
Comparison chart: Bookings web app vs. Bookings Teams app

The Bookings app in Teams lets schedulers handle their main tasks and change some settings. However, the Bookings web includes advanced features and settings that aren't available in the Teams app.

See the Is all the functionality of the original Bookings Web app available in Microsoft Teams? section in the FAQ for more details.

Feature Bookings web app Bookings Teams app
Create new booking calendars Yes Yes
Add and remove staff from a booking calendar Yes Yes
Create new appointment types Yes Yes
Schedule online bookings Yes Yes
Edit business details Yes Yes
Add staff with Guest permissions for people outside your org Yes No
Schedule in-person or offline bookings Yes No
Schedule group or multi-customer bookings Yes No
Set a logo for your business Yes Yes
Set business hours Yes Yes
Publish a self-service scheduling page Yes No
Manage customer contacts Yes No
Set time off for staff Yes Yes
Scheduled queue view No Yes