You can have instant messaging (IM) conversations with one or more contacts.
What do you want to do?
Send an instant message to a single contact
You can send an instant message to someone in your Contacts list or you organization by doing the following:
Find the person you want to send an IM to by doing one of the following:
From the Contacts screen, tap someone in your Contacts list.
Or, press the Menu button, tap search, and then start typing a person’s name in the search box. The results appear below the box.
Or, press the Menu button, tap search, type a person’s name in the search box, and then tap Search the company directory.
When you find the contact you’re looking for, tap the person’s name, and on the contact card screen, tap the IM icon, and start typing your message.
Tap Send.
Note: If your mobile phone has a slide-out keyboard, while you are typing you can press the ENTER key to start a new line. To send the message, tap Send.
Receive an instant message
When someone sends you an instant message, an alert appears on the top of the screen. Do the following:
To accept the IM invitation, tap the alert.
Note: If you are also signed into Lync on another device, you may receive a message that Lync could not connect to the conversion. The message will appear in the conversation screen as a missed conversation. If this happens, open the missed conversation and send a message to continue the conversation on your mobile device.
Invite others to a conversation
During an IM conversation, invite someone new by doing the following:
From the IM conversation screen, press the Menu button, and then tap Invite others.
Tap the contact, or search for the contact you would like to invite to the conversation.
Switch between instant message conversations
You can switch between IM conversations by doing the following:
From the Chats screen tap the conversation you want to reply to.
Escalate an instant message to a call
You can escalate an IM conversation to a call by doing the following:
From the IM conversation screen, press the Menu button, and then tap Call work.
Find a recent or missed conversation
The Chats tab shows a list of recent conversations and conversations you’ve missed. You can do the following:
From the Chats screen, review the list of recent and missed conversations.
Tap a conversation to reply.
End a conversation
When you’re done with an IM conversation, you can leave it in your Chats screen, delete it, or send an email of the conversation history to your email address.
To delete an IM conversation, do the following:
From the IM conversation screen, press the Menu button, and then tap Delete conversation.
To send an email of the IM conversation to your email address, do the following:
From the IM conversation screen, press the Menu button, and then tap send as email.
In the text box, type your email address, and then tap Send.