How to upgrade a Dexterity-based application in Microsoft Dynamics GP by using the Dexterity Source Code Control Service
This article describes how to upgrade a Dexterity-based application by using the Dexterity Source Control Service.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics GP Original KB number: 910527
To upgrade a Dexterity-based application in Microsoft Dynamics GP or in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains, you must use the Dexterity Source Code Control Service.
The following steps upgrade an application from the old Dexterity version to your new Dexterity version.
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The following steps assume that you have already installed Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 6.0 (VSS) and the Dexterity Source Code Control Service (DSCCS). The DSCCS can be installed from the Tools\Dex\DSCCS folder on Microsoft Great Plains CD 2.
Step 1: Set up the DSCCS
Select Start, and then select Control Panel.
Select Dexterity SCCS.
In the Provider list, select Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.
Select Browse, and then locate and select the SrcSafe.ini initialization file. By default, the path is as follows: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VSS\SrcSafe.ini
Select OK.
Step 2: Set up VSS
Select Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, and then select Visual SourceSafe 6.0 Admin.
Sign in as the Admin user.
Select Users, and then select Add User. The program creates a user for your user name without a password.
Select Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, and then select Visual SourceSafe 6.0.
Sign in as your user name.
Select the root node on the tree, and then select Create Project on the File menu.
Type the name of your development project. For example, type Project. The project can be the name of the dictionary or the name of the chunk file.
Step 3: Create the development environment
Make sure that your development project is in a subfolder of your new Dexterity installation. The C:\Dex800\Project subfolder is used as an example in this procedure.
Copy the old development dictionary that contains your code to the subfolder. For example, copy the Proj_Dyn.dic dictionary file to the C:\Dex800\Project subfolder.
Make sure that you also copy the associated *.dat and *.idx tables so that you keep your references and worksets together.
Copy the Dexterity new Dex.ini file to this subfolder. For example, the copy operation will have the following path: C:\Dex800\Project\Dex.ini
Create a shortcut for the Dexterity new Dex.exe file, and then move the shortcut to this subfolder.
Modify the shortcut for Dex.exe. Add the path of the dictionary and the path of the Dex.ini file to the target as parameters. For example, the path will appear as follows: C:\Dex800\Dex.exe C:\Dex800\Project\Proj_Dyn.dic C:\Dex800\Project\Dex.ini
Always use this shortcut when you're developing this project from now on. Each project must have its own Dex.ini file. The settings for the Dexterity Source Code Control Service are stored in the Dex.ini file.
Step 4: Create a connection to VSS
Start Dexterity by using the shortcut. Your dictionary will be directly loaded.
On the Edit menu, select Options, and then select the Source Control tab.
Set the Repository Name field to the computer that is running the Dexterity Source Control Service. If you're using the local Dexterity Source Code Control Service, set the Repository Name field to localhost.
Type your user name.
Leave the password blank.
In the Project Name field, type Project.
Set the Temp File Location field to the local Temp folder.
Make sure that the Original Dictionary field is set to the old Dexterity original Dynamics.dic file without modifications. For example, the original dictionary is C:\Dyn750\Dynamics.dic.
Select all three check boxes.
Validate the connection.
Add \750 to the name in the Project Name field. For example, the project name field will be Project\750.
Select OK.
You'll now have separate subprojects for each version. However, the validate feature doesn't understand subprojects.
Step 5: Do the initial check-in of the old Dexterity code
In Dexterity, select Source Control on the Explorer menu, and then select Update SCC State.
For each item in the Alternate Form and Report lists, you must open the form or report to change the state from Main Product. Double-click the item to open the form definition or report definition window, and then select OK.
On the Explorer menu, select Source Control, and then select Check In.
Select Insert All, and then type a description. For example, type Initial 7.50 Check-In. Select Check in, and then close the window.
On the Explorer menu, select Source Control, and then select Update Index File.
Step 6: Do the initial check-in of the old Dexterity code as the start of the new Dexterity project
On the Edit menu, select Options, and then select Source Control. In the Project Name field, change \750 to \850.
Select OK.
In Dexterity, select Source Control on the Explorer menu, and then select Update SCC State.
For each item in the Alternate Form and Report lists, you must open the form or report to change the state from Main Product. Double-click the item to open the form definition or report definition window, and then select OK.
In the code, note any references that add palette items or toolbar menu items, and then delete the code to avoid errors later.
On the Explorer menu, select Source Control, and then select Check In.
Select Insert All, and then type a description. For example, type Initial 8.00 Check In. Select Check In, and then close the window.
On the Explorer menu, select Source Control, and then select Update Index File.
Step 7: Prepare for the new Dexterity project
Make sure that you have a backup of the old Dexterity Development dictionary. Then, delete it. For example, delete C:\Dex800\Project\Proj_Dyn.dic.
Copy an unmodified new Dynamics.dic file from your Microsoft Dynamics GP installation into the folder, and then rename it Proj_Dyn.dic. This dictionary will become your new development dictionary.
On the Edit menu, select Options, and then select Source Control. In the Original Dictionary field, change the path of the new Dexterity dictionary. For example, change it to C:\Dyn800\Dynamics.dic.
Select OK.
Step 8: Create a new Dexterity development dictionary
In Dexterity, select Source Control on the Explorer menu, and then select Update SCC State.
On the Explorer menu, select Source Control, and then select Update.
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