Microsoft 365 Copilot Chat
Ground your prompts in web and work data available to you
Microsoft 365 Copilot Chat
Ground your prompts in web and work data available to you
Your AI assistant for work

Get summaries and stay on top
Catch up with easy-to-digest summaries of projects, people, meetings, and more.
Brainstorm and draft content quickly
Collaborate on ideas and content using your instructions or reference files.

Get the answers you need to move forward
Find info from files, meetings, chats, emails, plus the web and your enterprise.
Be productive on the go
Summarize, brainstorm, and draft content on the go with the Microsoft 365 Copilot app. Try it today.

Try different prompts to get what you want
Create an FAQ based on our vacation policy.
How do I write a request for proposal?
What's the latest from Mona, organized by emails, messages, and files?
More to explore
Frequently asked questions
Learn about the data policies, language support, and limitations of Copilot Chat.
Get started with Microsoft 365 Copilot Chat
Learn how to use Copilot Chat, your AI assistant which grounds conversations in the latest information from the web.