This topic provides information about how to setup and submit packing slips and transfer orders with Waybill (Carta de Porte) complement. Waybill (Carta de Porte) complement is mandatory for taxpayers who transport goods and merchandise in the national territory from October 1st, 2021.

For generation of waybill complement in CFDI documents a user should fill in transportation information in Transportation details form from:

  • A sales order record including sales orders for the project (Accounts receivable > Orders > All sales orders, Action pane > Pick and Pack).

  • A transfer order (Inventory management > Periodic > Transfer orders, Action pane > Posting > Ship transfer order.

  • A shipment (Inventory management > Common> Shipments).

  • Project requirements (Project management and accounting > Item tasks > Project requirements, Action pane)

Note. A user can overview the transportation information in CFDI - Electronic Invoices (Accounts receivable > Inquires > Journals > CFDI (electronic invoices), Packing slip Tab, Delivery button) and CFDI - Invent Transfer Electronic Invoices (Accounts receivable > Inquires > Journals > CFDI (electronic invoices), Transfer order Tab, Delivery button) forms.

Filling Transportation details form

These fields are mandatory:

General FastTab

  • Permission type

  • Transportation permission ID

  • Distance and Hours

Vehicle FastTab


  • Registration number

  • Federal motor transport configuration

  • Model year


  • Vendor account

  • Vendor number


  • RFC number or Registration number and the country for foreigners

  • Driver license

Fill in trailer information if a trailer is used in transportation of goods:


  • Trailer registration number

  • Trailer type

Note. If there is additional trailer and/ or an additional driver, fill in the similar information too.

Fields for a truck, a trailer, and a driver (except Federal motor transport configuration) can be filled in manually or using information from fixed asset records and from worker records (see Fixed assets, Workers).

Posting packing slips and shipping transfer order with Waybill (Carta de Porte) complement

If a user selects Enable CFDI packing slip in the Packing slip posting or in the Shipment form, the Generate transportation note is selected automatically but the user can unselect this parameter. When Generate transportation note is selected it means that Waybill (Carta de Porte) complement will be included in xml file.



Set up the following catalogs for fillings the Permission typeTrailer type and Federal motor transport configuration fields:

Organization administration > Setup > EInvoice > SAT classification > Transportation

  • Trailer type (SAT catalog is c_SubTipoRem).

  • Permission type (SAT catalog is c_TipoPermiso).

  • Federal motor transport configuration (SAT catalog is c_ConfigAutotransporte).

Permission number

Set up Transportation permission ID for filling the same field in the Transportation detail form:

Organization administration > Organization > Legal entities, Transportation permissions FastTab

  • Fill in the permission number (provided by the SCT) for transportation permission types.


Fill in Net weight and Tare weight (if any). Gross weight is filled in automatically (Product information management > Common > All released products, open Item record, Manage inventory FastTab). Gross weight value is output in xml file and should be filled in  item records. Gross weight value is mandatory for xml file with Waybill complement 

Distance and time

To speed up filling distance and transportation time in the Transportation details form, a user can set up distance and time between the shipment and delivery spots:

Organization administration > Setup > EInvoice

  • Transportation spots.

  • Transit time and distance (between pick up and drop off spots).

Transportation spots are all shipment and delivery points. Spots can have different types:

  • Customer.

  • Warehouse.

  • Border, if goods are delivered to border.

  • Other

Note. This step can be skipped and in this case a user should fill in the distance and the transportation time manually in the Transportation details form. If this setting is executed a user can select pick up and drop off spots in the Transportation details form and the distance and the time are filling automatically.

Fixed assets

If the company implemented the Fixed assets module, a user can fill in information in the fixed asset record for vehicles and/or trailer which can be used when filling transportation information in Transportation details form. This information is needed for the Waybill (Carta de Porte) complement.

Open Fixed assets > Fixed assets > Fixed assets, Technical information FastTab and fill in the following fields

SAT classification field group:

  • Vehicle type: Truck or Trailer.

  • Federal motor transport configuration (for trucks only).

  • Trailer type (for trailer only).

Model field group:

  • Model year (for truck only).

  • Serial number.


For filling Driver RFC number/ Registration number, license open Human resources > Workers > Employees/ Contractors/ Workers, Action pane > Personal information > Identification numbers.

Identification type should have corresponding type in the field Identification type. For example, for driver license identification type should have value Driver license.

A user can fist set up Identification types (Human resources > Setup > Identification types) for RFC number, Registration number and Driver’s license.

Hotfix Information

This update is available for manual download and installation from Download Center: 


You must have one of the following products installed to apply this hotfix:

  • Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3

More Information

If you are encountering an issue downloading, installing this hotfix, or have other technical support questions, contact your partner or, if enrolled in a support plan directly with Microsoft, you can contact technical support for and create a new support request.

Note This is a "FAST PUBLISH" article created directly from within the Microsoft support organization. The information contained here is provided as-is in response to emerging issues. As a result of the speed in making it available, the materials may include typographical errors and may be revised at any time without notice. See Terms of Use for other considerations.

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