This article is for people who use a screen reader program such as Windows Narrator, JAWS, or NVDA with Windows tools or features and Microsoft 365 products. This article is part of the Accessibility help & learning content set where you can find more accessibility information on our apps. For general help, visit Microsoft Support.

Windows Hello offers a secure and convenient way to sign in to your device using biometric authentication like facial recognition, fingerprints, or a PIN. This article guides you on how to set up and use Windows Hello with your keyboard and a screen reader. We have tested it with JAWS, NVDA, and Narrator but it might work with other screen readers as long as they follow common accessibility standards and techniques.​​​​​​ 


  • To learn more about screen readers, go to How screen readers work with Microsoft Office.

  • To confirm if your device supports Windows Hello, go to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options. If the option is not available, your device might not support it, or your system may need an update.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In this topic

Set up Windows Hello

Follow these steps to set up Windows Hello on your device using a screen reader:

  1. Press Windows logo key+I to open the Settings app. The focus will be on the Find a setting search box.

  2. Use the Down arrow key to move through the categories, and press Enter when you hear "Accounts."

  3. Press the Tab key until you hear "Your info," then use the Down Arrow key to reach Sign-in options and press Enter.

  4. Use the Tab key until you hear "Facial recognition Windows Hello," and navigate through the sign-in methods with the Down arrow key to find: ​​​​​​​

    • Facial recognition (Windows Hello) ​​​​​​​

    • Fingerprint recognition (Windows Hello)

    • ​​​​​​​​​​PIN (Windows Hello)

  5. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​On your preferred sign-in method, press the Tab key once to access the Show all settings button, and press Enter to expand it. Navigate to the Setup button to enable your preferred sign-in method.

    Important: Signing in with your face requires a Windows Hello-compatible camera. Signing in with your fingerprint requires your device to have a fingerprint reader. If your device doesn't come with one of those you can purchase one that can be connected to your device via USB from any popular retailers.​​​​​​​

  6. Follow your screen reader's instructions to complete the setup.

  7. After setting up Windows Hello, a confirmation dialog will appear. Use the screen reader to verify that the setup is complete.

Sign in with Windows Hello

Once you've set up Windows Hello, follow these steps to sign in:

  1. Turn on your device or wake it from sleep by pressing any key. ​​​​​​​

    • For facial recognition, look at your screen, and Windows Hello will attempt to authenticate.

    • For fingerprint or PIN, use the Tab key to navigate through the login screen options, then authenticate when you hear the relevant option.

  2. Once authenticated, the screen reader will announce that you are signed in, and you will have access to your desktop.

For detailed information on signing in, go to Use a screen reader to navigate sign in options in Windows.

See also

Windows Hello common issues and troubleshooting tips

Why didn't Windows Hello facial recognition recognize me?​​​​​​​

Change or reset your PIN

Technical support for customers with disabilities ​​​​​​​

Microsoft wants to provide the best possible experience for all our customers. If you have a disability or questions related to accessibility, please contact the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk for technical assistance. The Disability Answer Desk support team is trained in using many popular assistive technologies and can offer assistance in English, Spanish, French, and American Sign Language. Please go to the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk site to find out the contact details for your region.

If you are a government, commercial, or enterprise user, please contact the enterprise Disability Answer Desk.

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