Deploying a DAC pack in System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager fails if using a named SQL instance

This article fixes an issue in which you receive error 22528 when deploying a data-tier application pack in System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager.

Original product version:   System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager
Original KB number:   2679704


When deploying a SQL data-tier application (DAC) pack using System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager, if the name of the SQL instance in the DAC pack is blank then the service template will fail with the following error:

Error (22528)
The connection to SQL Server on the virtual machine (VMName) failed for the SQL Server data-tier application (Application Name).
DetailedErrorMessage: Failed to connect to server (local).

Recommended Action
Verify the specified SQL Server connection information for the SQL Server data-tier application.


When deploying a DAC pack or creating a SQL server using a service template, the SQL instance must match the instance name specified when you created the generalized VHD (Syspreped). Otherwise the service template will fail with Instance Not Found.


Edit the DAC pack to specify the correct instance name or edit the service template to match the instance name of the original VHD.