The Date Requested in Sales Order Entry (40.100.00) defaults incorrectly for the first order entered

This article provides a resolution for the issue that the Date Requested in Sales Order Entry (40.100.00) defaults incorrectly for the first order that's entered in Microsoft Dynamics SL.

Applies to:   Microsoft Dynamics SL
Original KB number:   2953163


The Date Requested in Sales Order Entry (40.100.00) defaults incorrectly for the first order entered after the screen is opened.


Use one of the following resolutions as a workaround for this problem.

Resolution 1: Open the screen and select the New button or press Ctrl+N, before you enter any data into the screen.

Resolution 2: Create the following screen customization by adding code to the Sales Order Number object:

Private Sub cordnbr_0_Chk(ChkStrg As String, retval As Integer)
If InStr(ChkStrg, "NEW") > 0 Then
 Call ApplSetfocus("cinvtid_1")
 Call ApplSetfocus("csotypeid_0")
End If
End Sub