"An error occurred while loading the company wizard" error when configuring a Dynamics SL company in Microsoft Management Reporter

This article provides steps to solve the issue that you can't set up a Dynamics SL company in Microsoft Management Reporter due to the An error occurred while loading the company wizard error.

Applies to:   Microsoft Dynamics SL 2011
Original KB number:   2569262


When you configure a Dynamics SL company in Management Reporter, you receive the following error message:

An error occurred while loading the company wizard. Contact your system administrator.


This error can be caused by incorrect SQL permissions on the user running the Management Reporter services.


To use the Dynamics SL provider, the user who is running the Management Reporter services requires Execute permissions to the following stored procedures in the SL System database:


The script in this section can be used to grant the required Execute permissions to the service user.

Steps to run the script:

  1. Make a SQL backup of your SL System database.

  2. Replace the DOMAIN\MRSERVICEUSER text in the script with the user running your Management Reporter Services.

  3. Run the following script against the SL System database:

    DECLARE @CMD varchar(1000)
    DECLARE @MRServiceUser varchar(50)
    SET @MRServiceUser = 'DOMAIN\MRSEVICEUSER' --(domain\username format)
    SET @CMD = 'grant exec on Company_Active to ['+ @MRServiceUser + '] 
    grant exec on Get_User_Info to ['+ @MRServiceUser + '] 
    grant exec on getAuthenticationType to ['+ @MRServiceUser + '] 
    grant exec on getVersion to ['+ @MRServiceUser + '] 
    grant exec on GetInfo to ['+ @MRServiceUser + '] 
    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = N'''+ @MRServiceUser + ''') and NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = N'''+ @MRServiceUser + ''') 
    exec sp_grantdbaccess '''+ @MRServiceUser + '''' 
    exec (@CMD)
  4. Restart the Management Reporter Process Service and the Management Reporter Application Pool.

More information

Contact support if you have questions about these permissions or the script listed here.