"Not a valid Teradata SQL token" error when you run outer join queries


When you use the Teradata ODBC driver 15.10 or a later version to run outer join queries in Microsoft Access, you receive the following error message:

('7B'X) is not a valid Teradata SQL token. (#-3704).


This issue occurs because Teradata created a new SQL parser that more closely aligns to the SQL-92 standard and does not support extended SQL (escape clauses).

Access does not use the SQL-92 standard for queries that are created within the Query Editor. This causes queries that use outer joins to fail because they use the {oj} escape clause.


To fix the issue, use one of the following methods:

Method 1

When you use the Teradata ODBC driver (15.10 or a later version), you can use the EnableLegacyParser option to continue using the previous SQL parser.


Teradata plans to remove the EnableLegacyParser option beginning in driver version 18.

Method 2

Prevent Access from using outer joins in queries, or run outer joins within pass-through queries. For more information, see the following Knowledge Base and Office articles:

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