Outbound email messages are not sent on the Exchange Hub Transport or Edge server

Original KB number:   4051498


When you examine the status of the queue, you notice the following error message:

451 4.4.0 Primary target IP address responded with: "421 4.4.1 Connection timed out." Attempted failover to alternate host, but that did not succeed. Either there are no alternate hosts, or delivery failed to all alternate hosts.

Additionally, the following entry is logged in the Send connector logs if logging is enabled:

TLS negotiation failed with error UnknownCredentials.


This issue occurs if a third-party certificate that is installed on the server that is running Exchange Server is not bound to the SMTP service.


To resolve this issue, bind the third-party certificate to the SMTP service. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Enable logging on the Send connector. To do this, run the following command:

    Set-SendConnector "<SendConnectorName>" -ProtocolLoggingLevel Verbose
  2. In the Send connector logs, look for the thumbprint of the TLS certificate. Sample log:

    2017-10-07T04:42:56.804Z,Outbound to Office 365,08D50D3D9730A8D2,16,,,*,"CN=*.domain.com, OU=Enterprise SSL Wildcard, OU=Contoso IT, O=Contoso Corporation",Certificate subject
    2017-10-07T04:42:56.804Z,Outbound to Office 365,08D50D3D9730A8D2,17,,,*,"CN=Trusted Secure Certificate Authority 5, O=Corporation Service Company, L=Wilmington, S=DE, C=US",Certificate issuer name
    2017-10-07T04:42:56.804Z,Outbound to Office 365,08D50D3D9730A8D2,18,,,*,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,Certificate serial number
    2017-10-07T04:42:56.804Z,Outbound to Office 365,08D50D3D9730A8D2,19,,,*,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,Certificate thumbprint
    2017-10-07T04:42:56.804Z,Outbound to Office 365,08D50D3D9730A8D2,20,,,*,*.domai.com;conotso.com,Certificate alternate names
    2017-10-07T04:42:56.804Z,Outbound to Office 365,08D50D3D9730A8D2,21,,,*,,TLS negotiation failed with error UnknownCredentials

  3. Verify the services that are associated with the TLS certificate. To do this, run the following command. The names of the services are used in the next step.

    Get-ExchangeCertificate -ThumbPrint "<TLSCertThumbprint>" | select-object services
  4. Bind the certificate to the SMTP service. To do this, run the following command:

    Enable-ExchangeCertificate -ThumbPrint "<TLSCertThumbprint>" -services <ServicesNames>


    Enable-ExchangeCertificate -ThumbPrint "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" -services SMTP,IIS,POP
  5. At the prompt to replace the existing certificate by using the new certificate, type N, and then press Enter.