Set up order types to share invoice numbers when you create consolidated invoices in Microsoft Dynamics SL

This article describes how to create a consolidated invoice that contains items from two or more different order types in Order Management in Microsoft Dynamics SL.

Applies to:   Microsoft Dynamics SL 2011
Original KB number:   923955

Set up order types to share invoice numbers

To create a consolidated invoice that contains items from two or more different order types, each additional order type must share invoice numbers with the first order type. To set up the additional order types to share invoice numbers with the first order type, follow these steps for each additional order type:

  1. In the Modules list, click Order Management.
  2. In the Order Management pane, click Order Types.
  3. In the Order Type box, type the appropriate order type ID, and then click the Numbers tab.
  4. In the Invoice Numbers section, type the ID of the first order type in the Share numbers with another Order Type box.
  5. Click Save, and then close the Order Types (40.200.00) screen.