If you get an error that contains 30094 when you try to install Microsoft 365, here are some things you can try to fix the problem. We’ve listed the most common solutions first, so try them in order.

Error code 30094-4 installing Office

1 - Make sure your device supports SHA-2 certificates (For Windows 7 only)

If you're using Office on a device running Windows 7, make sure your Windows 7 device supports SHA-2 certificates. The SHA-2 code signing support update should have been automatically downloaded and installed on your PC unless Windows automatic updates is disabled.

If you’re getting this error, make sure you have the latest Windows 7 updates installed and then try installing Office again.

  1. Select Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Update.

  2. In the Windows Update window, select either Important updates are available or Optional updates are available.

  3. Select Install Updates.

  4. Restart your device. Repeat these steps until there are no available updates to install.

    Note: IT Professionals who need additional details about this update, should also see 2019 SHA-2 Code Signing Support requirement for Windows and WSUS.

Note: Support for Windows 7 will end on January 14, 2020. Learn more about how this might impact your version of Office in, Windows 7 end of support and Office.

2 - Delete your temporary files

  1. Use Disk Cleanup to delete your temporary files:

  2. After Disk Cleanup finishes, start the Office install again. See, Install Office on your PC or Mac and follow the steps for your Office plan.

3 - Repair Office from the Control Panel

The steps to access the repair tool vary depending on your operating system. Choose your operating system from the options below.

4 - Uninstall and reinstall Office

  1. Select the button below to download and install the Office uninstall support tool.


  2. Follow the steps below to download the uninstall support tool according to your browser.

    Tip: The tool may take a few minutes to download and install. After completing the installation, the Uninstall Office products window will open.

    Edge or Chrome

    • In the lower-lower left or upper-right corner, right-click SetupProd_OffScrub.exe > Open.

      Where to find and open the Support Assitant download file in a Chrome web browser

    Edge (older) or Internet Explorer

    • At the bottom of the browser window, select Run to launch the SetupProd_OffScrub.exe.

      Where to find and open the Support Assitant download file in the Edge or Internet Explorer web browser


    • In the pop-up window, select Save File and then from the upper-right browser window, select the downloads arrow > SetupProd_OffScrub.exe.

      Where to find and open the Support Assitant download file in a Chrome web browser
  3. Select the version you want to uninstall, and then select Next.

  4. Follow through the remaining screens and when prompted, restart your computer.

    After you restart your computer, the uninstall tool automatically re-opens to complete the final step of the uninstall process. Follow the remaining prompts.

  5. Select the steps for the version of Office you want to install or reinstall. Close the uninstall tool.

    Microsoft 365 | Office 2021Office 2019 | Office 2016

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