Applies ToRevolution Analytics
  • First make sure that the file '' is installed on your system:

sudo find / -mount -name "libjvm*"            If it shows up as being installed on the system, most likely it is missing from your 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' variable(see next bullet point).

  • Add the '' file found on your system to 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH':


  • You may also need to set the environment variables 'HADOOP_HOME' and 'HADOOP_VERSION' on your system:

These variables should be set as follows(for example):              HADOOP_HOME=/usr/lib/hadoop/client-0.20              HADOOP_VERSION=2.0.0-cdh4.4.0

  • Also ensure that the file  '/etc/profile.d/Revolution/bash_profile_additions' exists on all of the nodes of your cluster and has been sourced.

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