Applies ToDynamics 365 for Finance and Operations


The Ministry of Finance of Poland introduced an updated version of the JPK structure for invoices - JPK_FA (3), which takes effect from December 2, 2019. The updated schema of JPK_FA (3) is published on the website of the Ministry of Finance.


The version “3” of schema of JPK_FA introduces the following changes:

Changes in the “Naglowek” section of the report

What has changed

Description of the change

<KodFormularza> element, KodSystemowy” attribute

The value was changed to “JPK_FA (3)”.

<WariantFormularza> element

The value was changed to “3”.

<DataOd> and <DataDo> elements

The type was changed from “etd:TData” to “tns:TData”.

<DomyślnyKodWaluty> element

This element was removed.

<KodUrzedu> element

The following description was added:

Kod urzędu skarbowego, właściwy dla podatnika przekazującego JPK_FA

(“The code of the tax authority competent for a taxpayer that submits a JPK_FA”)

Changes in the “Podmiot1” section of the report

What has changed

Description of the change

<IdentyfikatorPodmiotu> element

The type was changed from “etd:TidentyfikatorOsobyNiefizycznej” to “etd:TIdentyfikatorOsobyNiefizycznej1”.

<AdresPodmiotu> element

The type was changed from “etd:TadresPolski” to “etd:TAdresPolski1”.

<AdresPodmiotu2> element

This new element of the new “etd:TadresZagraniczny” type was added. This element must be reported instead of the <AdresPodmiotu> element if the taxpayer who submits a JPK_FA is located outside Poland.

Changes in the “Faktura” section of the report

What has changed

Description of the change

“Typ” attribute

This attribute is excluded from the report.

<Faktura> element

The description was changed:

Wartości sprzedaży i kwoty podatku wypełnia się w walucie, w której wystawiono fakturę, z wyjątkiem pól, w których kwoty podatku zostały przeliczone zgodnie z art. 31a w związku z art. 106e ust. 11 ustawy

(“The sale price and the tax amount shall be filled in the currency in which the invoice is issued, except for the fields in which the tax amounts have been recalculated in accordance with article 31A in connection with article 106e of paragraph 11 of the Law”)

<KodWaluty> element

This new element of the “kck:currCode_Type” type was added.

<P_1> and <P_6> elements

The type was changed from “etd:TData” to “tns:TDataT”.

<P_4B>, <P_5B>, <P_13_x>, <P_14_x>, and <P_15> elements

The description was changed.

<P_14_1W>, <P_14_2W>, <P_14_3W>, and <P_14_4W> elements

These new elements were added for invoices that were issued in foreign currencies. These elements are intended for tax amounts on the sum of the net sales value. The amounts are converted in accordance with Article 31a, per art. 106e, paragraph 11 of the act.

<P_14_5> element

This element is excluded from the report.

<P_18A> element

This new element is a marker of the split payment mechanism.

<P_22> element

This new element is an intracommunity marker for the delivery of a new means of transport.

<P_106E_3> element

This element was changed from optional to required.

<ZALZaplata> and <ZALPodatek> elements

These elements are excluded from the report.

<NrFaZaliczkowej> element

This new element was added to report the number of previous advance invoices.

<StawkiPodatku> element

This element is excluded from the report.

Changes in the “FakturaWiersz” section of the report

What has changed

Description of the change

Typ” attribute

This attribute is excluded from the report.

<FaturaWiersz> element

The description was changed:

Szczegółowe pozycje faktur w walucie, w której wystawiono fakturę

(“Detailed invoice records in the currency in which the invoice is issued”)

New ”Zamowienie” section

What has changed

Description of the change

<P_2AZ> element

This new element was added for the invoice number that the order or contract is related to. This invoice number is that same as the invoice number in the P_2A field.

<WartoscZamowienia> element

This new element was added for the value of the order or contract, including the tax amount.

<ZamowienieWiersz> element

This new element was added for the detailed order or contract items in the currency that the advance invoice was issued in.

<P_7Z> element

This new element was added for the name (type) of the goods or service.

<P_8AZ> element

This new element was added for the measure of the ordered goods or the scope of the service.

<P_8BZ> element

This new element was added for the quantity of the ordered goods or the scope of the service.

<P_9AZ> element

This new element was added for the net unit price.

<P_11NettoZ> element

This new element was added for the value of the ordered goods or services, excluding the tax amount.

<P_11VatZ> element

This new element was added for the tax amount on the ordered goods or services.

<P_12Z> element

This new element was added for the tax rate.

New ”ZamowienieCtrl” section

What has changed

Description of change

<LiczbaZamowien> element

This new element was added for the number of orders or contracts in ”Zamowienie“ section of the report.

<WartoscZamowien> element

This new element was added for the total value of the <WartoscZamowienia> column in ”Zamowienie“ section during the reporting period.

This hotfix provides support of changes in VAT invoices report (SAF invoices or JPK_FA) introduced by version 3 of the “Jednolity Plik Kontrolny (JPK) – Faktury VAT” Standard Audit File that the Ministry of Finance of Poland (Ministerstwo Finansów – Krajowa Administracja Skarbowa) announced on October 29, 2019. 


To prepare your Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations system to report “JPK_FA” report of version “3” build version of the application must be the following or higher:

Version of Finance and Operations

Build number







Import and use following or later versions of Electronic reporting (ER) configurations:

ER configuration name

Configuration type


Standard Audit File (SAF-T)



Standard Audit File model mapping

Model mapping


SAF Poland

Parent format (exporting)


VAT Invoices (PL)

Format (exporting)


For more information about how to download ER configurations from Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS), see Download Electronic reporting configurations from Lifecycle Services.

Note: After ER configurations from the preceding table are imported, set Default for model mapping option to Yes for the following configuration:

  • Standard Audit File model mapping


Define Application specific parameters for the new (48.36.58) version of “VAT Invoices (PL)”. Open Configurations > Applicationspecificparameters > Setup on Main menu:


Select “48.36.58” version on the left side of the Application specific parameters page and set up for this version values for each of the Lookups in the list on the right:


Short description En.

Short description Pl.

Description En.

Description Pl.



Tax free

Tax free

Non-taxable transactions for the supply of goods and services outside the country; exempt from taxation.

Niepodlegające opodatkowaniu-transakcje dostawy towarów oraz świadczenia usług poza terytorium kraju; zwolnione z opodatkowania.



Tax exempt reason

Przyczyna lub podstawa zwolnienia z podatku lub jego zmniejszenia

In the case of delivery of goods or provision of services exempt from tax pursuant to art. 43 paragraph 1, art. 113 section 1 and 9 or provisions issued on the basis of art. 82 paragraph 3

W przypadku dostawy towarów lub świadczenia usług zwolnionych od podatku na podstawie art. 43 ust. 1, art. 113 ust. 1 i 9 albo przepisów wydanych na podstawie art. 82 ust. 3


Type of item

Rodzaj przedmiotu

Delivery of second-hand goods, works of art, collectors' items and antiques, for which the tax base is constituted in accordance with art. 120 paragraph 4th and 5th margin; 

New means of transport is the subject of Intra-Community supply.

Dostawy towarów używanych, dzieł sztuki, przedmiotów kolekcjonerskich i antyków, dla których podstawę opodatkowania stanowi zgodnie z art. 120 ust. 4 i 5 marża; 

W przypadku gdy przedmiotem wewnątrzwspólnotowej dostawy są nowe środki transportu.

TaxFree_LOOKUP setup

This lookup field was introduced in version 32.22.38 of “VAT Invoices (PL)” format. Find more details in KB #4504214.

TaxExemptReason_LOOKUP setup

This lookup field was introduced in version 32.22.50 of “VAT Invoices (PL)” format (KB #4520771).

In “TaxExemptReason_LOOKUP” lookup the following values are available for setup:



Description (En)

Description (Pl)



The provision of the VAT act or act issued on the basis of the VAT act on the basis of which the taxpayer applies tax exemption.

Należy wskazać przepis ustawy albo aktu wydanego na podstawie ustawy, na podstawie którego podatnik stosuje zwolnienie od podatku

Specify “Tax exempt code” description of which will be reported in <P_19A> tag. If there are several such tax exempt codes you can add several lines.


The provision of Directive 2006/112/WE, which exempts from such tax the supply of goods or such services.

Należy wskazać przepis dyrektywy 2006/112/WE, który zwalnia od podatku taką dostawę towarów lub takie świadczenie usług

Specify “Tax exempt code” description of which will be reported in <P_19B> tag. If there are several such tax exempt codes you can add several lines.


Another legal basis indicating that the supply of goods or services benefits from the exemption.

Należy wskazać inną podstawę prawną wskazującą na to, że dostawa towarów lub świadczenie usług korzysta ze zwolnienia

Specify “Tax exempt code” description of which will be reported in <P_19C> tag. If there are several such tax exempt codes you can add several lines.




Specify *Not blank* in “Tax Exempt code” field. This value must be setup after all the tax-exempt codes. At least this value must be mandatory specified for this Lookup.




Specify *Blank* in “Tax Exempt code” field. This value must be the last in the list of values. At least this value must be mandatory specified for this Lookup.

ItemType_LOOKUP setup

This lookup field is introduced in version 48.36.58 of “VAT Invoices (PL)” format (current KB).

In “ItemType_LOOKUP” lookup the following values are available for setup:


Description (En)

Description (Pl)



Deliveries of second-hand goods for which the tax base is constituted in accordance with art. 120 paragraph 4th and 5th margin

Dostawy towarów używanych dla których podstawę opodatkowania stanowi zgodnie z art. 120 ust. 4 i 5 marża

Specify “Sales tax codes” which are used for transaction related to second-hand goods. With this setup for an invoice with tax transaction by the specified tax code “procedura marży - towary używane” will be reported in <P_106E_3A> tag.


Deliveries of works of art for which the tax base is constituted in accordance with art. 120 paragraph 4th and 5th margin

Dostawy dzieł sztuk dla których podstawę opodatkowania stanowi zgodnie z art. 120 ust. 4 i 5 marża

Specify “Sales tax codes” which are used for transaction related to works of art. With this setup for an invoice with tax transaction by the specified tax code “procedura marży - dzieła sztuki” will be reported in <P_106E_3A> tag.


Deliveries of collectors' items and antiques, for which the tax base is constituted in accordance with art. 120 paragraph 4th and 5th margin

Dostawy przedmiotów kolekcjonerskich i antyków, dla których podstawę opodatkowania stanowi zgodnie z art. 120 ust. 4 i 5 marża

Specify “Sales tax codes” which are used for transaction related to collectors' items and antiques. With this setup for an invoice with tax transaction by the specified tax code “procedura marży - przedmioty kolekcjonerskie i antyki” will be reported in <P_106E_3A> tag.


Intra-Community delivery of new means of transport

Wewnątrzwspólnotowa dostawa nowych środków transportu

Specify “Sales tax codes” which are used for transaction related to Intra-Community delivery of new means of transport. With this setup for an invoice with tax transaction by the specified tax code <P_22> tag will be reported with “true” value.




Specify *Not blank* in “Sales tax code” field. This value must be the last in the list of values. At least this value must be mandatory specified for this Lookup.

When configuration of lookup field values is completed, mark Sate as “Completed”, save and close the page. If any of the three lookup fields doesn’t contain at least one value with *Not blank*, an error can be thrown in the report run-time about Application specific parameters missing.

Implementation details

Version 3 of JPK_FA report introduces possibility of reporting invoices with different document currency in the same file. For this purpose, “Currency” parameter on the dialog form of “SAF VAT invoices (Poland)” report is made optional. When user specifies in this parameter a currency, the report will include only invoices with this currency, when user doesn’t specify any currency in this field, report will be generated for all the invoices not considering document currency of the invoices.

<P_14*> tags

According to the requirements of the version 3 of JPK_FA report, when invoices is posted in a currency which differs from “PLN”, <P_13*>, <P_14*> and <P_15> tags must represent amounts in the invoice currency and new <P_14*W> tags must represent related amounts in “PLN”. It is assumed that “PLN” is defined as currency for the Sales tax codes used for transactions to be included in to JPK_FA report. Basing on this assumption, for invoices which document currency differs from the currency setup in Sales tax codes used in the tax transaction(s) of this document, system reports additionally <P_14*W> tags with amount in sales tax code currency (as it is assumed to be “PLN”).

<P_18A> tag

KB #4339927 (“A country specific update for Poland for Split payments in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations”) introduces possibility to setup Methods of payments in Account receivable module as “Split payment”.

According to the requirements of the version 3 of JPK_FA report, < P_18A> tag for an invoice must be reported as “true” when split payment mechanism was applied for this invoice. To define if split payment mechanism was applied to invoice, system checks “Split payment” parameter of the Method of payment which was used during the invoice posting and reflected in the corresponding customer transaction (in CustTrans table). It is important to keep setup of “Split payment” parameter of Methods of payments stable to guaranty correct reporting.

<P_22> tag

<P_22> tag will be reported with “true” value according to setup of Sales tax codes in “ItemType_LOOKUP” for Result = “Transport” in Application specific parameters of “VAT Invoices (PL)” format.

<P_106E_3> and <P_106E_3A> tags

According to the requirements of JPK_FA report < P_106E_3> tag must report “true” in the case of delivery of second-hand goods, works of art, collectors' items and antiques, taxable base of which is in accordance with art. 120 paragraph 4th and 5th.  When <P_106E_3> tag is reported with “true” value, <P_106E_3A> tag must represent related value(s):

Value of <P_106E_3A> tag

Description (Pl)

Description (En)

How F&O will distinguish

procedura marży - towary używane

Dostawy towarów używanych dla których podstawę opodatkowania stanowi zgodnie z art. 120 ust. 4 i 5 marża

Deliveries of second-hand goods for which the tax base is constituted in accordance with art. 120 paragraph 4th and 5th margin

According to setup of Sales tax codes in “ItemType_LOOKU” for Result = “SecondHandGoods” in Application specific parameters of “VAT Invoices (PL)” format.


procedura marży - dzieła sztuki

Dostawy dzieł sztuki, przedmiotów kolekcjonerskich i antyków, dla których podstawę opodatkowania stanowi zgodnie z art. 120 ust. 4 i 5 marża

Deliveries of works of art for which the tax base is constituted in accordance with art. 120 paragraph 4th and 5th margin

According to setup of Sales tax codes in “ItemType_LOOKU” for Result = “ArtWorks” in Application specific parameters of “VAT Invoices (PL)” format.


procedura marży - przedmioty kolekcjonerskie i antyki

Dostawy przedmiotów kolekcjonerskich i antyków, dla których podstawę opodatkowania stanowi zgodnie z art. 120 ust. 4 i 5 marża

Deliveries of collectors' items and antiques, for which the tax base is constituted in accordance with art. 120 paragraph 4th and 5th margin

According to setup of Sales tax codes in “ItemType_LOOKU” for Result = “CollectorAntiques” in Application specific parameters of “VAT Invoices (PL)” format.


<Zamowienie> and <ZamowienieCtrl> nodes

According to the requirements of version 3 of JPK_FA report <Zamowienie> node must represent orders or contracts referred to in art. 106f paragraph 1 item 4 of the Act (for advance invoices) in the currency in which the advance invoice was issued (Zamówienia lub umowy, o których mowa w art. 106f ust. 1 pkt 4 ustawy (dla faktur zaliczkowych) w walucie, w której wystawiono fakturę zaliczkową).

To complete this requirement system collects information through the data base by the lines of Sales orders (SO) and Free text invoices (FTI) which are linked to the advance invoices included to the report are provide the following information from them:

Tag name

Tag description (Pl)

Tag description (En)

How F&O collects information


Nazwa (rodzaj) towaru lub usługi

Name (type) of the good or service

Value stored in line of SO or FTI in F&O data base


Miara zamówionego towaru lub zakres usługi

Unit of measure of the ordered goods or scope of the service

UOM value stored in line of SO or FTI in F&O data base. ("usługa" when empty)


Ilość zamówionego towaru lub zakres usługi

Quantity of ordered goods or scope of service

Value of quantity stored in line of SO or FTI in F&O data base.


Cena jednostkowa netto

Net unit price

Value of price stored in line of SO or FTI in F&O data base.


Wartość zamówionego towaru lub usługi bez kwoty podatku

Value of the ordered goods or services without the amount of tax

Calculated value of tax base amount by the line of SO or FTI basing on quantity stored in the line (P_8BZ).


Kwota podatku od zamówionego towaru lub usługi

Tax amount on ordered goods or services

Calculated value of tax amount by the line of SO or FTI basing on quantity stored in the line (P_8BZ).


Stawka podatku

Tax rate

Calculated value tax rate based on tax setup in the line of SO or FTI (Sales tax group and Item sales tax group).

In respect to the values reported for the lines of SO or FTI, <WartoscZamowienia> tag value of <Zamowienie> node is calculated as sum by all the document lines of calculated values of tax base amount and calculated values of tax amount (P_11NettoZ + P_11VatZ).

<WartoscZamowien> tag value of <ZamowienieCtrl> node is calculated as sum of <WartoscZamowienia> tag values by all the documents reported in <Zamowienie> node.

Hotfix information

Electronic reporting configuration download instruction from Lifecycle Services:

How to obtain the Microsoft Dynamics AX updates files

This update is available for manual download and installation from the Microsoft Download Center for version 7.3:

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (7.3)


You must have one of the following products installed to apply this hotfix:

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (7.3)

Restart requirement

You must restart the Application Object Server (AOS) service after you apply the hotfix.

If you are encountering an issue downloading, installing this hotfix, or have other technical support questions, contact your partner or, if enrolled in a support plan directly with Microsoft, you can contact technical support for Microsoft Dynamics and create a new support request. To do this, visit the following Microsoft website:

File information

You can contact technical support for Microsoft Dynamics by phone using these links for country specific phone numbers. To do this, visit one of the following Microsoft websites:



In special cases, charges that are ordinarily incurred for support calls may be canceled if a Technical Support Professional for Microsoft Dynamics and related products determines that a specific update will resolve your problem. The usual support costs will apply to any additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for the specific update in question.

Note This is a "FAST PUBLISH" article created directly from within the Microsoft support organization. The information contained here in is provided as-is in response to emerging issues. As a result of the speed in making it available, the materials may include typographical errors and may be revised at any time without notice. See Terms of Use for other considerations.

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