Use a Store add-in to add new tools or features to Office.
Get an Office add-in
Select Insert > Store.
In Outlook, select Home > Store.
Browse the list of Office Add-ins or search for one in the search box.
Select an add-in to learn more about it.
Select Add or Buy for the add-in you want.
In Outlook, switch the setting to On or select Get it.
Use an Office add-in
If necessary, select the location where you want to use the add-in.
Select the add-in, or select Insert > My Add-ins and then select OK.
Note: Some Office add-ins may appear on other tabs.
Remove an Office add-in
Select Insert > My Add-ins.
In Outlook, select Home > Store, and then select My Add-ins.
Select the ellipsis … next to the add-in you want to delete.
Select Remove and then Remove again .
Select Close.
Want more?
Get additional capabilities from your apps—and be more productive—with Office add-ins.
For example, look things up in the Wikipedia add-in without leaving Word, or use the Bing Nearby add-in for Outlook to insert an informational snapshot of a restaurant directly into an email, meeting invitation, or appointment.
Install add-ins from the Office Store, which is available directly from many Microsoft 365 apps.
Some add-ins must be installed by your Microsoft 365 administrator.
To find an add-in in Word, select Insert > Store.
Or, in the Tell me what you want to do box, type "Store".
In the Store, browse through available add-ins, or search for a specific one.
Some add-ins you can buy or try, and some are free.
Select Add to install the add-in.
To remove an add-in, go to Insert > My Add-ins.
Choose the ellipses and then Remove.
Now, using your Wikipedia add-in, look up information without leaving Word.