To use Exchange Online with customer engagement apps, you must have an Exchange Online subscription that either comes as part of a Microsoft 365 subscription or can be subscribed to separately. For information about Exchange Online, go to:
Oauth (Cross Tenant): Use this option when Exchange resides in a different tenant than Dynamics 365. To get the information for this option, follow the steps in Exchange Online cross-tenant authentication. Note that the Locations and ports fields are automatically populated.
Expand the Advanced section, and then use the tooltips to choose your email processing options.
When you're done, select Save.
Verify that you have the profile Microsoft Exchange Online
If you have an Exchange Online subscription in the same tenant as your subscription, customer engagement apps create a default profile named Microsoft Exchange Online for the email connection. To verify that you have this profile, do the following:
In the legacy web client in the upper-right corner, select , and then select Advanced settings.
Select Settings > Email > Server profiles.
Select Active Email Server Profiles, and verify that the Microsoft Exchange Online profile is in the list. If the Microsoft Exchange Online profile is missing, verify that you have an Exchange Online subscription and that it exists in the same tenant as your subscription.
If there are multiple profiles, select the Microsoft Exchange Online profile and set it as default.
Configure default email processing and synchronization
Set server-side synchronization to be the default configuration method for newly created users.
In the legacy web client in the upper-right corner, select , and then select Advanced settings.
Select Settings > Email > Email settings.
Set the processing and synchronization columns as follows:
Server Profile: Microsoft Exchange Online
Incoming Email: Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router
Outgoing Email: Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router
Appointments, Contacts, and Tasks: Server-Side Synchronization
Select Save.
All new users will have these settings applied to their mailbox.
Configure mailboxes
New users will have their mailboxes configured automatically with the settings you made in the prior section. For existing users who were added before you made these above settings, you must set the server profile and the delivery method for email, appointments, contacts, and tasks.
In addition to administrator permissions, you must have Read and Write privileges on the Mailbox table to set the delivery method for the mailbox.
Choose one of the following methods: set mailboxes to the default profile, or edit mailboxes to set profile and delivery methods.
In the legacy web client in the upper-right corner, select , and then select Advanced settings.
Select Settings > Email > Mailboxes.
Select Active Mailboxes.
Select all the mailboxes that you want to associate with the Microsoft Exchange Online profile, select Apply Default Email Settings, verify the settings, and then select OK.
By default, the mailbox configuration will be tested and the mailboxes enabled when you select OK.
To edit mailboxes to set the profile and delivery methods
You have a minimum of User-level Write privileges on the Mailbox table.
The mailbox is not a queue mailbox.
If RequirePrivilegeToSelfApproveEmailAddress is disabled (default) and you do not have the Approve Email Addresses for Users or Queues privilege, the Approve Email button does not appear. However, if you select Test & Enable Mailbox and the conditions mentioned above are met, the email address in your mailbox will be approved as part of the test and enable process.
Delegate mailbox approval
A user with the Global or Exchange admin role can delegate the mailbox approval process to another user by assigning the Delegated Mailbox Approver security role in Dynamics 365. A user with the Delegated Mailbox Approver role can approve mailboxes in the environment without being a Global or Exchange admin. As mentioned below in the permission model section, the user also needs to have the System Administrator security role. This is a new role available in Dynamics 365 online version 9.2.22104.00170 or later.
You cannot assign the Delegated Mailbox Approver role unless you have the Global or Exchange admin role. If you try to assign this role but are not a Global or Exchange admin, you will receive an error: "You must be an Office 365 Global Administrator or an Exchange Administrator to assign the Delegated Mailbox Approver role." You may also see the error code 0x80090904.
The Delegated Mailbox Approver role is not currently supported for assigning to a team. If you try to assign this role to a team, you will receive an error: "The Delegated Mailbox Approver role cannot be assigned to a team." You may also see error code 0x80090905 or the message "Failed to add role Delegated Mailbox Approver : CannotAssignDelegatedMailboxApproverRoleToTeam".
Because this is a Dynamics 365 security role, the role is assigned per environment. The role can be assigned to one or more users per environment.
Decide which approach you want your organization to follow for mailbox approval.
Flowchart with the starting condition "You must be an Office 365 Global admin + Dynamics 365 System admin OR an Exchange admin + Dynamics 365 System admin OR a Dynamics 365 Delegated Mailbox Approver + Dynamics 365 System admin.." The first decision point is "Do you want to require mailbox approval?" The "No" path leads to "See 'Remove requirement to approve mailboxes'". The "Yes" path leads to "See Permissions model."
Permissions model
The following table describes the permissions required to approve emails.
Delegated Mailbox Approver: Dynamics 365 security role which can be assigned by a Global admin or Exchange admin. A user with this role can approve mailboxes without being a Global or Exchange admin. For additional details, refer to the section above titled Delegate mailbox approval.
This permissions model is being gradually rolled out and will be available as soon as it's deployed to your region. Check the version number provided in the following table for when the change will be provided.
Security roles / Applications in use
Both roles required: Global admin and System admin
Both roles required: Exchange admin and System admin
Both roles required: Delegated Mailbox Approver and System admin
System admin
Service admin
Exchange admin
Global admin
Customer engagement apps
Exchange Online
Exchange (on-premises)
Customer Engagement (on-premises)
Exchange Online
Exchange (on-premises)
1 We're updating for customer engagement apps and Exchange Online, for version 9.2.22104.00170 or later. 2 We recommend that you include your Exchange admin in the custom business processes your organization follows for this configuration.
To determine your version, sign in, and in the upper-right corner of the screen, select Settings > About.
Require and configure mailbox approval
Follow these steps to approve email addresses for users and queues. By default, admins as described in the preceding permissions model table are required to approve emails.
Add the Approve Email Addresses for Users or Queues privilege
To approve emails, a Dynamics 365 user requires the Approve Email Addresses for Users or Queues privilege. A system admin can assign the Approve Email Addresses for Users or Queues privilege to any security role and assign the security role to any user.
To manually assign the Approve Email Addresses for Users or Queues privilege to a security role
In the legacy web client in the upper-right corner, select , and then select Advanced settings.
Select Settings > Email > Mailboxes.
Select Active Mailboxes.
Select the mailboxes that you want to approve, and then select More Commands (…) > Approve Email.
Select OK.
Approve a mailbox programmatically
Email addresses can't be approved using plug-ins or workflows. External applications can programmatically invoke email address approval by passing the emailrouteraccessapproval attribute in the SDK request if the row is not already approved and if the caller is authorized per the above requirements. If the request includes additional attributes, the row’s email address may not be approved.
Remove the requirement to approve mailboxes
Admins, as described in the preceding permissions model table, can change the settings so that mailbox approval isn't required.
In the legacy web client in the upper-right corner, select , and then select Advanced settings.
Select Settings > Email > Email settings.
Under Security and permissions, turn off Process emails only for approved users and Process emails only for approved queues. (These settings are enabled by default.)
In the legacy web client in the upper-right corner, select , and then select Advanced settings.
Select Settings > Email > Mailboxes.
Select Active Mailboxes.
Select the mailboxes you want to test, and then select Test & Enable Mailbox.
This tests the incoming and outgoing email configuration of the selected mailboxes and enables them for email processing. If an error occurs in a mailbox, an alert is shown on the Alerts wall of the mailbox and the profile owner. Depending on the nature of the error, customer engagement apps try to process the email again after some time or disable the mailbox for email processing.
To see alerts for an individual mailbox, open the mailbox, and then under Common, select Alerts.
The result of the email configuration test is displayed in the Incoming Email Status, Outgoing Email Status, and Appointments, Contacts, and Tasks Status columns of a mailbox record. An alert is also generated when the configuration is successfully completed for a mailbox. This alert is shown to the mailbox owner.
If you're unable to synchronize contacts, appointments, and tasks for a mailbox, you might want to select the Sync items with Exchange from this org only, even if Exchange was set to sync with a different org checkbox. More information: When would I want to use this check box?
Test email configuration for all mailboxes associated with an email server profile
In the legacy web client in the upper-right corner, select , and then select Advanced settings.
Select Settings > Email > Server profiles.
Select the Microsoft Exchange Online profile, and then select Test & Enable Mailboxes.
When you test the email configuration, an asynchronous job runs in the background. It might take a few minutes for the test to be completed. Customer engagement apps test the email configuration of all the mailboxes associated with the Microsoft Exchange Online profile. For the mailboxes configured with server-side synchronization for synchronizing appointments, tasks, and contacts, it also checks to make sure that they're configured properly.
If you're unable to synchronize contacts, appointments, and tasks for a mailbox, you might want to select the Sync items with Exchange from this org only, even if Exchange was set to sync with a different org checkbox. More information: When would I want to use this check box?
Enable server-side synchronization functionality for Exchange Online in China
To connect Dynamics 365 with your Exchange Online tenant in China and use server-side synchronization functionality, follow these steps:
If your org was provisioned before October 17, 2020, contact 21Vianet support to allow your org to connect to Exchange Online. If your org was provisioned after October 17, 2020, this step isn't required.
Run the following PowerShell script to point your Exchange Online email server profile to the required Exchange Web Services (EWS) endpoint.
Configure the mailbox, and then test and enable the mailbox.
Use the following PowerShell script to change the EWS endpoint:
If you’re an administrator who deploys and manages Microsoft 365 and performs Microsoft 365 tenant-level implementation and administration of cloud and hybrid environments, this certification is designed for you.