Error (The cluster node already exists) may appear during cluster setup

This article provides a solution to the error (The cluster node already exists) that occurs during cluster setup.

Applies to:   Windows Server 2003
Original KB number:   555216


During create new cluster via Cluster Administrator or cluster.exe command line, the following error may appear:

The cluster node already exists


If the current server is member of exiting cluster, or/and the current resource (most often quorum disk) is available.


The resolution process depends on the current status of the cluster member:

  1. If the current server should belong to exiting cluster, verity that quorum disk in online and all cluster resource available for regular use. The server should not be used as a new cluster member.

  2. If the current shouldn't belong to exiting cluster or/and the cluster configuration cannot be restored or be fixed, follow the following instructions:

    The following process is irreversible, and may require reinstall the cluster.

    1. Go to Start > Run.
    2. Write Cmd and press on Enter button.
    3. Write cluster node nodename /forcecleanup and press Enter.
    4. The message should be appear after a few seconds: Clean up successfully completed.

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