Change your status

If you want to make sure people know when you’re busy or away from your desk, set your status in Teams. The little dot on your profile indicates if you’re available or not.

To change your status, select your profile picture at the top right of Teams. Select your current status to choose another status from the list.

Teams will automatically set the status in some cases, like when you’re on a call.

Status menu

You can also update your status from the search box by typing the following commands:






Do not disturb


Be right back





Tip: Learn more about using commands here: Use commands in Microsoft Teams

Here are more details about each status:

  • Available is when you’re active in Teams and don’t have anything on your calendar (no meetings or calls, for example). Note that Teams will automatically set your status from Availableto Awaywhen you lock your computer or when it enters idle or sleep mode. On mobile, this will happen when the Teams app is in the background.

  • Busy is when you want to focus on something, and you still want to receive notifications. If you’re in a meeting or call, Teams will automatically change your status to In a meeting or In a call (Busy) when not set to Do not disturb.

  • Do not disturb is when you want to focus or present your screen and don’t want to receive notifications.

  • Be right back is when you want to say you’re temporarily away. It’s never set automatically.

  • Appear away is when you need to work without responding right away.

  • Appear offline is when you want to indicate that you're not signed in to Teams, so won't be responding until you're back online. You'll still receive notifications if anyone messages you.  

    Note: If you're a MyAnalytics customer, use the MyAnalytics Outlook add-in to book focus time in your calendar. When you're in your focus time, your Teams status will change to Focusing and all notifications will be silenced until your focus time ends.

Set a duration for your status

When you want to change your status for a specific period of time—for example, to set Do not disturb for an hour of concentrated work—you can set a duration so that Teams will automatically reset your status at the end of the allotted time.

You can set durations for any status except Available.

  1. Select your profile picture > current statusDuration Status duration icon.Duration on status menu

  2. Under Status, select the status you want to show going forward. 

  3. Under Reset status after, select the amount of time you want that status to last.Set status and duration Or, if none of the suggested time frames work for you, select Custom under Reset status after and enter the date and time.Select Custom

  4. Select Done.

At the end of the period you entered, Teams will automatically reset your status based on your activity, your calendar, and the state of your computer.

Undo a status duration

Simply select a new status. Alternatively, you can select your profile picture, select your current status, and then select Reset status.

Turn off Do not disturb while presenting

You can choose whether to go into Do not disturb status automatically while presenting.

Go to Settings and more Microsoft Teams more options icon> SettingsSettings button > Privacy Privacy settings button > Set my status to Do not disturb when I'm sharing my screen.

Do not disturb is turned on by default, which means that you won't be interrupted while presenting. Unchecking the box will allow you to keep receiving notifications while screensharing. 

See who's online

If someone is currently available on Teams, you'll see a green circle with a check mark next to their profile picture.

To see who on a team is online right now, go to the team name and select More options More options buttonManage team > Members. Everyone who's online right now has the green circle with a check mark next to their name.

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