Remove orphaned Operations Management agents using PowerShell

This article helps you fix an issue in which Operations Manager agents are in the Pending Management state.

Original product version:   Microsoft System Center 2012 Operations Manager
Original KB number:   2626752


In a System Center Operations Manager command shell, you may see agents that are still in the Pending Management state even though they don't appear under Pending Management in the Operations Manager console.


This issue can occur if there are agent records left behind in the Operations Manager database. At some point, these agents were deployed to a management server manually but later that management server was decommissioned and the agents were never properly removed.


Follow the steps below to resolve this issue.

In this example, we assume we have two agent systems named Agent1.contoso.msft and Agent2.contoso.msft. Both agents were assigned to a management server named ManagementServer.Contoso.msft that no longer exists. In your environment, you would substitute the names for your specific agents and management server.

AgentName: Agent1.contoso.msft
ManagementServerName: ManagementServer.Contoso.msft
AgentPendingActionType: PushInstallFailed
LastModified: <date/time>
ManagementGroup: Opsmgr-Group
ManagementGroupId: 888a2cd4-0db6-f669-32f8-5b08aa25d2e2

AgentName: Agent2.contoso.msft
ManagementServerName: ManagementServer.Contoso.msft
AgentPendingActionType: PushInstallFailed
LastModified: <date/time>
ManagementGroup: Opsmgr-Group
ManagementGroupId: 888a2cd4-0db6-f669-32f8-5b08aa25d2e2


Before executing any query against the Operations Manager database, be sure that a complete and current backup exists.

  1. Run the following queries:

    SELECT AgentPendingActionId
    FROM AgentPendingAction WHERE AgentName like 'Agent1.contoso.msft'



    SELECT AgentPendingActionId
    FROM AgentPendingAction WHERE AgentName like 'Agent2.contoso.msft'



  2. Execute the following query:

    DECLARE @ActionId uniqueidentifier
    SET @ActionId = (SELECT AgentPendingActionId
    FROM AgentPendingAction WHERE AgentName like 'Agent1.contoso.msft')
    EXEC p_AgentPendingActionDeleteByIdList @AgentPendingActionIdList = @ActionId
  3. Record is deleted successfully. Do the same for the second agent as well.

Now through PowerShell we can confirm no records exist for these two systems.

Following PowerShell command shows us each agent and its assigned primary and failover management server.

get-agent|ft -a ComputerName,primarymanagementservername,@{l="secondary";e={$_.getfailovermanagementservers()|foreach{$ }} }