Can't sign up for a Microsoft Azure subscription

This article provides a resolution to an issue in which you aren't able to sign up for a Microsoft Azure subscription with error: Account belongs to a directory that cannot be associated with an Azure subscription. Please sign in with a different account.

Original product version: Subscription management Original KB number: 4052156


When you try to sign up for a Microsoft Azure subscription, you receive the following error message:

Account belongs to a directory that cannot be associated with an Azure subscription. Please sign in with a different account.


The email address that is used to sign up for the Azure subscription already exists in an unmanaged Microsoft Entra directory. Unmanaged Microsoft Entra directories can't be associated with an Azure subscription.


To fix the problem, perform an IT Admin Takeover process for Power BI and Office 365 on the unmanaged directory.

The process transforms the unmanaged directory into a managed directory by assigning the Global Administrator role to your account. When completed, you can sign up for an Azure subscription by using your email address.


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