Applies ToOutlook for Microsoft 365 Outlook 2024 Outlook 2021 Outlook 2019 Outlook 2016 Office for business Microsoft Office

Email message attachments can be printed without opening the file. Attachments can be printed from an open message window or from the Reading Pane. If a message has multiple attachments, you can choose to print one or all of the attachments.

Caution: Don't open an attachment sent in an email message unless you trust the content and the person who sent it to you. Attachments are a common method for spreading computer viruses. In the email message, select Preview from the drop-down menu next to the attachment to view the contents of the attachment without opening it.

Select a tab option below for the version of Outlook you're using. What version of Outlook do I have?

In new Outlook, you can:

Print an attachment  |  Print an email 

Note: If the steps under this New Outlook tab don't work, you may not be using new Outlook for Windows yet. Select Classic Outlook and follow those steps instead.

Print an attachment in new Outlook​​​​​​​

Follow these instructions if you'd like to print just an attachment, and not the email message that came with it. If it's a file type that Outlook can't preview, you can save the attachments to your local computer or OneDrive and then open them with the appropriate program. For example, you can open and print .doc files from Word, and you can open and print .pdf files from Adobe Reader.

  1. Select or open the message with the attachment you'd like to print.

  2. Use the attachment dropdown , and then select one of two options:

    1. Preview: From the Preview screen, select Print and follow the instructions to print the attachment.

    2. Open: Select Open to open the file in its associated program, and then select Print, or CTRL + P. Follow the instructions to print the attachment.

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Print an email 

To print the email message too, select the email and then select Print or press CTRL + P.


  • If you want to send the attachment to a printer other than the default printer, double-click the attachment to open it, and select Print or press CTRL + P.

  • Some attached files must be opened before they can be printed. For these types of files, Outlook will prompt you to Open or Save the attachment before it prints.  Also, please note that the Quick Print feature is currently unavailable in the new Outlook​​​​​​​ for Windows. 

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Can't print?

If you're having problems printing email, attachments, or calendars in, see the following articles:

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See also

Print a page or part of an email message

Print a calendar showing appointments and meetings

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