You’ll want to add all people who conduct appointments to your booking calendar, as well as anyone who helps with scheduling tasks.

  1. Select Add Staff from the upper right side of the app.Add staff in the Teams Bookings app

  2. Type a name or email address, select an exact match, and hit Add.

  3. Choose a role from the dropdown next to the staff name. Each role is described in the table below.




  • Receive meeting invites to bookings in Outlook. You’ll get reminders, change notifications, and cancellations, too.

  • View your own bookings on your personal calendar in Outlook or Teams

  • Join or conduct a virtual appointment via a Microsoft Teams Meeting link

Note: Viewers are internal staff members but they cannot access the Bookings app from within Teams


  • Perform all actions of a Viewer

  • Access the Bookings app in Teams

  • Add and remove staff

  • Create, edit, or delete bookings

  • Edit all settings

The Bookings app in Teams syncs up with Outlook. Once you add staff, you’ll be able to view that person’s calendar availability and schedule bookings for them.

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