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Export user data from Microsoft Planner


This article applies to:

  • Basic plans in the Planner app in Teams
  • All plans in other Planner endpoints (including Planner web, Planner mobile, and Planner connectors)

It doesn't apply to To Do lists or premium plans in the Planner app in Teams. Learn more about the Planner app in Teams

This article describes how a global admin can export data for a specific user from Microsoft Planner. The exported data includes data about the user contained in Planner, and also data contained in plans that the user was a part of. The exporting process is done through Windows PowerShell.


A global admin can export Microsoft Planner user telemetry data through the Data Log Export Tool on the Microsoft Service Trust Portal.

Prerequisites for making Planner changes in Windows PowerShell

Follow the steps in Prerequisites for making Planner changes in Windows PowerShell to make Planner changes in Windows PowerShell.

To export user content from Planner

  1. From Windows PowerShell, use the Export-PlannerUserContent cmdlet to export your user's content from Planner.

    Export-PlannerUserContent -UserAadIdOrPrincipalName <user's AADId or UPN> -ExportDirectory <output location>
    Parameter Description
    UserAadIdOrPrincipalName Use either the Microsoft Entra ID or the UPN of the user for which you want to export content.
    ExportDirectory Location to store your output files. The folder should already exist.
    HostName You only need to use this parameter if you access Planner through a host name other than For example, if you access Planner through, include -HostName in your command.

    For example, the following will export Adam Barr's user information from Planner using his UPN, and will download the export files to the location C:\PlannerExportAdamBarr.

     Export-PlannerUserContent -UserAadIdOrPrincipalName -ExportDirectory C:\PlannerExportAdamBarr
  2. You'll be prompted to authenticate. Sign-in as yourself (the global admin), not the user you want to export.

  3. After the PowerShell cmdlet runs successfully, go to your export location to view your user's exported data files.

What gets exported and how to read it

After running the PowerShell cmdlet to export your user's data from Planner, you'll receive two types of files in your download location folder:

  • A single user file in json format with information about the user.
  • One json file for each plan in which the user:
    • Has a task assigned to them.
    • Has a task created by them.

How to read your exported files

You can use the information in this section to help you understand the properties you'll see in both the user and plan json files you received.

User file

The user file name will be prefixed with "User" and the Microsoft Planner ID of the user. It will have the following properties:

Property Description
User.Id Microsoft Planner ID of the user.
User.ExternalId Microsoft Entra ID of the user.
User.DisplayName Display name of the user.
User.InternalDisplayName Microsoft Planner display name of the user.
User.UserPrincipalName User Principal Name (UPN) of the user.
User.PrincipalType Value is always "User."
User.UserDetailsId Unique identifier of the details object for the user.
User.ICalendarPublishEnabled If True, ICalendar sharing is enabled for the plan. Go to See your Planner calendar in Outlook for more information.
User.OptedInNotifications Notifications for which the user opted in.
User.OptedOutNotifications Notifications for which the user opted out.
User.FavoritePlans Bookmark for plans the user has favorited.
User.FavoritePlans.Id Microsoft Planner ID of the plan.
User.FavoritePlans.BookmarkName Name assigned to the bookmark.
User.FavoritePlans.OrderHint Used for sorting order. See Using order hints in Microsoft Planner.
User.RecentPlans Plans recently opened by the user.
User.RecentPlans.Id Microsoft Planner ID of the plan.
User.RecentPlans.BookmarkName Name assigned to the bookmark.
User.RecentPlans.LastAccess When the plan was last opened.
User.UserData Custom data from the Planner Web Client.
User.UserData.Key Custom data key.
User.UserData.Value Custom data value.
User.AssignedTaskOrdering Sorting order for tasks assigned to the user.
User.AssignedTaskOrdering.PlanId Microsoft Planner ID of the plan that contains the task.
User.AssignedTaskOrdering.Id Microsoft Planner ID of the task.
User.AssignedTaskOrdering.Order Used for sorting order. See Using order hints in Microsoft Planner.
User.AssignedTaskOrdering.Title The title of the task.

Plan files

Each plan file name will be prefixed with "Plan" and the Microsoft Planner ID of the plan. Each file will have the following properties:

Property Description
Plan.Id Microsoft Planner ID of the plan.
Plan.Title Title of the plan.
Note: Plans with the title RosterPlaceholderPlan_{89F9907E-D21D-4C90-A4B8-7A76CF3E6F70} indicate that the current file represents a Roster that has been created but doesn't yet have a plan created inside it.
Plan.Owner Owner of the plan (a Group or User entity).
Plan.Owner.Id Microsoft Planner ID of the entity (Group or User).
Plan.Owner.ExternalId Microsoft Entra ID of the entity (Group or User).
Plan.Owner.DisplayName Display name of the owner (Group or User).
Plan.Owner.UserPrincipalName User Principal Name (UPN) if the owner is a user.
Plan.Owner.PrincipalType The entity type (Group or User).
Plan.Container Container for the plan.
Plan.Container.ContainerType The type of container (Group, Roster).
Plan.Container.ExternalId Microsoft Entra ID of the group.
Plan.Container.Description Display name of the group.
Plan.CreatedDate Date and time the plan was created.
Plan.CreatedBy User that created the plan. See User properties for more detail.
Plan.ModifiedDate Date and time the plan was last updated.
Plan.ModifiedBy Name of the user that last updated the plan. See User properties for more detail.
Plan.PlanDetailsId Unique identifier of the plan details object.
Plan.ICalendarPublishEnabled If True, ICalendar sharing is enabled for the plan. See your tasks on a calendar for more information.
Plan.CreateTaskCommentWhen Events that will cause a comment to be created for a task in the plan.
Plan.ReferencesToPlan External systems that link to the plan. For example, embedding a Microsoft Planner plan in Project Online Desktop Client.
Plan.ReferencesToPlan.ExternalId External System's ID for this plan.
Plan.ReferencesToPlan.AssociationType The type of link to the plan, specified by the external app.
Plan.ReferencesToPlan.CreatedDate Date and time the reference object was created.
Plan.ReferencesToPlan.CustomLinkText Text that can be used when displaying the Url.
Plan.ReferencesToPlan.DisplayAs Specifies how the reference data like the Url should be presented in a user experience.
Plan.ReferencesToPlan.IsCreationContext Set to true if the reference was set when the Plan was created.
Plan.ReferencesToPlan.OwnerAppId ID of the app that created the reference.
Plan.ReferencesToPlan.DisplayNameSegments Breadcrumbs of the location that describes what references this plan.
Plan.ReferencesToPlan.Url Direct link to the app that references the plan.
Plan.CategoryDescriptions The full set of categories for the plan.
Plan.CategoryDescriptions.Index The index of the category description.
Plan.CategoryDescriptions.Description The label text for the corresponding category description index value.
Plan.PlanFollowers If Plan.Container.ContainerType is Group, then this field is the Users who follow the plan. If the Plan.Container.ContainerType is Roster, then this field is the Users who are members of the Roster.
Plan.TimelineId The feature has been deprecated.
Plan.TimelineDisplaySettings The feature has been deprecated.
Plan.TimelineLockedWidth The feature has been deprecated.
Plan.Tasks Tasks objects for the plan.
Plan.Tasks.Id Unique identifier of the task.
Plan.Tasks.Title Name of the task.
Plan.Tasks.BucketId The Microsoft Planner ID of the bucket the task is in.
Plan.Tasks.BucketName Name of the bucket.
Plan.Tasks.PercentComplete Completion status of the task, from 0 to 100.
Plan.Tasks.StartDate Date the task is scheduled to start.
Plan.Tasks.DueDate Date the task is scheduled to complete.
Plan.Tasks.ConversationThreadId Conversation unique identifier from Microsoft Exchange.
Plan.Tasks.PreviewType Preview that is displayed on the task card.
Plan.Tasks.OrderHint Used for sorting order. See Using order hints in Microsoft Planner.
Plan.Tasks.CreatedBy User that created the task. See User properties for more detail.
Plan.Tasks.CreatedDate Date the task was created.
Plan.Tasks.CompletedBy User that completed the task. See User properties for more detail.
Plan.Tasks.CompletedDate Date the task was completed.
Plan.Tasks.ModifiedBy User that last updated the task. See User properties for more detail.
Plan.Tasks.ModifiedDate Date the task was last updated.
Plan.Tasks.AppliedCategories The labels selected from the CategoryDescriptions index for the plan.
Plan.Tasks.Recurrence Defines active or inactive recurrence for the task. null when recurrence has never been defined for the task.
Plan.Tasks.Recurrence.SeriesId The recurrence series this task belongs to. A GUID-based value that serves as the unique identifier for a series.
Plan.Tasks.Recurrence.OccurrenceIndex The 1-based index of this task within the recurrence series. The first task in a series has the value 1, the next task in the series has the value 2, and so on.
Plan.Tasks.Recurrence.PreviousInSeriesTaskId The Task ID of the previous task in this series. null for the first task in a series since it has no predecessor. Each subsequent task in the series has a value corresponding to its predecessor.
Plan.Tasks.Recurrence.NextInSeriesTaskId The Task ID of the next task in this series. This value is assigned at the time the next task in the series is created, and is null prior to that time.
Plan.Tasks.Recurrence.RecurrenceStartDate The date and time when this recurrence series began. For the first task in a series (OccurrenceIndex = 1) this value corresponds to Schedule.Range.StartDate. For subsequent tasks in the series (OccurrenceIndex >= 2) this value is copied from the previous task and never changes; it preserves the start date of the recurring series.
Plan.Tasks.Recurrence.Schedule The schedule for recurrence. null indicates that recurrence has been canceled. Note that if NextInSeriesTaskId is assigned then this schedule value will be preserved as a snapshot of what the schedule looked like at the time of completion of this task.
Plan.Tasks.Recurrence.Schedule.Pattern The pattern for recurrence. The pattern, along with the Schedule.Range, are used to calculate the Schedule.NextOccurrenceDate.
Plan.Tasks.Recurrence.Schedule.Pattern.IsDailyCadence True for daily cadence (in which case DaysOrDates is empty). False otherwise (that is, for weekly, monthly, or yearly cadence).
Plan.Tasks.Recurrence.Schedule.Pattern.Interval The interval applied to the cadence kind. Values greater than 1 mean that a period will be skipped. Examples: for a Daily pattern, an Interval of 2 means tasks will recur every two days (or every other day). For a monthly pattern, an Interval of 3 means tasks will recur every three months (also known as quarterly).
Plan.Tasks.Recurrence.Schedule.Pattern.DaysOrDates Each entry in this collection represents the definition of exactly one day or date. Example: "FixedYearly,August,15" means on August 15 of the year. "FloatingMonthly,Second,Monday" means on the second Monday of the month. "Weekly,Wednesday","Weekly,Friday" means weekly on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Plan.Tasks.Recurrence.Schedule.Pattern.FirstDayOfWeek The first day of the week (typically Sunday); this is only used by weekly patterns, and is null for nonweekly patterns.
Plan.Tasks.Recurrence.Schedule.Range Specifies when recurrence starts and ends.
Plan.Tasks.Recurrence.Schedule.Range.StartDate The date from which the Recurrence.Schedule should begin. This value may be updated by users when making changes to the Recurrence.Schedule.Pattern.
Plan.Tasks.Recurrence.Schedule.Range.Kind Currently the only supported value is NoEnd, indicating that the series will not end automatically.
Plan.Tasks.Recurrence.Schedule.NextOccurrenceDate The next date for this Recurrence.Schedule. When a new task is instantiated to continue the recurrence series, this date is used for the DueDate of the new Task.
Plan.Tasks.TaskDetailsId Unique identifier of the details object for the task.
Plan.Tasks.Description Description of the task.
Plan.Tasks.AssignedToTaskBoardFormatId Unique identifier for the object that is the task board format.
Plan.Tasks.AssignedToTaskBoardFormatUnassignedOrderHint Used for sorting order. See Using order hints in Microsoft Planner.
Plan.Tasks.AssignedToTaskBoardFormatOrderHintsByAssignee Order hint for each of the assignees.
Plan.Tasks.AssignedToTaskBoardFormatOrderHintsByAssignee.AssignedTo: The user that is assigned the task. See User properties for more detail.
Plan.Tasks.AssignedToTaskBoardFormatOrderHintsByAssignee.Order Ordering of the tasks specified by assignee in the Assigned To view.
Plan.Tasks.BucketTaskBoardFormatId Unique identifier for the object that is the bucket task board format.
Plan.Tasks.BucketTaskBoardFormatOrderHint Used for sorting order. See Using order hints in Microsoft Planner.
Plan.Tasks.ProgressTaskBoardFormatId Unique identifier for the object when grouped by progress instead of bucket format.
Plan.Tasks.ProgressTaskBoardFormatOrderHint Used for sorting order. See Using order hints in Microsoft Planner.
Plan.Tasks.TimelineFormatId The feature has been deprecated.
Plan.Tasks.TimelineFormatShowOnTimeline The feature has been deprecated.
Plan.Tasks.TimelineFormatAnchorPosition The feature has been deprecated.
Plan.Tasks.TimelineFormatCalloutHeight The feature has been deprecated.
Plan.Tasks.TimelineFormatColor The feature has been deprecated.
Plan.Tasks.TimelineFormatDrawingStyle The feature has been deprecated.
Plan.Tasks.TimelineFormatLabelOffsetX The feature has been deprecated.
Plan.Tasks.TimelineFormatLabelOffsetY The feature has been deprecated.
Plan.Tasks.TimelineFormatSwimlane The feature has been deprecated.
Plan.Tasks.References External links.
Plan.Tasks.References.Url URL of the link.
Plan.Tasks.References.Alias Text description of the link.
Plan.Tasks.References.Type The type of file that is being linked to.
Plan.Tasks.References.ModifiedBy The user that last updated the link. See User properties for more detail.
Plan.Tasks.References.ModifiedDate Date the link was last updated.
Plan.Tasks.References.PreviewPriority Represents the priority of a reference to be shown as a preview on the task in the UI. Microsoft Planner only shows the highest priority item.
Plan.Tasks.Assignments Task assignments.
Plan.Tasks.Assignments.AssignedTo The user that task is assigned to. See User properties for more detail.
Plan.Tasks.Assignments.AssignedBy The user that assigned the task. See User properties for more detail.
Plan.Tasks.Assignments.Order Order of the assignments if the task is assigned to multiple entities.
Plan.Tasks.Checklist The checklist for the task.
Plan.Tasks.Checklist.Id Unique identifier of a checklist item.
Plan.Tasks.Checklist.Title Name of the checklist item.
Plan.Tasks.Checklist.OrderHint Used for sorting order. See Using order hints in Microsoft Planner.
Plan.Tasks.Checklist.IsChecked If true, the checklist item has been completed.
Plan.Tasks.Checklist.ModifiedBy The user that last updated the checklist. See User properties for more detail.
Plan.Tasks.Checklist.ModifiedDate Date the checklist was last updated.
Plan.Tasks.UserContentLastModifiedBy The user that last updated the task or task details. See User properties for more detail.
Plan.Tasks.UserContentLastModifiedDate Date the task or task details was last updated.
Plan.Buckets Bucket objects for the plan.
Plan.Buckets.Id Unique identifier for the bucket.
Plan.Buckets.Title Name of the bucket.
Plan.Buckets.OrderHint Used for sorting order. See Using order hints in Microsoft Planner.
Plan.Buckets.Createdby The user that created the bucket. See User properties for more detail.
Plan.Buckets.CreatedDate Date the bucket was created.
Plan.Buckets.ModifiedBy The user that last updated the bucket. See User properties for more detail.
Plan.Buckets.ModifiedDate Date the bucket was last updated.

User properties in the Plans.json file

There are many objects in Plans.json data that represent a Microsoft Planner user and will have similar properties. These objects include:

  • Plan.CreatedBy
  • Plan.ModifiedBy
  • Plan.PlanFollowers
  • Plan.Tasks.CreatedBy
  • Plan.Tasks.CompletedBy
  • Plan.Tasks.ModifiedBy
  • Plan.Tasks.AssignedToTaskBoardFormatOrderHintsByAssignee.AssignedTo
  • Plan.Tasks.References.ModifiedBy
  • Plan.Tasks.Assignments.AssignedTo
  • Plan.Tasks.Assignments.AssignedBy
  • Plan.Tasks.Checklists.ModifiedBy
  • Plan.Bucket.Createdby
  • Plan.Bucket.Modifiedby

Each of the above will have the following properties:

Property Description
ID Microsoft Planner ID of the user.
ExternalId Microsoft Entra ID of the user.
DisplayName Display name of the user.
UserPrincipalName User Principal Name (UPN) of the user.
PrincipalType The entity type (User or Group).

Delete user data in Microsoft Planner