copy of the directory entry set
    UCHAR   SecondaryCount
    UInt16 NumberOfBytes = ((UInt16)SecondaryCount + 1) * 32;
    UInt16 Checksum = 0;
    UInt16 Index;

    for (Index = 0; Index < NumberOfBytes; Index++)
        if ((Index == 2) || (Index == 3))
        Checksum = ((Checksum&1) ? 0x8000 : 0) + (Checksum>>1) +  (UInt16)Entries[Index];
    return Checksum;

6.3.4 GeneralPrimaryFlags Field

The GeneralPrimaryFlags field contains flags (see Table 17).

Critical primary directory entry structures which derive from this template may redefine this field.

Table 17 Generic GeneralPrimaryFlags Field Structure

Field Name





AllocationPossible 0 1 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
NoFatChain 1 1 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
CustomDefined 2 14 This field is mandatory and structures which derive from this template may define this field. AllocationPossible Field

The AllocationPossible field shall describe whether or not an allocation in the Cluster Heap is possible for the given directory entry.

The valid values for this field shall be:

  • 0, which means an associated allocation of clusters is not possible and the FirstCluster and DataLength fields are actually undefined (structures which derive from this template may redefine those fields)

  • 1, which means an associated allocation of clusters is possible and the FirstCluster and DataLength fields are as defined NoFatChain Field

The NoFatChain field shall indicate whether or not the active FAT describes the given allocation's cluster chain.

The valid values for this field shall be:

  • 0, which means the corresponding FAT entries for the allocation's cluster chain are valid and implementations shall interpret them; if the AllocationPossible field contains the value 0, or if the AllocationPossible field contains the value 1 and the FirstCluster field contains the value 0, then this field's only valid value is 0

  • 1, which means the associated allocation is one contiguous series of clusters; the corresponding FAT entries for the clusters are invalid and implementations shall not interpret them; implementations may use the following equation to calculate the size of the associated allocation: DataLength / (2SectorsPerClusterShift* 2BytesPerSectorShift) rounded up to the nearest integer

If critical primary directory entry structures which derive from this template redefine the GeneralPrimaryFlags field, then the corresponding FAT entries for any associated allocation's cluster chain are valid.

6.3.5 FirstCluster Field

The FirstCluster field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic DirectoryEntry template (see Section 6.2.2).

If the NoFatChain bit is 1 then FirstCluster must point to a valid cluster in the cluster heap.

Critical primary directory entry structures which derive from this template may redefine the FirstCluster and DataLength fields. Other structures which derive from this template may redefine the FirstCluster and DataLength fields only if the AllocationPossible field contains the value 0.

6.3.6 DataLength Field

The DataLength field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic DirectoryEntry template (see Section 6.2.3).

If the NoFatChain bit is 1 then DataLength must not be zero. If the FirstCluster field is zero, then DataLength must also be zero.

Critical primary directory entry structures which derive from this template may redefine the FirstCluster and DataLength fields. Other structures which derive from this template may redefine the FirstCluster and DataLength fields only if the AllocationPossible field contains the value 0.

6.4 Generic Secondary DirectoryEntry Template

The central purpose of secondary directory entries is to provide additional information about a directory entry set. The ability to interpret the Generic Secondary DirectoryEntry template is mandatory.

The definition of both critical and benign secondary directory entries correlates to the minor exFAT revision number. Support for any critical or benign secondary directory entry this specification, or subsequent specifications, defines is optional.

All secondary directory entry structures derive from the Generic Secondary DirectoryEntry template (see Table 18), which derives from the Generic DirectoryEntry template (see Section 6.2).

Table 18 Generic Secondary DirectoryEntry Template

Field Name





EntryType 0 1 This field is mandatory and Section Section 6.4.1 defines its contents.
GeneralSecondaryFlags 1 1 This field is mandatory and Section 6.4.2 defines its contents.
CustomDefined 2 18 This field is mandatory and structures which derive from this template define its contents.
FirstCluster 20 4 This field is mandatory and Section 6.4.3 defines its contents.
DataLength 24 8 This field is mandatory and Section 6.4.4 defines its contents.

6.4.1 EntryType Field

The EntryType field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic DirectoryEntry template (see Section 6.2.1) TypeCode Field

The TypeCode field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic DirectoryEntry template (see Section TypeImportance Field

The TypeImportance field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic DirectoryEntry template (see Section Critical Secondary Directory Entries

Critical secondary directory entries contain information which is critical to the proper management of its containing directory entry set. While support for any specific critical secondary directory entry is optional, an unrecognized critical directory entry renders the entire directory entry set as unrecognized (beyond the definition of the applicable directory entry templates).

However, if a directory entry set contains at least one critical secondary directory entry which an implementation does not recognize, then the implementation shall at most interpret the templates of the directory entries in the directory entry set and not the data any allocation associated with any directory entry in the directory entry set contains (File directory entries are an exception, see Section 7.4). Benign Secondary Directory Entries

Benign secondary directory entries contain additional information which may be useful for managing its containing directory entry set. Support for any specific benign secondary directory entry is optional. Unrecognized benign secondary directory entries do not render the entire directory entry set as unrecognized.

Implementations may ignore any benign secondary entry it does not recognize. TypeCategory Field

The TypeCategory field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic DirectoryEntry template (see Section

For this template, the valid value for this field is 1. InUse Field

The InUse field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic DirectoryEntry template (see Section

6.4.2 GeneralSecondaryFlags Field

The GeneralSecondaryFlags field contains flags (see Table 19).

Table 19 Generic GeneralSecondaryFlags Field Structure

Field Name





AllocationPossible 0 1 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
NoFatChain 1 1 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
CustomDefined 2 6 This field is mandatory and structures which derive from this template may define this field. AllocationPossible Field

The AllocationPossible field shall have the same definition as the same-named field in the Generic Primary DirectoryEntry template (see Section NoFatChain Field

The NoFatChain field shall have the same definition as the same-named field in the Generic Primary DirectoryEntry template (see Section

6.4.3 FirstCluster Field

The FirstCluster field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic DirectoryEntry template (see Section 6.2.2).

If the NoFatChain bit is 1 then FirstCluster must point to a valid cluster in the cluster heap.

6.4.4 DataLength Field

The DataLength field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic DirectoryEntry template (see Section 6.2.3).

If the NoFatChain bit is 1 then DataLength must not be zero. If the FirstCluster field is zero, then DataLength must also be zero.

7 Directory Entry Definitions

Revision 1.00 of the exFAT file system defines the following directory entries:

7.1 Allocation Bitmap Directory Entry

In the exFAT file system, a FAT does not describe the allocation state of clusters; rather, an Allocation Bitmap does. Allocation Bitmaps exist in the Cluster Heap (see Section 7.1.5) and have corresponding critical primary directory entries in the root directory (see Table 20).

The NumberOfFats field determines the number of valid Allocation Bitmap directory entries in the root directory. If the NumberOfFats field contains the value 1, then the only valid number of Allocation Bitmap directory entries is 1. Further, the one Allocation Bitmap directory entry is only valid if it describes the First Allocation Bitmap (see Section If the NumberOfFats field contains the value 2, then the only valid number of Allocation Bitmap directory entries is 2. Further, the two Allocation Bitmap directory entries are only valid if one describes the First Allocation Bitmap and the other describes the Second Allocation Bitmap.

Table 20 Allocation Bitmap DirectoryEntry Structure

Field Name





EntryType 0 1 This field is mandatory and Section 7.1.1 defines its contents.
BitmapFlags 1 1 This field is mandatory and Section 7.1.2 defines its contents.
Reserved 2 18 This field is mandatory and its contents are reserved.
FirstCluster 20 4 This field is mandatory and Section 7.1.3 defines its contents.
DataLength 24 8 This field is mandatory and Section 7.1.4 defines its contents.

7.1.1 EntryType Field

The EntryType field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic Primary DirectoryEntry template (see Section 6.3.1). TypeCode Field

The TypeCode field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic Primary DirectoryEntry template (see Section

For an Allocation Bitmap directory entry, the valid value for this field is 1. TypeImportance Field

The TypeImportance field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic Primary DirectoryEntry template (see Section

For an Allocation Bitmap directory entry, the valid value for this field is 0. TypeCategory Field

The TypeCategory field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic Primary DirectoryEntry template (see Section InUse Field

The InUse field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic Primary DirectoryEntry template (see Section

7.1.2 BitmapFlags Field

The BitmapFlags field contains flags (see Table 21).

Table 21 BitmapFlags Field Structure

Field Name





BitmapIdentifier 0 1 This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.
Reserved 1 7 This field is mandatory and its contents are reserved. BitmapIdentifier Field

The BitmapIdentifier field shall indicate which Allocation Bitmap the given directory entry describes. Implementations shall use the First Allocation Bitmap in conjunction with the First FAT and shall use the Second Allocation Bitmap in conjunction with the Second FAT. The ActiveFat field describes which FAT and Allocation Bitmap are active.

The valid values for this field shall be:

  • 0, which means the given directory entry describes the First Allocation Bitmap

  • 1, which means the given directory entry describes the Second Allocation Bitmap and is possible only when NumberOfFats contains the value 2

7.1.3 FirstCluster Field

The FirstCluster field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic Primary DirectoryEntry template (see Section 6.3.5).

This field contains the index of the first cluster of the cluster chain, as the FAT describes, which hosts the Allocation Bitmap.

7.1.4 DataLength Field

The DataCluster field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic Primary DirectoryEntry template (see Section 6.3.6).

7.1.5 Allocation Bitmap

An Allocation Bitmap records the allocation state of the clusters in the Cluster Heap. Each bit in an Allocation Bitmap indicates whether its corresponding cluster is available for allocation or not.

An Allocation Bitmap represents clusters from lowest to highest index (see Table 22). For historical reasons, the first cluster has index 2. Note: the first bit in the bitmap is the lowest-order bit of the first byte.

Table 22 Allocation Bitmap Structure

Field Name





BitmapEntry[2] 0 1 This field is mandatory and Section Section defines its contents.













BitmapEntry[ClusterCount+1] ClusterCount - 1 1

This field is mandatory and Section defines its contents.

Note: the Main and Backup Boot Sectors both contain the ClusterCount field.

Reserved ClusterCount (DataLength * 8) – ClusterCount

This field is mandatory and its contents, if any, are reserved.

Note: the Main and Backup Boot Sectors both contain the ClusterCount field. BitmapEntry[2] ... BitmapEntry[ClusterCount+1] Fields

Each BitmapEntry field in this array represents a cluster in the Cluster Heap. BitmapEntry[2] represents the first cluster in the Cluster Heap and BitmapEntry[ClusterCount+1] represents the last cluster in the Cluster Heap.

The valid values for these fields shall be:

  • 0, which describes the corresponding cluster as available for allocation

  • 1, which describes the corresponding cluster as not available for allocation (a cluster allocation may already consume the corresponding cluster or the active FAT may describe the corresponding cluster as bad)

7.2 Up-case Table Directory Entry

The Up-case Table defines the conversion from lower-case to upper-case characters. This is important due to the File Name directory entry (see Section 7.7) using Unicode characters and the exFAT file system being case insensitive and case preserving. The Up-case Table exists in the Cluster Heap (see Section 7.2.5) and has a corresponding critical primary directory entry in the root directory (see Table 23). The valid number of Up-case Table directory entries is 1.

Due to the relationship between the Up-case Table and file names, implementations should not modify the Up-case Table, except as a result of format operations.

Table 23 Up-case Table DirectoryEntry Structure

Field Name





EntryType 0 1 This field is mandatory and Section 7.2.1 defines its contents.
Reserved1 1 3 This field is mandatory and its contents are reserved.
TableChecksum 4 4 This field is mandatory and Section 7.2.2 defines its contents.
Reserved2 8 12 This field is mandatory and its contents are reserved.
FirstCluster 20 4 This field is mandatory and Section 7.2.3 defines its contents.
DataLength 24 8 This field is mandatory and Section 7.2.4 defines its contents.

7.2.1 EntryType Field

The EntryType field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic Primary DirectoryEntry template (see Section 6.3.1). TypeCode Field

The TypeCode field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic Primary DirectoryEntry template (see Section

For the Up-case Table directory entry, the valid value for this field is 2. TypeImportance Field

The TypeImportance field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic Primary DirectoryEntry template (see Section

For the Up-case Table directory entry, the valid value for this field is 0. TypeCategory Field

The TypeCategory field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic Primary DirectoryEntry template (see Section InUse Field

The InUse field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic Primary DirectoryEntry template (see Section

7.2.2 TableChecksum Field

The TableChecksum field contains the checksum of the Up-case Table (which the FirstCluster and DataLength fields describe). Implementations shall verify the contents of this field are valid prior to using the Up-case Table.

Figure 3 TableChecksum Computation

UInt32 TableChecksum
    UCHAR  * Table,    // points to an in-memory copy of the up-case table
    UInt64   DataLength
    UInt32 Checksum = 0;
    UInt64 Index;

    for (Index = 0; Index < DataLength; Index++)
        Checksum = ((Checksum&1) ? 0x80000000 : 0) + (Checksum>>1) + (UInt32)Table[Index];

    return Checksum;

7.2.3 FirstCluster Field

The FirstCluster field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic Primary DirectoryEntry template (see Section 6.3.5).

This field contains the index of the first cluster of the cluster chain, as the FAT describes, which hosts the Up-case Table.

7.2.4 DataLength Field

The DataCluster field shall conform to the definition provided in the Generic Primary DirectoryEntry template (see Section 6.3.6).

7.2.5 Up-case Table

An up-case table is a series of Unicode character mappings. A character mapping consists of a 2-byte field, with the index of the field in the up-case table representing the Unicode character to be up-cased, and the 2-byte field representing the up-cased Unicode character.

The first 128 Unicode characters have mandatory mappings (see Table 24). An up-case table which has any other character mapping for any of the first 128 Unicode characters is invalid.

Implementations which only support characters from the mandatory mapping range may ignore the mappings of the rest of the up-case table. Such implementations shall only use characters from the mandatory mapping range when creating or renaming files (via the File Name directory entry, see Section 7.7). When up-casing existing file names, such implementations shall not up-case characters from the non-mandatory mapping range, but shall leave them intact in the resulting up-cased file name (this is a partial up-casing). When comparing file names, such implementations shall treat file names which differ from the name under comparison only by Unicode characters from the non-mandatory mapping range as equivalent. While such file names are only potentially equivalent, such implementations cannot ensure the fully up-cased file name does not collide with the name under comparison.

Table 24 Mandatory first 128 up-case table entries

Table index + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7
0000h 0000h 0001h 0002h 0003h 0004h 0005h 0006h 0007h
0008h 0008h 0009h 000Ah 000Bh 000Ch 000Dh 000Eh 000Fh
0010h 0010h 0011h 0012h 0013h 0014h 0015h 0016h 0017h
0018h 0018h 0019h 001Ah 001Bh 001Ch 001Dh 001Eh 001Fh
0020h 0020h 0021h 0022h 0023h 0024h 0025h 0026h 0027h
0028h 0028h 0029h 002Ah 002Bh 002Ch 002Dh 002Eh 002Fh
0030h 0030h 0031h 0032h 0033h 0034h 0035h 0036h 0037h
0038h 0038h 0039h 003Ah 003Bh 003Ch 003Dh 003Eh 003Fh
0040h 0040h 0041h 0042h 0043h 0044h 0045h 0046h 0047h
0048h 0048h 0049h 004Ah 004Bh 004Ch 004Dh 004Eh 004Fh
0050h 0050h 0051h 0052h 0053h 0054h 0055h 0056h 0057h
0058h 0058h 0059h 005Ah 005Bh 005Ch 005Dh 005Eh 005Fh
0060h 0060h 0041h 0042h 0043h 0044h 0045h 0046h 0047h
0068h 0048h 0049h 004Ah 004Bh 004Ch 004Dh 004Eh 004Fh
0070h 0050h 0051h 0052h 0053h 0054h 0055h 0056h 0057h
0078h 0058h 0059h 005Ah 007Bh 007Ch 007Dh 007Eh 007Fh

(Note: entries with non-identity up-case mappings are in bold)

Upon formatting a volume, implementations may generate an up-case table in a compressed format using identity-mapping compression, since a large portion of the Unicode character space has no concept of case (which means the "lower-case" and "upper-case" characters are equivalent). Implementations compress an up-case table by representing a series of identity mappings with the value FFFFh followed with the number of identity mappings.

For example, an implementation may represent the first 100 (64h) character mappings with the following eight entries of a compressed up-case table:

FFFFh, 0061h, 0041h, 0042h, 0043h

The first two entries indicate the first 97 (61h) characters (from 0000h to 0060h) have identity mappings. The subsequent characters, 0061h through 0063h, map to characters 0041h through 0043h, respectively.

The ability to provide a compressed up-case table upon formatting a volume is optional. However, the ability to interpret both an uncompressed and a compressed up-case table is mandatory. The value of the TableChecksum field always conforms to how the up-case table exists on the volume, which may be in either compressed or uncompressed format.

When formatting a volume, implementations should record the recommended up-case table in compressed format (see Table 25), for which the value of the TableChecksum field is E619D30Dh.

If an implementation defines its own up-case table, either compressed or uncompressed, then that table shall cover the complete Unicode character range (from character codes 0000h to FFFFh inclusive).