Applies ToDynamics 365


Starting from January 2020 all the companies in Norway are obliged to provide by request of Norwegian Tax Administration Standard Audit File for Taxes Financial data (SAF-T).

The documentation about setting up and usage Dynamics 365 Finance for SAF-T reporting in Norway is published on


Tax Authority updated the Standard accounts list - the added accounts are added to the "StandardMainAccount_Lookup" application-specific parameter (Standard Account list) with current update of "SAF-T Format (NO)" format:

- SAF-T Format (NO).version.65.82.

For more information about how to download ER configurations from Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS), see Download Electronic reporting configurations from Lifecycle Services.

After you've finished importing ER configurations, check that the Default for model mapping option is set to Yes for the SAF-T Financial data model mapping configuration.

Changes based on 2020.02.05 - from Regnskap Norge AS:

Changes based on 2019.11.01 - from Regnskap Norge AS:


The changes consists of added seventeen standard accounts. Changes based on 2020.02.05 - from Regnskap Norge AS.




  • 1099

Andre immaterielle eiendeler

Other intangible assets

  • 1179

Annen fast eiendom

Other properties

  • 1289

Andre varige driftsmidler

Other fixed assets

  • 1369

Andre finansielle anleggsmidler

Other financial fixed assets

  • 1499

Andre beholdninger

Other inventories

  • 2599

Annen skyldig skatt

Other payable taxes

  • 3880

Gevinst ved avgang av immaterielle eiendeler og varige driftsmidler

Gains from selling intangible assets and fixed assets

  • 4035

Innkjøp av råvarer og halvfabrikata, uten MVA

Purchase of raw materials and semi-manufactures, without VAT

  • 4140

Innkjøp av råvarer under tilvirkning, uten MVA

Purchases of work in progress, without VAT

  • 4240

Innkjøp ferdig egentilvirkede varer, uten MVA

Purchase of self-produced finished goods, without VAT

  • 4335

Innkjøp av varer for videresalg, uten MVA

Purchase of goods for resale, without VAT

  • 5943

Pensjonsforsikring, arbeidsgiver-avgiftspliktig

Insured pensions, with social security taxes

  • 5944

Pensjonsforsikring, ikke arbeidsgiver-avgiftspliktig

Insured pensions, without social security taxes

  • 6030

Avskrivning annet

Depreciation other

  • 6060

Nedskrivning annet

Write-down other

  • 6061

Reversering nedskrivning annet

Reversal of write-down other

  • 7880

Tap ved avgang anleggsmidler

Losses on sale fixed assets


The changes consists of added two standard accounts that was missing in the previous file. Changes based on 2019.11.01 -  from Regnskap Norge AS.




  • 1270

Verktøy o.l.

Tools etc.

  • 1280


Office machines

More information

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In special cases, charges that are ordinarily incurred for support calls may be canceled if a Technical Support Professional for Microsoft Dynamics and related products determines that a specific update will resolve your problem. The usual support costs will apply to any additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for the specific update in question.

Note This is a "FAST PUBLISH" article created directly from within the Microsoft support organization. The information contained here in is provided as-is in response to emerging issues. As a result of the speed in making it available, the materials may include typographical errors and may be revised at any time without notice. See Terms of Use for other considerations.

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