Applies ToMicrosoft Teams for Education

Create an assignment in Microsoft Teams for Education and select the classes you'd like to assign it to from a dropdown menu. This allows you to save time while managing multiple classes with the same course content. Once an assignment has been distributed, it can be separately edited or deleted from within a class.

Note: Assignments in Microsoft Teams are also available on the Microsoft Teams mobile app for phones and tablets.

Create a new assignment

  1. Navigate to a class team, then select Assignments.

  2. Select Create > Assignment.

  3. To choose additional classes you'd like to distribute this assignment to, select Assign to. By default, the class you're in now will be selected first. Select classes to choose them.classes

  4. Once you've chosen classes, complete the assignment's details. Learn more about Assignment settings:

  • Assignment title (required)

  • Instructions (optional)

  • Date and time due

  • Set points available using any denominator you wish. For example: 100 points or 4.0. (optional)

  • Allow late turn-ins (optional)

  • Add resources, such as a document to be handed in or used as a reference. (optional)

  • Add a grading rubric. (optional)

  • Edit assignment timeline. (optional)

  • Add category. (optional)

5.   Select Assign. The students in the classes you selected will receive a notification of the new assignment. Assignments may take a moment to finish distributing to all classes.

Multi-class due dates

You have the option to set due dates per class through the assignment timeline.

1. Choose the link to Edit assignment timeline.

edit assignment timeline

 2. Toggle on the Set due date per class switch. 

Now you can set due dates for the same assignment in multiple classes. 

edit timeline

Assign to individual students

Select the student dropdown under Assign to. By default, All Students will be selected. Select student names or type to search for a student. You can only assign work to individual students in one class at a time.


Once you've selected the students, finish adding details to your assignment.

Select Assign. The students you chose will be notified of their new assignment.

Channel support

 If you have set up multiple channels, you have the option to post notifications to those channels as well. 

1. Navigate up to the Post Notifications to: option.

2. Choose a channel from the dropdown menu. You may only select one channel. 


Learn more

Create an assignment

Edit an assignment

Delete an assignment

Additional resources for educators

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