General Properties
Product Name The name of your application.
Install Language The language to be displayed when installing your application.
End user license agreement (EULA) The location of the End User License Agreement (EULA) to include with your application. The EULA must be in Rich Text Format (.rtf).
Feature Information
Feature Title The title of the feature displayed when the user selects the Custom option when installing your application.
Feature Description The description of the feature displayed when the user selects the Custom option when installing your application.
Add/Remove Programs Information
Contains settings that specify the information displayed when the user clicks the Click here for support information link for your application in Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel.
File Properties for the Windows Installer Package
Contains settings that specify the information that will appear when the user right-clicks the Setup (.msi) file and then clicks the Properties option.
Advanced Options
Background Image The image to be displayed as the background of your installation program. For example, this could be a .jpg or .bmp that displays a company logo.
Product Code A unique identifier for a particular product release, represented as a string GUID. For more information, see Changing Product Codes.
Upgrade Code A GUID representing a related set of products. The Upgrade Code is used to search for related versions of the product that are already installed. For more information, see Using an UpgradeCode.