Applying Multicurrency documents in Receivables Management in Microsoft Dynamics GP

This article provides a resolution about applying Multicurrency documents in Receivables Management in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Applies to:   Microsoft Dynamics GP
Original KB number:   4295209


When you key a cash receipt (in USD) and select the Apply button, the invoice you need to apply to (in EUR) is not listed. (The functional currency ID is GBP.) Why isn't the invoice listed in the other originating currency ID?


You must apply a multicurrency transaction to documents that are in the same originating currency ID or the functional currency ID.

Functional - GBP Functional - GBP YES - on the fly
Functional - GBP Originating - USD YES* (Two-step process)
Originating - USD Functional - GBP YES* (Two-step process)
Originating - USD Same originating - USD YES - on the fly
Originating - USD Different Originating - EUR NO

How you access the apply sales documents window will also matter:

  • IN PROCESS/APPLY ON THE FLY: In the Cash Receipts entry window, if you select the APPLY button, you will only be able to apply to documents in the SAME originating currency ID as the cash receipt is in.
  • TWO STEP PROCESS: If you post the Cash receipt first (leaving it unapplied), and then navigate to Transactions > Sales > Apply Sales Documents window, you can apply the cash receipt to invoices that are in the SAME originating currency ID as the cash receipt, or invoices in the FUNCTIONAL currency ID.


You would not be able to apply a cash receipt in originating currency ID, to an invoice that is not in the same originating currency ID or the functional currency ID.

To be able to apply them, one of the documents would need to be in the functional currency ID at least. So you could void it and rekey it in the functional currency ID.

The above applies to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 and later versions. (when the company was required to have a functional currency ID set.)