Which version of Configuration Manager to deploy a particular version of Windows

This article provides an overview of the versions of Configuration Manager that are required to deploy particular versions of Windows.

Original product version:   Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager
Original KB number:   2909893


You can use Operating System Deployment (OSD) to deploy the Windows operating system and to upgrade to a newer version. However, depending on the version of Windows that you want to deploy, you may have to first upgrade the Configuration Manager version that you're using.

Required Configuration Manager version to deploy a particular Windows version

The following table provides details about which version of Configuration Manager you need in order to deploy a particular version of Windows.

Version of Windows being deployed Version of Configuration Manager required
Windows 8 System Center 2012 SP1 Configuration Manager or later
Windows 8.1 System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager or System Center 2012 SP1 CU3 Configuration Manager*

* CU3 (Cumulative Update 3) requires additional configuration considerations. For information about CU3 considerations, see How to customize Windows PE boot images to use in Configuration Manager.

For more information about operating system deployment prerequisites, see Prerequisites for deploying operating systems in Configuration Manager.
