Property doesn't exist or is used in a manner inconsistent with schema settings


When submitting a query to FAST Search from SharePoint, you receive the following error each time:

Property doesn't exist or is used in a manner inconsistent with schema settings


The Index Schema defined in SharePoint Central Administration at the Query SSA's FAST Search Administration section is stored in SQL Server, and deployed to FAST Search through a timer job. It's possible that not all steps of the deployment occur, leading to a newer schema in SharePoint / SQL than the FAST QRServer is using.


There are several steps that can be taken. If the configuration files are in place, but not present on the query servers, the QRServer can be restarted with:

nctrl restart qrserver  

If the files are in place on the FAST Admin node, they can also be pushed to the query servers by running the following in a command prompt at the %FASTSEARCH%\index-profiles directory:

bliss -C deployment-ready-index-profile.xml  

Ultimately, the deployment from the configuration stored in SQL can be restarted by opening the FAST Search Server PowerShell and running:

$allmp = Get-FASTSearchMetadataManagedProperty  

$firstmp = $allmp[0]  


This will republish the Index Schema without any changes.

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