Starting a new job in System Center Virtual Machine Manager fails with error 2606

This article fixes an issue in which you can't start a new job in System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) and receive error 2606.

Original product version:   System Center Virtual Machine Manager
Original KB number:   2795040


When starting a new job in System Center Virtual Machine Manager, the following error may be generated:

Error (2606)
Unable to perform the job because one or more of the selected objects are locked by another job.

Recommended Action
To find out which job is locking the object, in the Jobs view, group by Status, and find the running or canceling job for the object. When the job is complete, try again.

A VMM trace will show lines similar to the following:

48412,04:24:10.457 02-10-2014,0x097C,0x05BC,4,CarmineObjectLock.cs,822,0x00000000,CarmineObjectLock; Task <Task ID 1> Failed Acquiring Delete lock on VM object with ID <Object ID> because Task <Task ID 2> has Write lock,{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000},1,


This error is caused by locked records in the VMM database due to another job placing a lock on the objects that this job is attempting to access. This is by design.


To see what object locks currently exist, use the following VMM database query:

SELECT * FROM [VirtualManagerDB].[dbo].[tbl_VMM_Lock] where TaskID='Task_GUID'

If any records are present, make a backup of the database and run the command:

DELETE FROM [VirtualManagerDB].[dbo].[tbl_VMM_Lock] where TaskID='Task_GUID'

For example (from the error above):

DELETE FROM [VirtualManagerDB].[dbo].[tbl_VMM_Lock] where TaskID='<Task ID 2>'