Applies ToRevolution Analytics


PMML is not supported.  Here is a workaround.RevoScaleR's rxDTree objects can be coerced to rpart objects. (Note that rpart is a recommended package that you may need to load.)  library(rpart)method <- "class"form <- Kyphosis ~ Number + Startparms <- list(prior = c(0.8, 0.2), loss = c(0, 2, 3, 0),split = "gini")control <- rpart.control(minsplit = 5, minbucket = 2, cp = 0.01,maxdepth = 10, maxcompete = 4, maxsurrogate = 5, 20 usesurrogate = 2, surrogatestyle = 0, xval = 0)cost <- 1 + seq(length(attr(terms(form), "term.labels")))rxDTreeObj <- rxDTree(formula = Kyphosis ~ Number + Start, data = kyphosis, method = method, parms = parms, control = control, cost = cost)pmml(as.rpart(rxDTreeObj)) 

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