This topic and the other topics in this section are for a developer audience. For info about using the Task Scheduler component in your capacity as an administrator, or an IT Professional, see Task Scheduler in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 documentation.
The Task Scheduler enables you to automatically perform routine tasks on a chosen computer. The Task Scheduler does so by monitoring whatever criteria you choose (referred to as triggers) and then executing the tasks when those criteria are met.
Some examples of tasks that you can use the Task Scheduler to execute are: starting an application; sending an email message; or displaying a message box. You can schedule a task to execute in response to these triggers:
When a specific system event occurs.
At a specific time.
At a specific time on a daily schedule.
At a specific time on a weekly schedule.
At a specific time on a monthly schedule.
At a specific time on a monthly day-of-week schedule.
When the computer enters an idle state.
When the task is registered.
When the system is booted.
When a user logs on.
When a Terminal Server session changes state.
API information
The Task Scheduler provides APIs in these forms:
Task Scheduler 2.0: Interfaces and objects are provided for C++, and for scripting development, respectively.
Task Scheduler 1.0: Interfaces are provided for C++ development only.
Run-time requirements
The Task Scheduler requires the following operating systems:
Task Scheduler 2.0: Client requires Windows Vista or later. Server requires Windows Server 2008 or later.
Task Scheduler 1.0: Client requires Windows Vista or Windows XP. Server requires Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003.