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As of June 2024, the mini Teams experience in Microsoft Teams (free) will no longer be available to those using Windows 23H2 or higher. If you're on versions of Windows below 23H2, you will continue to have the Chat signature experience available. To get the latest Windows experience, select Start > Settings > Windows Update, then select Check for updates. If updates are available, you can install them.

We need your feedback to help us deliver a great product. Please let us know if you have a comment or suggestion about Microsoft Teams (free). Thanks in advance!

Send feedback from Settings

  1. Tap your profile picture.

  2. Tap Settings Settings button.

  3. Tap Help & feedback Teams help icon.

  4. You have the option to:

    • Get Help Teams help icon.

    • View Diagnostics Teams help icon.

    • Suggest a feature Suggest a feature button in Teams.

    • Send feedback Send feedback button in Teams.

Send feedback from Settings

  1. Tap your profile picture or More More button.

  2. Tap Settings Settings button.

  3. Tap Help and feedback Teams help icon.

  4. You have the option to:

    • Get Help Teams help icon.

    • Suggest a feature Suggest a feature button in Teams.

    • Send feedback Send feedback button in Teams.

    • Shake and send feedback (or Disable Shake and send feedback) Shake and send feedback button in Teams.

Suggest a feature or Give feedback.

  1. Select Help Teams help icon.

  2. You have the option to:

    • Suggest a feature.

    • Give feedback. When you give your feedback, you'll also have the option to include screenshots and diagnostic logs.

In Microsoft Teams (free) for Windows 11:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams (free).


    • From the mini Teams window in Windows 11, select the button The open Teams button in Mini Teams. to open Microsoft Teams (free).

    • From Chat in Windows 11, select the Open Teams button  Teams open Teams in Windows 11.

  2. Select Settings and more More options button.

  3. Select Help Teams help icon.

  4. You have the option to:

    • Suggest a feature.

    • Give feedback. When you give your feedback, you'll also have the option to include screenshots and diagnostic logs.

Tip: You can easily give feedback with Chat in Windows 11 by selecting What's new and more Teams settings and more button, then Give feedback.

You can choose to share diagnostic data (log files) to Microsoft when you send feedback in the Microsoft Teams (free) app. These log files contain information about processes running in the Teams app to help detect, diagnose, and fix issues in the app. These, along with your feedback, help make improvements to Microsoft Teams (free) that keep the app secure.

To attach logs, turn on Include troubleshooting info when providing feedback.

What kind of information is being collected and how is it used?

The log files contain information about the processes and components running in the Microsoft Teams (free) app but don't contain your name or email address, the content of your documents, or information about apps unrelated to Teams.

The information we do collect in these log files helps provide more context about technical issues that might occur when you’re using Microsoft Teams (free). For example, the information could help us identify the underlying reason why you might have a problem saving a file on the device running Microsoft Teams (free). In those situations, it’s beneficial for the log files to be sent to Microsoft.

Learn more about how to export or delete your Microsoft Teams (free) data.

Suggest a feature or Give feedback.

  1. Select Help Teams help icon.

  2. You have the option to:

    • Suggest a feature.

    • Give feedback. When you give your feedback, you'll also have the option to include screenshots and diagnostic logs.

You can choose to share diagnostic data (log files) to Microsoft when you send feedback in the Microsoft Teams (free) app. These log files contain information about processes running in the Teams app to help detect, diagnose, and fix issues in the app. These, along with your feedback, help make improvements to Microsoft Teams (free) that keep the app secure.

To attach logs, turn on Include troubleshooting info when providing feedback.

What kind of information is being collected and how is it used?

The log files contain information about the processes and components running in the Microsoft Teams (free) app but don't contain your name or email address, the content of your documents, or information about apps unrelated to Teams.

The information we do collect in these log files helps provide more context about technical issues that might occur when you’re using Microsoft Teams (free). For example, the information could help us identify the underlying reason why you might have a problem saving a file on the device running Microsoft Teams (free). In those situations, it’s beneficial for the log files to be sent to Microsoft.

Learn more about how to export or delete your Microsoft Teams (free) data.

Contact us

For more help, contact support or ask a question in the Microsoft Teams Community.

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By pressing submit, your feedback will be used to improve Microsoft products and services. Your IT admin will be able to collect this data. Privacy Statement.

Thank you for your feedback!
