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Assume that you install the on a computer that is running Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. You remotely connect the computer to a Windows 8.1-based or Windows Server 2012 R2-based Remote Desktop Host server, and then you enable the smart card redirection in the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connection. In this situation, when you try to use the smart card in the remote session, the smart card is not available and you receive the following error message:

The Microsoft Smart Card Resource Manager is not running.
WaitForSingleObject: Service is in an unknown state.
CertUtil: -SCInfo command FAILED: 0x80070102 (WIN32/HTTP: 258) CertUtil: The wait operation timed out.

Additionally, you can't establish a connection to a remote computer by using the smart card logon method.


Update information

How to obtain this update

Windows Update

This update is available from .

Microsoft Download Center

The following files are available for download from the Microsoft Download Center:

Operating system


All supported x86-based versions of Windows 7 Service Pack 1


All supported x64-based versions of Windows 7 Service Pack 1


All supported x64-based versions of Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1


For more information about how to download Microsoft support files, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

How to obtain Microsoft support files from online services Microsoft scanned this file for viruses. Microsoft used the most current virus-detection software that was available on the date that the file was posted. The file is stored on security-enhanced servers that help prevent any unauthorized changes to the file.


To apply this update, you must be running Windows 7 SP1 or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.

For more information about how to obtain a Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 service pack, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Information about Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 and for Windows Server 2008 R2

Registry information

To apply this update, you do not have to make any changes to the registry.

Restart requirement

You must restart the computer after you apply this update.

Update replacement information

This update does not replace a previously released update.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.


For more information about software update terminology, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Description of the standard terminology that is used to describe Microsoft software updates

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