Receiving receipts that were received without a Purchase Order are showing on the Received/Not Invoiced Report. Can these be removed from apprearing on this report.


The software is designed to print the receiving receipts on the Received/Not Invoiced report until they have been invoiced.


There are three options:  1. Complete and match an invoice against the receipt and the receipt will automatically come off the Received Not Invoiced report. Then void the invoice that was created via the matching in Payables Management if desired. To enter an Invoice and Match it to the Receivings receipt go to: Transactions > Purchasing > Enter/Match InvoicesTo void the Payable invoice that gets created go to: Transactions > Purchasing > Void Open Transactions2. Return the items via the Returns Transaction Entry window. To enter a return go to: Transactions > Purchasing > Returns Transaction Entry3. If neither of these options works the only other option would be to manipulate the data via the backend in SQL. This would require assistance from Microsoft. If you choose to go this route please contact Microsoft Support for assistance. 


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