"Workplace Join discovery failed" error with exit code 0x80072EE7

This article provides a solution to an error 0x80072EE7 that occurs when users perform a Workplace Join.

Applies to:   Windows 10 - all editions, Windows Server 2012 R2
Original KB number:   3045385


Home users: This article is intended for use by support agents and IT professionals, not by home users. For best search results, change your search keywords to include the product that's triggering the error and the error code.


When users try to perform a Workplace Join, they receive the following error message:

Confirm you are using the current sign-in info, and that your workplace uses this feature. Also, the connection to your workplace might not be working right now. Wait and try again.

Additionally, an administrator may see the following event details in Event Viewer:

Event ID: 102
Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-Workplace Join/Admin
Source: Microsoft-Windows-Workplace Join
Level: Error
Workplace Join discovery failed.

Exit Code: 0x80072EE7.

The server name or address could not be resolved. Could not connect to https://EnterpriseRegistration.domainTEST.com:443/EnrollmentServer/contract?api-version=1.0.


This problem occurs if one of the following conditions is true:

  • The currently signed-in user is from a domain that does not contain a DNS record for the DRS Service.
  • A user who has a user principal name (UPN) suffix that uses the initial domain (for example, joe@contoso.onmicrosoft.com) and who is not yet enabled as the mobile device management authority through Microsoft Intune for mobile device management in Office 365 tries to perform a Workplace Join.


Verify DNS

To resolve this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Verify the EnterpriseRegistration CNAME record for the UPN suffix of the user account. This is the part after the "@" character, such as in john@contoso.com.

  2. Open a Command Prompt window, and then run the following command:

    Nslookup enterpriseregistration.domain.com 
    • If you use Microsoft Entra join

      Results should return the CNAME result of EnterpriseRegistration.windows.net.

    • If you use Windows Server Workplace Join

      • Internal host should return internal ADFS node.
      • External host should return external ADFS Proxy (if present).


For more troubleshooting information, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

3045377 Diagnostic logging for troubleshooting Workplace Join issues