How to add the Amount Remaining field to the "RM Statement on Blank Paper" report in Microsoft Dynamics GP

This article describes how to add the Amount Remaining field to the RM Statement on Blank Paper report in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Applies to:   Microsoft Dynamics GP
Original KB number:   912126

Step 1: Back up the Reports.dic file, and then start Report Writer

  1. If you have any modified Microsoft Dynamics GP reports, back up the Reports.dic file. To locate the Reports.dic file, follow these steps:
    1. Use the appropriate step:

      • In Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0, point to Tools on the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then select Edit Launch File.
      • In Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 and in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0, point to Setup on the Tools menu, point to System, and then select Edit Launch File.
    2. If you're prompted, type the system password.

    3. Use the appropriate step:

      • In Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 and in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, select Microsoft Dynamics GP in the Edit Launch File window.
      • In Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0, select Great Plains in the Edit Launch File window.
    4. Note

      The path that appears in the Reports box.

    5. To close the Edit Launch File window, select OK.

  2. Use the appropriate step:
    • In Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0, point to Tools on the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Customize, and then select Report Writer.
    • In Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 and in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0, point to Customize on the Tools menu, and then select Report Writer.
  3. Use the appropriate step:
    • In Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 and in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, select Microsoft Dynamics GP in the Product list, and then select OK.
    • In Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0, select Great Plains in the Product list, and then select OK

Step 2: Create the table relationship

  1. Select Tables two times.
  2. Select RM_Statements_TRX_TEMP, and then select Open.
  3. Select Relationships, and then select New.
  4. Select the ellipsis button (...) next to the Secondary Table field, select RM Open File, and then select OK.
  5. In the Secondary Table Key list, select RM_OPEN_Key1
  6. Select the values in the Primary Table column that match the values in the Secondary Table column, and then select OK.
  7. In the Table Relationship window, select Close.
  8. In the Table Definition window, select OK.
  9. Close the Tables window.

Step 3: Modify the report

  1. Select Reports.
  2. If it's the first time that the "RM Statement on Blank Paper" report has been modified, follow these steps:
    1. In the Original Reports list, select RM Statement on Blank Paper.
    2. Select Insert.
    3. In the Modified Reports window, select RM Statement on Blank Paper.
    4. Select 1.
  3. Select Tables.
  4. Select RM Statements Transactions Temporary File, and then select New.
  5. Select RM Open File, and then select OK.
  6. Close the Report Table Relationships window.

Step 4: Create a conditional field

  1. Select Layout.

  2. In the Toolbox window, select Calculated Fields in the resource list, and then select New.

  3. In the Name field, type Amount Remaining.

  4. In the Result Type list, select Currency.

  5. In the Expression Type area, select Conditional.

  6. Select the Fields tab.

  7. In the Resources list, select RM Open File.

  8. In the Field list, select RM Document Type-All, and then select Add.

  9. In the Operators area, select >=.

  10. Select the Constants tab.

  11. In the Type list, select Integer.

  12. In the Constant box, type 7, and then select Add.

  13. Select the True Case field, and then select the Fields tab.

  14. In the Resources list, select RM Open File.

  15. In the Field list, select Current Trx Amount, and then select Add.

  16. In the Operators area, select *.

  17. Select the Constants tab.

  18. In the Type list, select Currency.

  19. In the Constant box, type -1.00000, and then select Add.

  20. Select the False Case field, and then select the Fields tab.

  21. In the Resources list, select RM Open File.

  22. In the Field list, select Current Trx Amount, and then select Add.


    The Expressions Calculated field should contain the following formula.
    Conditional: RM_OPEN.RM Document Type-All >= 7
    True Case: RM_OPEN.Current Trx Amount * -1.00000
    False Case: RM_OPEN.Current Trx Amount

  23. Select OK.

Step 5: Add the calculated field to the RM Statement on Blank Paper report

  1. In the Toolbox window, select Calculated Fields in the resource list.
  2. Drag the Amount Remaining field to the B area of the report. The B area of the report is the body area of the report
  3. Double-click the Amount Remaining field to open the Report Field Options window.
  4. In the Display Options list, select Visible.
  5. In the Display Type list, select Data.
  6. In the Format Field area, select RM Statement Transaction Temp, and then select OK.

Step 6: Exit Report Writer

  1. Close the report. When you're prompted to save the changes, select Save.
  2. In the Report Definition window, select OK.
  3. Use the appropriate step:
    • In Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 and in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, select Microsoft Dynamics GP on the File menu.
    • In Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0, select Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains on the File menu.

Step 7: Grant access to the "RM Statement on Blank Paper" report

Method 1: Use security in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0

  1. Point to Tools on the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then select Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports.
  2. In the ID box, type the user ID of the user who will print this modified report.
  3. In the Product list, select Microsoft Dynamics GP.
  4. In the Type list, select Reports.
  5. Expand the Sales folder.
  6. Expand the folder for the report that you modified.
  7. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP (Modified).
  8. Select Save.
  9. On the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools, point to Setup, point to System, and then select User Security.
  10. In the User list, select a user ID.
  11. In the Company list, select a company.
  12. In the Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports ID list, select the ID that you typed in step 2 earlier in this section.

Method 2: Use the Advanced Security tool in a version earlier than Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0

  1. On the Tools menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then select Advanced Security.
  2. If you're prompted, type the system password in the Please Enter Password box, and then select OK.
  3. In the Advanced Security window, select View, and then select By Alternate, Modified and Custom.
  4. Use the appropriate step:
    • In Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, expand Microsoft Dynamics GP.
    • In Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0, expand Great Plains.
  5. Expand Reports, expand Sales, and then expand the report that you modified.
  6. Use the appropriate step:
    • In Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, select Microsoft Dynamics GP (Modified).
    • In Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0, select Great Plains (Modified).
  7. Select Apply, and then select OK.


    By default, when you start the Advanced Security tool, the current user and the current company are selected. Any changes that you make affect the current user and the current company. However, you can select additional users in the Users area of the Advanced Security window. You can select additional companies in the Company Name area of the Advanced Security window.

Method 3: Use the Standard Security tool in a version earlier than Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0

  1. On the Tools menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then select Security.
  2. If you're prompted, type the system password in the Please Enter Password box, and then select OK.
  3. In the User ID list, select the ID of the user who you want to have access to the modified report.
  4. In the Type list, select Modified Reports.
  5. In the Series list, select Sales.
  6. In the Access List box, double-click the report that you modified, and then select OK.


    An asterisk (*) appears next to the report name.


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