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What is diagnostic data and how is it used in Skype?

Diagnostic data is used to keep Skype secure and up-to-date, detect, diagnose and fix problems, and also make product improvements. This data does not include a user's name or email address, the content of the user's files.

This diagnostic data is collected and sent to Microsoft about Skype client software running on the user's device. Some diagnostic data is required, while some diagnostic data is optional. We give you the ability to choose whether to send us required or optional diagnostic data through the use of privacy controls.

Required data is the minimum data necessary to help keep Skype secure, up-to-date, and performing as expected on the device it's installed on.

Required diagnostic data helps to identify problems with Skype that may be related to a device or software configuration. For example, it can help determine if a Skype feature crashes more frequently on a particular operating system version, with newly introduced features, or when certain Skype features are disabled. Required diagnostic data helps us detect, diagnose, and fix these problems more quickly so the impact to users is reduced.

Required service data is data collected that is necessary to provide and improve Skype connected experiences and ensure they are secure and up-to-date.

Optional data is additional data that helps us make product improvements and provides enhanced information to help us detect, diagnose, and fix issues.

If you choose to send us optional diagnostic data, required and required service data is also included.

The following types of diagnostic data are collected:

Common attributes for all events.

  • Skype_InitiatingUser_IsGuest - Indicator whether user is a guest user. It's important since guest and registered users have different experience.

  • Skype_InitiatingUser_Username - Anonymized (hashed) unique ID of user. Allows us to establish core health metrics based on user impact and Skype usage statistics.

  • ShellType - Shell type of the Skype client (ReactNative, Electron). Allows us to establish health metrics based on the shell type.

  • PlatformType - Platform type (Android, Windows, ...). Allows us to establish health metrics based on the platform.

  • Version - Used to correlate telemetry to the specific Skype version. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • Platform_Id - Numeric id for a platform type (1418 - Web, 1419 - Android, etc.). Allows us to establish health metrics based on the platform id.

  • Platform_Uiversion - Platform id combined with Skype version number. Allows us to classify data based on platform and version pivot.

  • session_id - Unique id of current session. Allows us to better understand impact of various things. For instance, it is possible to establish "crash free sessions metric" based on this.

  • ChatEndpointId - Unique messaging endpoint id. It is unique for each device, session or web browser tab. This allows us to correlate issues or establish messaging and notification metrics to specific device, session and web browser tab.

  • NetworkType - Type of network (WiFi, 3G, ...). Allows us to establish health metrics based on network type.

  • ecs_etag - Identifier of the used configuration by the application.

  • AppInfo.ExperimentIds - List of all identifiers of the specific feature versions.

  • DeviceInfo.Model - Model of the device.

  • DeviceInfo.Make - Manufacturer of the device.

  • AppInfo.Version - Used to correlate telemetry to the specific Skype version. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • AppInfo.Language - Skype display language. Allows us to recognize display language related issues.

  • UserInfo.Language - User configured display language of the operating system or device. Allows us to recognize operating system/device language related issues.

  • UserInfo.TimeZone - User configured time zone.

  • UserInfo.Id - Anonymized (hashed) unique ID of user. Allows us to establish core health metrics based on user impact and Skype usage statistics.

  • DeviceInfo.OsName - Operating system name. Allows us to recognize operating system related issues.

  • DeviceInfo.OsVersion - Operating system version. Allows us to recognize operating system's version related issues.

  • DeviceInfo.Id - Id that uniquely identifies the specific device. Allows us to better understand impact of various things. For instance, if some issue is affecting only one or multiple devices.

  • DeviceInfo.BrowserName - Browser name (Edge, Chrome, ...). Allows us to establish health metrics based on a web browser.

  • DeviceInfo.BrowserVersion - Browser version. Allows us to establish health metrics based on a web browser version.

  • EventInfo.Name - Name of this telemetry event.

  • EventInfo.SdkVersion - The SDK version of the telemetry management system (ARIA).

  • EventInfo.Source - Client-specific sub-component name, such as the library or component, used to identify the instrumentation point in the code.

  • EventInfo.Time - The UTC time on the client when this event occurred.

Required events.


Feedback from the Call quality survey randomly asked after a call. These feedbacks are monitored to ensure the call quality is stable.

  • call_mos_score - Quality rating of the call.


Collected to measure health of calls started in different areas of the application.

  • Origin - Tracks from where in the app the call was started?.

  • CallId - ID uniquely identifying this call.

  • IsRejoiningCall - Tracks if user is rejoining an ongoing call.

  • IsGroupCall - Indicates whether this call is a group call.

  • IsVideoCall - Indicates whether the video is enabled for this call.

  • IsPstnCall - Indicates whether this call is a PSTN call.

  • IsIncomingCall - Indicates whether this call is incoming or outgoing.

  • ConversationId - Unique id of the conversation this call is attached to.


Tracking clicks on start call controls in different areas of the application. Measured to ensure users can start a call.

  • CallIntentionOrigin - Tracks from where in the app the start call control was clicked.

  • IsGroupCall - Indicates whether the started call is a group call.

  • IsVideoCall - Indicates whether the video is enabled for the started call.

  • IsPstnCall - Indicates whether the started call is a PSTN call.

  • ConversationId - Unique id of the conversation this call is attached to.


Collected to measure usage and health of in-call backgrounds effects.

  • EffectType - Defines which background effect has been used.

  • HasActiveCall - Tracks if the background effect was changed during an active call.

  • IsPredefinedImage - Determines if the background effect image was predefined by the application.

  • PredefinedImageName - Name of the predefined background effect image which was selected.


Information about the events around notifications from Translator service.

Common attributes for calling_call_captions_notifications events.

  • Action - Information about what action was performed around Translator notifications.

  • CallId - Id of the call with notifications.

  • Type - Type of the notification which occurred.

  • Variant - Experiment variant of the notification.

  • ActionButton - Information about which button on the notifaction was clicked.


Collecting the number of Translator notifications that were displayed. This is used for feature health and quality monitoring.


Collecting the number times when user clicked on Translator nofication on either of the buttons. This is used for feature health and quality monitoring.


Multi-purpose event used as a base to track a variety of actions a user might take during a call.

Common attributes for calling_action events.

  • Action - Name of currently tracked calling action.


Tracks iOS specific calling errors to ensure calling works on these devices.

  • CallId - ID uniquely identifying this call in Skype systems.

  • Operation - Name of the operation causing error in iOS Call Kit.

  • ErrorDomain - Name of the error filed where the iOS Call Kit error occurred.

  • ErrorCode - ID identifying the exact error.

  • Terminal - Boolean flag determining terminal error.


Tracks failures to notify for an incoming call. Monitored to ensure users do not miss calls because of missing notifications.

  • CallId - ID uniquely identifying this call in Skype systems.

  • Reason - Determines the call notification failure reason.

  • Details - The additional information about the failure.


Tracking that Skype application starts ringing to ensure the callee is aware of the call.

  • CallId - ID uniquely identifying this call in Skype systems.

  • Origin - Location within the application where the ringing was initiated.


Tracking that Skype application stops ringing when call is accepted or rejected to ensure a correct user experience.

  • CallId - ID uniquely identifying this call in Skype systems.

  • Reason - Determines the reason why Skype application stopped ringing.

  • RingingDuration - Duration of the ringing for this call (in milliseconds).

  • Details - The additional information about the reason why Skype application stopped ringing.


Tracks Skype internal errors.

  • MethodName - name of the method that caused the error.

  • CallId - ID uniquely identifying this call in Skype systems or en empty string.


Tracks calling errors to ensure calling works.

  • CallId - Call id of the call or en empty string.

  • CallFailureType - Determines phase of the call when failure happened.

  • CallFailureTypeLabel - Textual representation of the call failure type.

  • CallTerminatedReason - Determines the exact reason of call end.

  • CallTerminatedReasonLabel - Textual representation of the call end reason.

  • CallValidationFailureReason - Determines the call setup failure reason.

  • ErrorMessage - Call failure error message.

  • CallAction - Identifies which action caused the call failure.


Tracking that push notification to ensure the callee is aware of the call.

  • CallId - ID uniquely identifying this call in Skype systems.

  • EventType - Push notification event type enumeration id.

  • IsStarted - determines if application was already started when processing the notification.

  • Source - Identifies the backend system which provided the notification.

  • TimeWaitingToProcess - Time needed to display the notification to user.

  • ActivationState - Determines the state of the Skype app when push notification arrived to the device.

  • StopRingReason - Determines the exact reason why notification stopped ringing on the device.

  • ParticipantId - Unique ID of the participant on the call to be able to identify the participant in Skype systems.

  • IsDuplicate - Determines if there were multiple notifications of the same type at a same time.

  • RegistrationId - Unique device registration id.


Collecting call captioning session details (start, stop, total length, language) to ensure translation/closed captions call feature is working.

  • Action - CallCaptioningEvent.

  • IsAutoJoin - Indicates if call captions has been started automatically (user enabled start subtitles for all calls in Settings).

  • CaptioningLengthSeconds - Total duration of the call captioning session per user per call.

  • FistCaptionReceivedLengthSeconds - Time elapsed between start of captioning and first caption received.

  • CallId - ID uniquely identifying this call.

  • CaptioningSessionId - ID uniquely identifying current captioning session.

  • SpokenLanguage - Language code selected by user as a spoken language for call translation or captioning. Used for usage and health monitoring.

  • SubtitleLanguage - Language code selected by user as a subtitle language for call translation or captioning. Used for usage and health monitoring.

  • OtherSpokenLanguage - Language code selected by user as a spoken language of phone call participant in cas of phone call translation. Used for usage and health monitoring.

  • FirstCaptionReceivedLengthSeconds - Time to receive first call caption after initiating call captions feature. Used for health monitoring and for validating service improvements.

  • StartMessageClickedCount - Amount of times the captions start message was clicked.


Collecting phone call translation language change details (old and new language selected) during a translated phone call to ensure phone call translation is working.

  • CallId - ID uniquely identifying this call.

  • CaptioningSessionId - ID uniquely identifying current translation session.

  • PrevLanguage - Language currently being used for phone call translation.

  • Language - New language to be used for phone call translation.

  • IsLocal - Determines if the language change is being applied for local (Skype) or remote (phone) user.


Tracks call crashes, monitored to ensure calling functionality.

  • CallId - ID uniquely identifying this call.

  • CallState - Determines state of the call when crash happened.

  • ParticipantId - ID uniquely identifiyng this user in this call.


Error tracking to ensure the user can use the full screen/Together mode/screen sharing on Skype calls.

  • CallId - ID uniquely identifying this call.

  • ErrorCode - ID identifying the type of the error.

  • BotType - Type of the bot causing the failure in the call.


Tracks add bot to call attempt.

  • BotType - Type of the bot being added to the call (Translator/Recording/Audience/GridView).

  • CallId - ID uniquely identifying this call within Skype systems.


Tracks add bot to call success events.

  • BotType - Type of the bot being added to the call (Translator/Recording/Audience/GridView).

  • CallId - ID uniquely identifying this call within Skype systems.

  • AddBotDurationInMs - Time to add bot to the call.


Tracks add bot to call failure events.

  • BotType - Type of the bot being added to the call (Translator/Recording/Audience/GridView).

  • CallId - ID uniquely identifying this call within Skype systems.

  • AddBotDurationInMs - Time add bot to the call attempt to fail.

  • ErrorCode - Add bot to call failure code.


Tracking errors happening during calls to ensure calling is working.

  • CallId - ID uniquely identifying this call in Skype systems.

  • UFDType - Identifies the type of error message displayed during the call.

  • UFDActionType - Identifies the dismiss action of call error notification.


Tracking the reasons why a call was missed, to minimize technical causes.

  • CallId - ID uniquely identifying this call in Skype systems.

  • CallingTerminatedReason - Determines the exact reason of call end.

  • CallingFailureType - Determines phase of the call when failure happened.

  • UcuxReason - Identifying the reason why the call was not answer by the other side.

  • UcuxAction - Follow up action displayed to user when the call was not answered.


Measures the pinning of call participants to ensure the feature is working.

  • CallId - Id of the call where pinning occurred.


Measures the pinning of call participants to ensure the feature is working.

  • CallId - Id of the call where pinning occurred.


Tracks the toggling of the panel with people on top of the call screen to ensure the feature is working.

  • CallId - Id of the call where panel toggling occurred.

  • WasHidden - Indicates if panel was hidden or shown.


Tracks that the call connects after the callee clicks on 'answer' button.

  • CallId - Id of the call.

  • Origin - Where the answer action originated from (e.g. incoming call controls or a native system notification).

  • ConnectedIn - Time in ms elapsed between user action and call state transition.

  • IsTimedOut - true/false if the telemetry is being submitted on timeout and not a legitimate call state transition.


Tracks the delay of the display of the incoming call screen.

  • CallId - Id of the call.

  • Duration - Measures the time to show the incoming call screen, to ensure customers are made aware of an incoming call in time.

  • IsTimedOut - true if the incoming call screen has not been displayed in a predefined time interval.


Summary of captured media files to monitor the health of the camera and gallery experience.

  • MediaCount - Specifies the number of image files captured.

  • Success - Indicates if media file was captured successfuly.

  • FailureReason - Specifies in case of failure the reason why media capture failed.

  • Source - Specifies the source of media, e.g. a specific camera implementation.

  • Action - Name of currently tracked camera action.


Measured to ensure the functionality of camera and gallery on Android.

  • SessionId - Identifier tracking each session of the app.

  • LensSdkVersion - Version of the SDK running in the app.

  • TelemetryEventTimestamp - Time at which this event or action was completed.

  • CurrentWorkFlowType - Explains whether the user was capturing, editing, saving images, etc.

  • CameraXBindUsecasesToPreview - Time taken by camera library in showing camera preview to user.

  • IsEmbeddedLaunch - Boolean field indicating if user launched the control in picture-in-picture mode.

  • RecoveryMode - Boolean field indicating if this session was recovered after app was killed.

  • IsDexModeEnabled - Boolean indicating if device supports Samsung Dex features.

  • IsInterimCropEnabled - Boolean field indicating if user has chosen to manually crop each image.

  • IsMultiWindowEnabled - Boolean field indicating if it's possible to run app in split screen.

  • IsTalkBackEnabled - Boolean indicating if device is in accessibility mode.

  • SDKMode - The mode in which image(s) were captured.

  • CameraXBindUsecasesApi - Time taken by camera library to initialize before it launches camera.

  • LaunchPerf - Integer indicating time taken to launch the app.


Measured to ensure the functionality of taking photos/videos and selecting media files from gallery on Android.

  • SessionId - Identifier tracking each session of the app.

  • LensSdkVersion - Version of the SDK running in the app.

  • TelemetryEventTimestamp - Time at which this event or action was completed.

  • CurrentWorkFlowType - Explains whether the user was capturing, editing, saving images, etc.

  • MediaId - Identifier for images to help track operation success.

  • FileSizeBeforeCleanUp - Size of the file before it is cleaned by app, to understand how much captured size was.

  • ImageWidthBeforeCleanUp - Width of the image before it was cleaned by app.

  • ImageHeightBeforeCleanUp - Height of the image before it was cleaned by app.

  • FileSizeAfterCleanUp - Size of the file after it is cleaned by app, to understand how much compression was achieved after cleanup.

  • ImageWidthAfterCleanUp - Width of the image before it was cleaned by app.

  • ImageHeightAfterCleanUp - Height of the image after it was cleaned by app.

  • Source - Defines where the image was sourced from, example captured via camera, imported from gallery, etc. .

  • ProcessMode - Mode of the user at the time of the saving the image by the user.

  • Filter - The filter applied to the image.

  • FileSizeAfterSave - Size of the file after it is saved by user, to understand how much compression was achieved after saving.

  • Reason - Description of the failure.

  • Duration - Total duration of the video recorded.

  • TrimmedDuration - Duration of the trimmed video.

  • OriginalVideoFileSize - Size of the video file when it was saved originally.


Measured to ensure the functionality of camera and gallery on iOS.

  • Lens_SessionId - Identifier tracking each session of the app.

  • version - Version of the SDK running in the app.

  • currentWorkflowId - Explains whether the user was capturing a photo, scanning document, whiteboard, etc; or extracting text, table, etc; from images.

  • LensEventName - Name of the event, i.e. Office_Lens_LensSdk_SaveMedia.

  • defaultWorkflow - Explains the default mode in which camera was launched, like document, whiteboard, photo, businesscard.

  • imageDPI - Specifies the quality in DPI (low, high medium) in which media was captured.

  • isExistingUser - Specifies if the user is a new user or existing user.

  • isFirstLaunch - Boolean indicating if the app is being launched after a new installation.

  • isResumeSession - Specifies whether the app was launched in resume or user did a fresh start. (Boolean field).

  • launchReason - Determine if the launch is done via Camera or Gallery.

  • launchWorkflowItem - Field specifies if the app is launched from camera screen or edit screen.

  • mediaCompressionFactor - The factor by which images are compressed by app.


Measured to ensure the functionality of taking photos/videos and selecting media files from gallery on iOS.

  • Lens_SessionId - Identifier tracking each session of the app.

  • version - Version of the SDK running in the app.

  • currentWorkflowId - Explains whether the user was capturing a photo, scanning document, whiteboard, etc; or extracting text, table, etc; from images.

  • LensEventName - Name of the event, i.e. Office_Lens_LensSdk_SaveMedia.

  • mediaId - Identifier for images to help track operation success.

  • source - Defines where the image was sourced from, example captured via camera, imported from gallery, etc.

  • mode - Mode of the user at the time of the saving the image by the user.

  • filter - The filter applied to the image.

  • imageSize - Resolution of the image after user has saved the image.

  • imageDPI - Image reduction applied to the saved file image.

  • sizeinPixel - Size of the image in pixels.

  • Ink - Number of images being saved with ink applied.

  • TextSticker - Number of images being saved with text stickers applied.

  • orignalImageSize - Size of the image when captured by user.

  • processedImageSize - Size of the image when saved by user.

  • VideoEntity - Number of videos being saved.

  • duration - Total duration of the video recorded.


Measured to ensure the functionality of fallback camera and gallery on Android.

  • Mode - The mode in which image(s) were captured.


Event to track Failure screen features like Call Failure Screen and SMS Failure Screen. Used to track health of PSTN Calls and Failure screens.

  • Action - Actions to be tracked (screen opened, screen closed, etc.).

  • Location - Screen of the app where the event is triggered.


Event to track Dialpad use. Used to track health of important Dialpad functions.

Common attributes for s4l_dialpad events.

  • Action - Name of tracked Action.


Event triggered when a user calls an emergency number. Used to track emergency calling use.

  • Action - User called an emergency number.


Event triggered when user agrees to the limitations of emergency (911) call use. Used to ensure emergency calling functionality.

  • Action - User agreed to the limitations of emergency (911) call use.


Event triggered when user updates consent to read their location for emergency (911) call purposes. Used to ensure emergency calling functionality.

  • Action - User updated consent to read their location for emergency (911) call purposes.

  • IsGranted - Whether consent is provided or not.


Triggered when sharing a Skype Number from Skype Number Panel fails. Used to track volume of Share extension errors.

  • Action - SkypeNumberShareError.


Telemetry event used to check health of payments endpoints services. Triggered anytime there is a request to a purchase internal or external endpoint.

Common attributes for s4l_payments events.

  • Action - Name of tracked Actions in each type of Payment.


Tracker of credit purchase intents, triggered when user starts a purchase credit flow. Used to track initialization of purchase flows.

  • IsNative - If purchase is made on a Native services (iOS) or through Skype services.

  • Product - Product identifier for product being sold.

  • ProductCurrency - Currency for product being sold.

  • AppStoreCountry - Country for AppStore where the product is being sold.

  • TimeSpent - Time spend from the user on the product card.

  • ButtonType - Button Type which the user clicked on the product card.


Tracker of subscription purchase intents, triggered when user starts a purchase subscription flow. Used to track initialization of purchase flows.

  • IsNative - If purchase is made on a Native services (iOS) or through Skype services.

  • Product - Product identifier for product being sold.

  • ProductCurrency - Currency for product being sold.

  • AppStoreCountry - Country for AppStore where the product is being sold.

  • TimeSpent - Time spend from the user on the product card.

  • ButtonType - Button Type which the user clicked on the product card.


Tracker of Skype Number purchase intents, triggered when user starts a purchase Skype Number flow. Used to track initialization of purchase flows.

  • CountryRegion - Country or Region identifier for product being sold.

  • Area - Area identifier for product being sold.

  • Prefix - Prefix identifier for product being sold.

  • IsNative - If purchase is made on a Native services (iOS) or through Skype services.

  • Product - Product identifier for product being sold.

  • ProductCurrency - Currency for product being sold.

  • AppStoreCountry - Country for AppStore where the product is being sold.

  • TimeSpent - Time spend from the user on the product card.

  • ButtonType - Button Type which the user clicked on the product card.


Tracker of confirmation dialogs open belonging to the purchasing flow. Triggered any time a purchase confirmation popup is opened.

  • Action - Confirmation Dialogs open belonging to the purchasing flow.

  • DialogId - Identifier of the specific dialog that is being opened.


Tracker of Skype Credit gifting flow events and steps. Triggered when the flow is entered, beneficiary eligibility is confirmed, order is created and delivered, and confirmation message is sent. Used to track if Skype Credit gifting flow is working correctly.

  • Step - Tracker of Skype Credit gifting flow steps (EligibilityConfirm, Submit, Confirm, etc.).


Telemetry event used on entitlements services. Used to track the Entitlement APIs Health.

Common attributes for s4l_entitlement events.

  • Action - Name of tracked Action.


Track openings of Balance State Panel/Skype to Phone panel to ensure navigation is working. Used to track if the Skype Credit and Skype to Phone purchase flows are working correctly.

  • NavigationSource - Screen which leads to the balance state panel.

  • EntitlementsCombination - Type of entitlement the user has (both, credit only, subs only, none).

  • ContentShown - Which screen was shown first, main screen or info screen.


Monitoring the correct display of children appropriate content on screens related to purchasing or consuming credits.

  • navigationScreen - Which children appropriate content screens displayed.

  • infoLinkClicked - Which children appropriate content screens infolink was clicked by user.


The event is sent when the application is brought to the foreground, which we determine our active users from. This number helps us providing the best possible service through infrastructure scaling, monitoring our rollouts to see if our customers are getting them and measure the impact of crashes.

  • Entry_Point - Tracks how Skype was foregrounded, such as quick action or notification.

  • IsUedEventProcessingEnabled - Tracks flag if events from new Unified Event Delivery services are enabled to be received and processed, necessary to evaluate health of move to new service infrastructure.

  • DeviceInfo_Os_Version - The information about the operating system version is very important to reproduce, understand and fix the potential problem.


Tracks the end to end reliability of message deliveries.

  • Message_Type - High level message type (Text, Photo, File, ...).

  • MessageRawType - Detailed message type (RichText/Media_Video, RichText/Sms, ...).

  • CorrelationVector - CorrelationVector used for E2E tacing of requests in distributed environments.

  • Message_Origin - Main origin from which message arrived (ChatSync/Push/LongPoll/Trouter).

  • OriginsCount - Count of all origins from which message arrived and was processed at the same time.

  • MessageAlreadySeen - Flag indicating if message was already arrived on this device.

  • Delivery_Timestamp - Client timestamp of message delivery.

  • DeliveryDelay - Time difference between message delivery and message timestamp from service.

  • MessageStoreUsed - Whether MessageStore was used, in the event the message was delivered using Trouter.

  • Message_Correlation_Id - Unique message correlation id used for E2E correlation between systems.

  • Registration_Id - Unique notifications device registration id.

  • Endpoint_Id - Unique messaging endpoint id.

  • Conversation_Id - Unique conversation id.

  • Client_Message_Id - Message id constructed on senders client side.

  • Server_Message_Id - Message id assigned by service.

  • MriNamespace - Conversation namespace to understand type of conversation Interop, Bot, Group etc.

  • ThreadSuffix - Thread suffix helps identify type of thread which may be simply a group as or be feature specific (encrypted, oneToOne ...).

  • DeviceInfo_Os_Version - The information about the operating system version is very important to reproduce, understand and fix the potential problem.


Sent when the calling module fails to initialize, this can indicate a browser specific problem.

  • Action - Result of the initialization, such as 'BrowserNotSupported'.

  • ErrorMessage - Error occurred durring the initialization of the calling module.


Sent when an error in the local database occurs. These errors are frequently reviewed to fix the errors in new releases.

  • WebSQLCode - WebSQL error code.

  • SQLiteCode - SQLite error code.

  • Message - Error message.


In the case of failure to process the push notification this event reports back so Skype can act if there is a high number of failures.

  • Action - Distinguishing case of notification processing result (IncorrectRecipient/NotProcessed/RawContentNotParsed/IgnoredAsDuplicate).

  • EventType - Push notification event type enumeration id.

  • EventTypeName - Push notification event type enumeration name.

  • SignedIn - Flag if user is signed in.

  • TimeToProcess - Time to process notification, difference between now and notification time.

  • CorrelationVector - Correlation vector used for end to end tracing of requests in distributed environments.


Sent after a push notification arrived. Used to monitor the health of the notification system by comparing the amount of shown notifications to the received ones.

  • EventType - Push notification event type id.

  • EventCode - Push notification event type code.

  • MessageId - Message id assigned by service.

  • ClientMessageId - Message id constructed on senders client side.

  • IsMyMessage - Flag if notification is related to message of current user.

  • Result - Result of notification processing (Shown/NotShown/IgnoredAsDuplicate/...).

  • MessageCorrelationId - Unique message correlation id used for end to end correlation between systems.

  • ErrorCode - Code for error that occured during processing.

  • CorrelationVector - Correlation vector used for end to end tracing of requests in distributed environments.

  • EventDate - Date of when the push notification was received.

  • TelemetrySentFrom - Part of the application where the telemetry was sent from.


Due to the merging of the Skype iPhone and iPad app, the credentials need a migration. This event sends the state of the migration, to ensure users can successfully upgrade to the unified version.

  • isDone - Indicates whether the migration was done or not.


Reports if user has a watch connected. Measured to estimate the impact of future improvements.

  • isConnected - Indicates whether the watch is connected.


The event indicates that Siri initiated a Skype call on behalf of the user. This ensures that Skype's integration with Siri works as expected.

  • Action - Action to be tracked (Search, Call).


Monitors the ability for iOS calendar users to select Skype as a meeting location to ensure functionality.

  • Action - Action to be tracked (shown, selected).


Bundle of events related to educational and transactional popups. For example display notification when "Term of use" have been changed. Collected to measure the health of the delivery of those information.

Common attributes for engagement_popcard_event events.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.

  • CampaignId - One of identifiers which allows us to group the events together. Collected to measure the health of the delivery flow.

  • T_CampaignId - One of identifiers which allows us to group the events together. Collected to measure the health of the delivery flow.

  • T_VariantId - One of identifiers which allows us to group the events together. Collected to measure the health of the delivery flow.

  • T_Iteration - One of identifiers which allows us to group the events together. Collected to measure the health of the delivery flow.

  • PostMessageReason - Tracks success and failures of loading the feedback form. Monitored to ensure you can reach us.


This event is sent when the popup is delivered from the system to the application.

  • DeliveryTime - When was the popup delivered from the system to the application.

  • SentTime - When was the popup sent from the system to the application.

  • DeliveryDuration - Popup delivery duration from the system to the application.

  • MessageId - One of identifiers which allows us to group the events together between the system and the application.

  • MessageCorrelationId - One of identifiers which allows us to group the events together between the system and the application.


This event is sent when the popup is validated by the application.


This event is sent when the popup is displayed to the user.


This event is sent when a linked document or an experience is being loaded.

  • buttonIndex - Unique identifier of the button.


Bundle of events related to educational and transactional notifications in the "alerts" panel. For example display notification when the purchase credit transaction have been finished. Collected to measure the health of the delivery of those information.

Common attributes for engagement_notice_event events.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.

  • CampaignId - One of identifiers which allows us to group the events together. Collected to measure the health of the delivery flow.

  • T_CampaignId - One of identifiers which allows us to group the events together. Collected to measure the health of the delivery flow.

  • T_VariantId - One of identifiers which allows us to group the events together. Collected to measure the health of the delivery flow.

  • T_Iteration - One of identifiers which allows us to group the events together. Collected to measure the health of the delivery flow.

  • PostMessageReason - Tracks success and failures of loading the feedback form. Monitored to ensure you can reach us.


This event is sent when the notification is delivered from the system to the application.

  • DeliveryTime - When was the notification delivered from the system to the application.

  • SentTime - When was the notification sent from the system to the application.

  • DeliveryDuration - Popup delivery duration from the system to the application.

  • MessageId - One of identifiers which allows us to group the events together between the system and the application.

  • MessageCorrelationId - One of identifiers which allows us to group the events together between the system and the application.


This event is sent when the notification is validated by the application.


This event is sent when a linked document or an experience is being loaded.


Bundle of events related to educational and transactional system notifications. For example display notification when the purchase credit transaction have been finished. Collected to measure the health of the delivery of those information.

Common attributes for engagement_push_notification_event events.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.

  • CampaignId - One of identifiers which allows us to group the events together. Collected to measure the health of the delivery flow.

  • T_CampaignId - One of identifiers which allows us to group the events together. Collected to measure the health of the delivery flow.

  • T_VariantId - One of identifiers which allows us to group the events together. Collected to measure the health of the delivery flow.

  • T_Iteration - One of identifiers which allows us to group the events together. Collected to measure the health of the delivery flow.

  • PostMessageReason - Tracks success and failures of loading the feedback form. Monitored to ensure you can reach us.


This event is sent when the system notification is delivered from the system to the application.

  • DeliveryTime - When was the system notification delivered from the system to the application.

  • SentTime - When was the system notification sent from the system to the application.

  • DeliveryDuration - Popup delivery duration from the system to the application.

  • MessageId - One of identifiers which allows us to group the events together between the system and the application.

  • MessageCorrelationId - One of identifiers which allows us to group the events together between the system and the application.


This event is sent when the system notification is validated by the application.


This event is sent when the system notification is displayed to the user.


This event is sent when a linked document or an experience is being loaded.


Bundle of events related to post Meet Now experience suggesting the next steps.

Common attributes for engagement_guest_upsell events.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.

  • Type - The type of next steps suggestions displayed on the client.


Next steps suggestions displayed.


User started sign in/up process from the next steps suggestions. Collected to measure health of sign in/up process from guest user flow.


User finished sign in/up process from the next steps suggestions. Collected to measure health of sign in/up process from guest user flow.


Bundle of events related to educational next steps suggestions. Collected to measure health of educational next steps suggestions flow.

Common attributes for engagement_banner events.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.

  • BannerType - The type of next steps suggestion displayed on the client.


Next steps suggestions displayed.


This event is sent when a linked experience is being loaded.


Educational tooltip displayed.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.

  • TooltipType - The type of educational tooltip displayed on the client.


Measuring the opt outs of tips and tricks. The number is compared to the sent tips and tricks to ensure we do not engage users that opted out.

  • Source - Unique identifier of the tips and tricks setting.

  • IsToggled - New tips and tricks setting value changed by the user.


Bundle of events related to educational tooltips. For example we display a tooltip to educate user on how to use different controls during the call. Collected to measure the health of the tooltips being displayed.

Common attributes for engagement_coach_mark_event events.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.

  • CoachMarkType - Unique identifier of the educational tooltip.

  • Error - Error type in case of error occurs during displaying of a tooltip.

  • ErrorDescription - Error description in case of error occurs during displaying of a tooltip.


Sent when educational tooltip was opened.


Sent when educational tooltip was suppressed.


Bundle of events monitoring the functionality of logged in users joining a conversation.

Common attributes for join_conversation events.


Information about success with joining the conversation. The data is used to track the success ratio.

  • ExistingMember - Truth or false information if joining member already exist. The data is needed to distinguish the success ratio for existing and new memebers as it helps with diagnosing potential problems.

  • IsMeetNowThread - The information is used to be able to separate sucess ratio and potential problems with new type of quick conversation "Meet Now" and the standard ones.

  • Action - Information about the status of invitation such as sucessful joining or timeout problem.

  • JoinLinkOrigin - The information about where the join link was created. It is important to verify if all the methods of creating the links are working properly. If there would be unexptected drop, it may mean that the links are not properly created.

  • PreSisu - Information about the authorization when using the link. The truth or false value is passed to catch potential problems with process when the authorization may be needed.

  • NavigationConversationOrigin - Information about the origin from where user is trying to join conversation. The information is needed to detect potential problems with specific flows.

  • BrowserOrigin - The information about the method used to display the link that user can click to join the conversation in the browser. It is used to track the health of each method.

  • ConversationId - The information which enables to distinguish between different conversation is used to be able to determin if the for example 10 users had a problem with joining the same conversation or was it 10 different conversation that were causing problems or track the situation where there are multiple problems with the same conversation.


Information about the problem with joining the conversation. The send data is tracked to keep track of what kind of problems are occuring while joining the conversations.

  • StatusCode - The status code is a number which is giving the information about the root of the problem with joining for example problem with a server.

  • StatusText - Descriptive information about problem to track the situation when joining is not possible when the converstaion has too many memebers already or that conversation was not found and that caused the failure.

  • ContextId - Context identifier information is used to be able to distinguish if the 10 reported problems were linked to the very same conversation or these 10 reports were occuring for 10 different conversations.

  • ErrorCode - Failure error code is a numerical value which is connected to specific problem that was diagnosed before. It is used to group the reports about problems with joining and monitor the reoccurance of the failures.

  • ErrorMessage - Failure error description is descriptive information about the problem that occured.

  • Action - Information about the status of invitation such as sucessful joining or timeout problem.

  • JoinLinkOrigin - The information about where the join link was created. It is important to verify if all the methods of creating the links are working properly. If there would be unexptected drop, it may mean that the links are not properly created.

  • PreSisu - Information about the authorization when using the link. The truth or false value is passed to catch potential problems with process when the authorization may be needed.

  • NavigationConversationOrigin - Information about the origin from where user is trying to join conversation. The information is needed to detect potential problems with specific flows.

  • BrowserOrigin - The information about the method used to display the link that user can click to join the conversation in the browser. It is used to track the health of each method.

  • ConversationId - The information which enables to distinguish between different conversation is used to be able to determin if the for example 10 users had a problem with joining the same conversation or was it 10 different conversation that were causing problems or track the situation where there are multiple problems with the same conversation.


Bundle of events monitoring the functionality of guest users joining a conversation.

Common attributes for join_guest events.


The information is sent when guest user account creation fails.

  • RequestId - The information about the request identifier is used to be able to detect the problems that are re-occurring in the situation if user tries to join the conversation dozen of times because of some problem and distinguish it from the situation when the same problems is occuring for dozen different users.

  • TimedOut - The information about the exceeding the time limit. The data send may be only truth or false.

  • StatusCode - The status code is a number which is giving the information about the root of the problem with joining for example problem with a server.

  • Url - The information about url address is used to verified why the guest user had a problem with joining.

  • Action - The information about the status of joining as a guest, enabling to detect the problems and success ratio on each phase. For example it sends the information about success or failure during creation of the meeting or login as a guest attempt.


The information is send when guest user account is created successfully. It is tracked to calculate the success ratio and detect potential problems.

  • Action - The information about the status of joining as a guest, enabling to detect the problems and success ratio on each phase. For example it sends the information about success or failure during creation of the meeting or login as a guest attempt.


The information about the possibility to join a converstaion as guest user.

  • Action - The information about the status of joining as a guest, enabling to detect the problems and success ratio on each phase. For example it sends the information about success or failure during creation of the meeting or login as a guest attempt.


The information that a guest user has attempted to join the conversation. It is important information to track because it gives the possibilty to track success ratio for successful and unsuccessful attempts.

  • Action - The information about the status of joining as a guest, enabling to detect the problems and success ratio on each phase. For example it sends the information about success or failure during creation of the meeting or login as a guest attempt.


The information about guest meeting creation failure caused by the problem with the service.

  • RequestId - The information about the request identifier is used to be able to detect the problems that are re-occurring in the situation if user tries to join the conversation dozen of times because of some problem and distinguish it from the situation when the same problems is occuring for dozen different users.

  • TimedOut - The information about the exceeding the time limit. The data send may be only truth or false.

  • StatusCode - The status code is a number which is giving the information about the root of the problem with joining for example problem with a server.

  • Url - The information about url address is used to verified why the guest user had a problem with joining.


Bundle of events monitoring the functionality of using join link.

Common attributes for join_link_resolution events.


The information about the problem with join link.

  • ResolutionError - Information about the source of the problem with joining using the link. It may be for example problem with given thread identification.

  • Action - The information about the status of the action attempt, succes or error. The information is used to calculate the success ratio.


The information about creation of short identifier for short link. This data is send to calculate the success ratio and track the proper functioning of this service.

  • ShortId - The information about the short identifier is used to be able to detect the problems that are re-occurring in the situation if user tries to join the conversation dozen of times because of some problem and distinguish it from the situation when the same problems is occuring for dozen different users.

  • ConversationId - The information about the coversation identifier is used to be able to detect the problems that are re-occurring in the situation if user tries to join the conversation dozen of times because of some problem and distinguish it from the situation when the same problems is occuring for dozen different users.

  • Action - The information about the status of the action attempt, succes or error. The information is used to calculate the success ratio.


The information about problems with creation of short identifier for short link. It is tracked to reveal any problems with joining the meetings with using the link.

  • RequestId - The information about the request identifier is used to be able to detect the problems that are re-occurring in the situation if user tries to join the conversation dozen of times because of some problem and distinguish it from the situation when the same problems is occuring for dozen different users.

  • TimedOut - The information about the exceeding the time limit. The data send may be only truth or false.

  • StatusCode - The status code is a number which is giving the information about the root of the problem with joining for example problem with a server.

  • ShortId - The information about the short identifier is used to be able to detect the problems that are re-occurring in the situation if user tries to join the conversation dozen of times because of some problem and distinguish it from the situation when the same problems is occuring for dozen different users.

  • ConversationId - The information about the coversation identifier is used to be able to detect the problems that are re-occurring in the situation if user tries to join the conversation dozen of times because of some problem and distinguish it from the situation when the same problems is occuring for dozen different users.

  • Action - The information about the status of the action attempt, succes or error. The information is used to calculate the success ratio.


Bundle of events monitoring the functionality of creating join links.

Common attributes for join_link_retrieval events.

  • Action - The information about the success or failure with retrieval of join link.


The event send when join link was created successfully. This information is send to track the success ratio.

  • ConversationId - The information about the coversation identifier is used to be able to detect successes and problems that are re-occurring in the situation if user tries to join the conversation dozen of times because of some problem and distinguish it from the situation when the same problems is occuring for dozen different users.

  • ShortId - The information about the short identifier is used to be able to detect successes and problems that are re-occurring in the situation if user tries to join the conversation dozen of times because of some problem and distinguish it from the situation when the same problems is occuring for dozen different users.


The event send when join link was created unsuccessfully. This information is tracked to detect any problems with service functioning.

  • RequestId - The information about the request identifier is used to be able to detect the problems that are re-occurring in the situation if user tries to join the conversation dozen of times because of some problem and distinguish it from the situation when the same problems is occuring for dozen different users.

  • IsTimedOut - The information about the exceeding the time limit. The data send may be only truth or false.

  • StatusCode - The status code is a number which is giving the information about the root of the problem with joining for example problem with a server.

  • Url - The information about url address is used to verified why the guest user had a problem with joining.

  • ConversationId - The information about the coversation identifier is used to be able to detect successes and problems that are re-occurring in the situation if user tries to join the conversation dozen of times because of some problem and distinguish it from the situation when the same problems is occuring for dozen different users.

  • ShortId - The information about the short identifier is used to be able to detect successes and problems that are re-occurring in the situation if user tries to join the conversation dozen of times because of some problem and distinguish it from the situation when the same problems is occuring for dozen different users.


Event sent when trying to resolve an access link from the outside to the target inside Skype.

  • JoinLinkPath - Lets us know, that the access link we are processing is a JoinLink, and where it is comming from (inside or outside of the app).

  • UrlAction - The action url parameter of a Skype access link, which is giving the information about what kind of actions user is trying to use. For example, in aсcess link "skype:?action=captureavatar", captureavatar is a UrlAction and it will open the Avatar capturing dialog.

  • TabName - Name of the tab, currently always 'today'.

  • UrlParamSource - Source of the link, helps us identify where the request came from.

  • LinkType - Type of invite link, for example 'buddy'.

  • Action - Name of currently tracked Acccess Link Event.


Tracks when user sends a message, used for evaluation of end to end message delivery health metrics.

  • ReceiverMri - Receiver technical identity used across chat services.

  • ReceiverUserId - Receiver skype id.

  • ClientMessageId - Message id constructed on senders client side.

  • EndpointId - Unique messaging endpoint id.

  • RegistrationId - Unique device registration id.

  • OneOnOneThreadId - Unique 1:1 thread id in case message was sent into 1:1 conversation.

  • CharacterCount - Message content characters count (0 -> message delete).

  • PostSource - Message post source, name of place from where the message request has been initiated.

  • EmoticonCount - Monitoring the count of emoticons provided by Skype in the message to ensure Skype emoticons are working.

  • NativeEmojiCount - Monitoring the count of emojis not provided by Skype in the message to ensure these emojis are working as well.

  • HasWikiMarkup - Monitoring health and usage of additional editing options for messages.

  • DirectMentionCount - Monitoring usage of at mentioning particular users.

  • HasAllMention - Monitoring usage of at mentioning all participants of the chat.

  • IsBingBotConversation - Flag if Bing bot is participant of conversation.

  • HasBingBotMention - Flag if Bing bot was mentioned in message.

  • MessageCorrelationId - Unique message correlation id used for E2E correlation between systems.

  • MessageType - High level message type (Text, Photo, File, ...).

  • MessageRawType - Detailed message type (RichText/Media_Video, RichText/Sms, ...).

  • IsOwnMessage - Flag stating that user is sender of related message.

  • ConversationId - Unique conversation id.

  • IsBotConversation - Flag if conversation is with bot.

  • IsGroupConversation - Flag if conversation is group conversation.

  • IsEncryptedConversation - Flag if conversation is private conversation.

  • IsBookmarkConversation - Flag if conversation is bookmarks conversation.

  • IsMeetNowThread - Flag if conversation is Meet Now conversation.

  • MriNamespace - Conversation namespace to understand type of conversation Interop, Bot, Group etc.

  • ThreadSuffix - Thread suffix helps identify type of thread which may be simply a group as or be feature specific (encrypted, oneToOne ...).


Tracks when message is read in 1:1 conversations, used as part of definition of an active user.

  • MessageCorrelationId - Unique message correlation id used for E2E correlation between systems.

  • MessageRawType - Detailed message type (RichText/Media_Video, RichText/Sms, ...).

  • IsOwnMessage - Flag stating that user is sender of related message.

  • ConversationId - Unique conversation id.

  • IsBotConversation - Flag if conversation is with bot.

  • IsGroupConversation - Flag if conversation is group conversation.

  • IsEncryptedConversation - Flag if conversation is private conversation.

  • IsBookmarkConversation - Flag if conversation is bookmarks conversation.

  • IsMeetNowThread - Flag if conversation is Meet Now conversation.

  • MriNamespace - Conversation namespace to understand type of conversation Interop, Bot, Group etc.

  • ThreadSuffix - Thread suffix helps identify type of thread which may be simply a group as or be feature specific (encrypted, oneToOne ...).


Tracks interaction events with pes picker (emoticon/gif/moji tabs selection, opening time).


If the user wanted to change of the presence status (Online, offline, busy etc. ) and the application couldn't process that wish with success, it is crucial to have every problem reported.

  • Origin - Information what element of the application was used to change the presence status. This information is important to see which element of the application may have been causing problems.


Information about types of failures user gets while fetching or setting presence status.

  • ServiceType - Information which service provider failed CS or UPS.

  • Scenario - Since the method posting this passes all presence requests it's important to understand which of them failed.

  • StatusCode - Http response status code.

  • StatusText - Http response status text.

  • DidTimeOut - The "yes" or "no" information if the problem is causing timeout.

  • Url - PII scrubbed url of the API.

  • Method - Http method.

  • CorrelationId - Unique message correlation id used for E2E correlation between systems.


Information used to ensure accuracy of fetching and setting presence of user.

  • UpsStatus - Presence came from UPS.

  • CsStatus - Presence came from Chat service.

  • CsCorrelationId - Unique message correlation id used for E2E correlation between client and Chat Service.

  • UpsCorrelationId - Unique message correlation id used for E2E correlation between client and UPS(Universal Presence Service).

  • Scenario - Since two methods are using this event we need to know which one of those are the intiator.


Information used to ensure accuracy of displayed presence of contacts.

  • Total - Number of users we got the presences of.

  • Same - Number of users who had the same presences from both service UPS and CS.

  • CsCorrelationId - Unique message correlation id used for E2E correlation between client and Chat Service.

  • UpsCorrelationId - Unique message correlation id used for E2E correlation between client and UPS(Universal Presence Service).


Set of information about the process of loading the Address book dialog. It consist of the fields describing passing steps to load the dialog correctly. Each step has its status set to true/granted if the step went well or false/denied if it has failed or it wasn't performed yet. Collected to measure the health of the Address book import flow.

  • DidPressNextOnValueProp - This field is confirming if someone has clicked button "next". This field can be only set up to true or false value.

  • DidHavePermission - This field is informing about the permission granted by the user to synchronize with the contacts. It can be only set up to granted or false value.

  • DidPromptBefore - DidPromptBefore is passing the information if the user was asked about synchronizing contacts before.

  • DidRequestPermission - This field informs if the user was asked to grant the permission to synchronize the contacts. This field can be only set up to true or false value.

  • DidGrantPermission - If user has granted the permission to use the contacts' list this field will be set as true. In the other case it will be false.

  • DidStartSync - The information about starting the process of syncing the contacts' list. It can be only set up to true or false value.

  • DidVisitPrivacyStatement - This field is set up to true if the user has visited the Privacy statement. The default value of this feild is false.

  • DidSeeLearnMoreButton - This field sends the value true when can be only set up to true or false value.

  • DidVisitLearnMorePopup - If user has visited the "Learn More" popup this value will be set to true if not it will be false.

  • Origin - Location where the user were when the dialog was started.

  • Duration - How much time elapsed between opening and closing the dialog box.

  • OnboardingDisplayOrder - Dialog position number during onboarding.

  • OnboardingStepsCount - Number of onboarding steps.

  • Exit - Dialog close type.

  • IsNewUser - The field describes whether the user is new.


We are measuring the ratio of failures and successes of contacts list synchronization to determine the health of the application.

  • IsFromServer - It is important information to understand the source of the potential problem.

  • ErrorCode - The specific error code to identify the type of the error.

  • Action - The type of the performed action, such as receiving contacts list, add contact, remove contact etc.

  • Status - The status of the performed action, it can be an error or a success.


The information about user's preferences sending all required and optional telemetry to help improve Skype.

  • DidGrantPermission - Information about giving the permission to send all telemetry information. It may be only "yes" or "no".

  • Origin - The place, element of the application where the option was displayed.

  • Action - The place, the type of action that has initiated logging the information.


Information about problem with processing the bundle made of the tasks for updating and synchronizing the information about converstaions, messages etc.

  • description - The information on what stage the problem occurred preprocessing or processing.


Group of events that monitor the health of the "private conversation" feature to ensure working encryption.

Common attributes for messaging_e2ee events.

  • Action - The type of event such as Invite, Accept, Confirm, Reject, DecryptionFailure, EncryptionFailure.

  • Status - The final result of the establishing the connection. Can be only two values a success or a failure.

  • Reason - The additional information about the probable source of the problem.


Confirmation event for successful establishment of encrypted conversation. The information is collected to calculate the success ratio and track the health of the service.

  • IsAutoConfirm - Information about establishing the end to end encrypted conversation.


Event sent when the creation of encrypted conversation failed. Compared to the successful events to detect failures in the infrastructure.

  • RejectionReason - The information about the source of the problem with the encrypted conversation. For example if it was user who willingly declined to join the conversation in the private (encrypted) mode or it was problem with encryption/decryption and not related to the user action at all.


The information about the retry to establish the connection.

  • RetryType - The information about the type of the retry.


The information about the problem with the encryption process.


The information about the problem with the decryption process.


Census telemetry contains a summary of your contact counts and different conversation counts, like how many Skype or phone contacts you have or how many encrypted conversations you participated in. This information supports us identifying critical features.

  • ConversationsCountTotal - Number of total conversations known to the user.

  • ConversationsCountDisplayable - Number of all displayable conversations as some conversation are not being displayed (empty, user is not a member anymore, blocked etc..).

  • ConversationsCountDisplayed - Number of displayed conversations, subset of displayable conversation depending on current filtering conditions.

  • RecentListConversationsCount - Number of total recent conversations.

  • RecentListSkype1on1ConversationsCount - Number of 1on1 conversations.

  • RecentListSkypeGroupConversationsCount - Number of group conversations.

  • RecentListSkypeBotConversationsCount - Number of bot conversations.

  • RecentListPstnConversationsCount - Number of PSTN conversations.

  • RecentListPrivateConversationsCount - Number of private conversations.

  • RecentListConversationsWithTabsCount - Number of conversations that are displayed to the user.

  • RecentListOtherConversationsCount - Number of conversations excluding bots, 1on1, PSTN, private or group.

  • Muted1on1ConversationsCount - Number of muted 1on1 conversations.

  • MutedGroupConversationsCount - Number of muted group conversations.

  • SmartMutedConversationsCount - Number of smart muted conversations.

  • TranslatedConversationsCount - Number of conversations that the user opt-in for translation.

  • ManuallyAddedContactsCount - Number of profiles that are manually added by the user.

  • BlockedContactsCount - Number of profiles blocked by the user.

  • BotsContactsCount - Number of bots added by the user.

  • FavoritesContactsCount - Number of profiles marked as selected.

  • AllNonBlockedContactsCount - Number of total profiles that are not blocked by the user.

  • OneWayShortCircuitContactsCount - Number of profiles that are suggested to the user.

  • TwoWayShortCircuitContactsCount - Number of profiles older than Jan 2017 which were automatically added as buddies.

  • PstnContactsCount - Number of phone contacts of the user.

  • EngagedContactsCount - Number of profile that the user had conversation with in the last 30 days.

  • AllShownContactsCount - Number of total number of profiles a user have.

  • RemovedAuthorizedContactsCount - Number of profile that are authorized but not manually added by the user.


Toast notification information used for end to end reliability, tracking message delivery till informing user about it.

  • NotificationAction - The notification action, it can be InterruptUser, InformUserExternal, Ignore.

  • IsSystemNotification - A boolean value that indicated if the notification is system notification.

  • Action - The notification action, it can be Tapped, Panned, Ignored, Shown, QuickAction.

  • ToastType - The notification type, it can be Quote, Mention, RegularMessage, SystemAlert, Reaction, AddToConversation, ScheduledCall.

  • IsGroupConversation - A boolean value that indicates if the notification was related to group conversation.

  • ConversationId - Unique conversation Id to.


Event that tracks information about usage of share to Skype feature.

  • Action - Action to be tracked (Share, Open).

  • IsSharedToContact - Tracks whether the file was shared to contact.

  • ErrorCode - The specific error code to identify the type of the error.

  • IsSendingVideo - Tracks whether the shared content is a video.

  • IsSendingImage - Tracks whether the shared content is an image.

  • Type - Tracks type of shared content.


Event that user actions on messages, to understand health and usage of basic message interactions.

Common attributes for messaging_action events.

  • Action - The kind of message action that was performed (Copy/Edit/Delete/Forward/Quote...).

  • Origin - Application component, place from where message actions originated.

  • TimeToActionDuration - Time difference between message original send time vs user message action.

  • DocId - Document Id in case of cancelling or retrying a failed message send, as it will provide more insight on the failure reason.

  • SearchSelectionUsedAfterHintShown - Indicates if the bing search hint was shown in the message that the user used the Bing Search option.

  • MessageCorrelationId - Unique message correlation id used for E2E correlation between systems.

  • MessageType - High level message type (Text, Photo, File, ...).

  • MessageRawType - Detailed message type (RichText/Media_Video, RichText/Sms, ...).

  • IsOwnMessage - Flag stating that user is sender of related message.

  • ConversationId - Unique conversation id.

  • IsBotConversation - Flag if conversation is with bot.

  • IsGroupConversation - Flag if conversation is group conversation.

  • IsEncryptedConversation - Flag if conversation is private conversation.

  • IsBookmarkConversation - Flag if conversation is bookmarks conversation.

  • IsMeetNowThread - Flag if conversation is Meet Now conversation.

  • MriNamespace - Conversation namespace to understand type of conversation Interop, Bot, Group etc.

  • ThreadSuffix - Thread suffix helps identify type of thread which may be simply a group as or be feature specific (encrypted, oneToOne ...).


Monitoring message forward action.

  • SkypeConversationCount - Count of skype conversations to which selected message has been forwarded.

  • PrivateConversationCount - Count of private/encrypted conversations to which selected message has been forwarded.

  • SmsConversationCount - Count of sms conversations to which selected message has been forwarded.


Monitoring file sharing action.

  • IsShared - Flag if the sharing was succesfull.

  • Error - Error details in case sharing of file failed.

  • FileExtension - File extension.


Monitoring message quoting action.

  • QuotesTriggerType - Type of the trigger that initiated original quote (Menu, Swipe, CopyPaste ...).

  • QuotesMessageType - Type of the quoted message (Text, Photo, File, Audio, Poll, etc.).


Monitoring clearing of the previously selected message quote.

  • QuotesTriggerType - Type of the trigger that initiated original quote (Menu, Swipe, CopyPaste ...).

  • QuotesMessageType - Type of the quoted message (Text, Photo, File, Audio, Poll, etc.).


Monitoring copy via keyboard action.

  • MessagesCount - Number of selected messages the keyboard action was taken on.


Monitoring paste message via keyboard action.

  • MessagesCount - Number of selected messages the keyboard action was taken on.


Monitoring action on multiple selected messages.

  • SelectedMessagesCount - Number of selected messages the action was taken on.

  • SelectedMessagesAction - Actual action that was taken on messages selected by user.

  • ForwardToConversationCount - Number of conversations to which the messages have been forwarded.

  • SelectedMessagesDisabledCopy - Number of messsages from selection for which Copy option has been disabled.

  • SelectedMessagesDisabledRemove - Number of messsages from selection for which Remove option has been disabled.

  • SelectedMessagesDisabledForward - Number of messsages from selection for which Forward option has been disabled.


Monitoring cancelling of message send.


Monitoring cancelling of message send that already failed to be sent.


Monitoring retry action on a failed message send.


Monitoring showing of reported message.


Monitoring copy action on a message.


Monitoring copy link action.


Monitoring action of deleting message.


Monitoring message edit action.


Monitoring marking conversation as unread from message.


Monitoring dismissing of message action menu without picking option.


Monitoring drag and drop to conversation action.


Monitoring adding a message bookmark action.


Monitoring removing bookmarked message action.


Monitoring web search of selected text to ensure the functionality is working.


Event that user actions on conversations, to understand health and usage of basic actions over conversation.

Common attributes for conversation_action events.

  • Action - The kind of message action that was performed.

  • Conversation_NameSpace - Conversation namespace to understand type of conversation.

  • Conversation_Id - Unique conversation id.


Monitoring conversation list item click action.

  • Item_id - identifier of the conversation list item.


Monitoring translation actions (disable/request/pending/enabled/cancelled/declined).

  • TranslationAction - Action (Requested/Accepted/Declined/Canceled/Disabled).

  • FromLanguage - From which language to translate.

  • ToLanguage - To which language to translate.


Information about the actions performed by an user to people list, such as start a call, start a video, view profile, send a message, etc.

  • Action - The kind of action that was performed.

  • Duration - Time spent on completion of the action.

  • Scenario - Scenario name.

  • IsFirstSuccessfulSearch - Whether the Action is search, performed first time and is it successful or not.


Information about actions around notification permissions.

Common attributes for notificationsPrompt_action events.

  • Action - The kind of action that was performed.

  • Origin - The place, element of the application where the action was originated.


Monitoring notifications prompt displayed action.


Monitoring notifications prompt settings opened action.

  • Enabled_Notifications - Whether the setting is set to true or false.


Monitoring notifications prompt closed action.


Information about the events around chat gallery.

Common attributes for messaging_gallery events.

  • Action - Information about what action was performed around gallery Opened/Filter switched/Add item panel opened/Add item via drag and drop/Command selected/Item viewed.

  • IsGroupConversation - Flag if conversation is group conversation.

  • IsEncryptedConversation - Flag if conversation is private conversation.


Monitoring Gallery opened action.


Monitoring any command selection action in gallery.

  • ItemType - Information which category of gallery was viewed.

  • Command - Information which action was performed over gallery item.


Monitoring item viewed action in gallery.

  • ItemType - Information which category of gallery was viewed.


Information about the events around individual message translation.

Common attributes for messaging_translateone events.

  • Action - Information about what action was performed around message translation.

  • ToggleOrigin - Information where the action originated (Context menu/Translation menu).

  • MessageCorrelationId - Unique message correlation id used for E2E correlation between systems.


Collecting number of requests when user click Translate on individual chat message. This is used for feature health and quality monitoring.


Collecting number times when user clicked on translated message to see the original message that arrived. This is used for feature health and quality monitoring.


Collecting number of times user clicks on the translation menu available on translated message. This is used for feature health and quality monitoring.


Collecting number of times when user decided request a new chat message translation in new selected language. This is used for feature health and quality monitoring.

  • Lang - Language selected for the translation.


Information about the events around Magic Bot functionality.

Common attributes for messaging_magicbot events.

  • Action - Information about what action was performed around message translation.


Collecting number of times when user clicked "Show on top" and pinned the bot to the top of conversation list. This is used for feature health and quality monitoring.


Collecting number of times when user clicked "Remove from top" and unpinned the bot from the top of conversation list. This is used for feature health and quality monitoring.


Collecting number of XY. This is used for feature health and quality monitoring.


Collecting number of times when user given Bing bot consent after trying to mention Bing bot in a group. This is used for feature health and quality monitoring.


Collecting number of times when user given Bing bot consent from the Bing bot welcome screen. This is used for feature health and quality monitoring.


Collecting number of times when user clicked to join the Bing bot waitlist. This is used for feature health and quality monitoring.


Collecting number of times when Waitlist card was opened because user clicked the Bing bot in search results and has not yet joing the waitlist. This is used for feature health and quality monitoring.


Collecting number of times when Waitlist card was opened because user entered the Bing conversation and has not yet joing the waitlist. This is used for feature health and quality monitoring.


Collecting number of times when Preview badge in Bing bot conversation was clicked by user. This is used for feature health and quality monitoring.


Telemetry to ensure the user can consent to location sharing with the Bing which leads to more accurate answers.

  • Status - Result of asking for location permission.

  • PermissionEntryPoint - Component from which flow for location permission was triggered.


Information about users interactions with bots to ensure basic bot functionality work.

Common attributes for caap_bot events.

  • Action - Information about what action was performed for bot.


This telemetry is used to ensure the users can message the bot.

  • BotID - Unique bot id.


This telemetry is used to ensure the users can delete the bot.

  • BotID - Unique bot id.


This telemetry is used to ensure the users can block the bot.

  • BotID - Unique bot id.


This telemetry is used to ensure the users can click to chat with bot.

  • BotID - Unique bot id.


This telemetry is used to ensure the users can share with the bot.

  • BotID - Unique bot id.


This telemetry is used to ensure the users can view bot profile.

  • BotID - Unique bot id.


This telemetry is used to ensure that Bing AI bot is auto added for users, so they can easily discover it.

  • BotID - Unique bot id.


Bundle of events related to the first run experience (FRE) wizard. Collected to measure the health of the FRE wizard.

Common attributes for onboarding_setup events.

  • DialogOrigin - Location within the application where the dialog was called from.

  • IsNewUser - If this user signs in for the very first time to Skype, Skype federated profile is created. As an example user can be found now via Skype search directory.


The events is sent when the FRE wizard is started.

  • DialogOrigin - Location within the application where the dialog was called from.

  • AppState - Current application state, "in-background" or "active".

  • StepSequence - Ordered List of steps shown during FRE wizard.

  • NotificationsPermission - Current permission for system notifications.

  • CameraPermission - Current permission for camera.

  • MicrophonePermission - Current permission for microphone.

  • ContactsPermission - Current permission for contacts.


Tracks errors during FRE wizard.

  • DialogOrigin - Location within the application where the dialog was called from.


The event is sent when the FRE wizard is finished.

  • Duration - Time between starting and ending FRE wizard.

  • DialogOrigin - Location within the application where the dialog was called from.

  • Success - The result of FRE wizard.

  • StepSequence - Ordered List of steps shown during FRE wizard.


The event is sent to summarize the user settings after finishing the FRE wizard. Collected to measure the health of the FRE wizard.

  • AvatarPolicy - Status of avatar visibility for other users.

  • AvatarState - If user has an avatar or not.

  • SetupWizardCompletionTimestamp - A timestamp when the FRE wizard was completed.

  • UserIsNew - If this user signs in for the very first time to Skype, Skype federated profile is created. As an example user can be found now via Skype search directory.

  • NotificationsPermission - Current permission for system notifications.

  • CameraPermission - Current permission for camera.

  • MicrophonePermission - Current permission for microphone.

  • ContactsPermission - Current permission for contacts.


Bundle of events related to the home screen on desktop. Collected to measure the health of the desktop home screen.

  • CardName - Card name on landing page.

  • ActionPerformed - Tracking clicks on landing page card.

  • IsNewUser - If this user signs in for the very first time to Skype, Skype federated profile is created. As an example user can be found now via Skype search directory.


Tracks what you consented to, for example to use the microphone. We use this information to ensure your consent is accurately applied to Skype.

  • Type - Tracks the type of permission.

  • Status - Tracks the status of permission's type.

  • Origin - Location within the application where the permission status is changed.


Sends performance metrics of various processes, used to monitor and improve performance of Skype.

  • Scenario - Name of the process that is being measured, such as startup, search, render, etc.

  • Duration - Duration in milliseconds of how long did the process take to complete.

  • IsZeroTermSearch - Whether the search query is empty.

  • Endpoint - The message search endpoint that is used.

  • SearchLimit - Message search page size.

  • ErrorCode - Error code in case search results are not retrieved.

  • ErrorMessage - Error description in case search results are not retrieved.

  • WasNetworkAvailable - Whether client was connected to the network.

  • AdditionalLoading - Whether the message was not cached.

  • QueryLength - The number of characters in the search query.

  • Origin - The component where search originated.

  • SearchResultsListOrigin - The component where search originated, in case the searched happened in SearchResultsList.

  • RequestStepDuration - The time between the first search request until the last search request results are received, in case of a composite search.

  • PublicDirectoryRequestDuration - The time between the public directory search request was sent until the results were received.

  • MessageRequestDuration - The time between the message search request was sent until the results were received.

  • IndexedDbRequestDuration - The time between the IndexedDB search request was sent until the results were received.

  • BotsRequestDuration - The time between the bots search request was sent until the results were received.

  • AllPeopleRequestDuration - The time between the all people search request was sent until the results were received.

  • FastContactsRequestDuration - The time between the fast contacts search request was sent until the results were received.

  • MessageInConversationRequestDuration - The time between the message search request was sent until the results were received.


Sends information about errors when notifying about incoming calls.

  • CallId - Call unique identification number.

  • TotalTimeDuration - Time duration to display call notification.


Sends performance metrics of notification lifecycle, used to monitor and improve notification performance of Skype.

  • Provider - Name of the used notification delivery system.

  • NotificationInitializedJS - Whether notification triggered JavaScript initialization.

  • IncomingCallScreenDisplayed - Whether incoming call notification was displayed as call screen or as system notification.

  • Phase_Waiting_For_JS_Initialization - Time duration of notification phase 1.

  • Phase_Initial_Native_Processing - Time duration of notification phase 2.

  • Phase_JS_Processing - Time duration of notification phase 3.

  • Phase_Native_Displaying - Time duration of notification phase 4.

  • Phase_Total - How much time elapsed between start and end of notification processing.

  • NotificationProcessing - Type of notification processing.

  • IsTimeout - Indicates whether the request finished because of the timeout.

  • ActivationState - Indicates whether performance metric was tracked in foreground or background.


Common attributes for scenario events.

  • ScenarioName - Name of currently tracked scenario.

  • ScenarioId - Allows the grouping of several steps in this scenario instance.


Sent during different phases of sign in/up to monitor the health of the sign in/up service.

  • ScenarioAction_service - Service name, such as 'MSA'.

  • ScenarioAction_scenario - Scenario name.

  • ScenarioAction_errorName - Error name.

  • ScenarioAction_statusCode - Status code of error.

  • ScenarioAction_requestId - Unique ID for request.

  • ScenarioAction_attempt - Number of attepts for request.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name - Name of this senario step.

  • ScenarioAction_step_duration - Scenario step duration. Indicator of performance of this step.

  • ScenarioAction_total_duration - Total duration of this scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_is_final - Indicator whether this is a final step of the scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_target_duration_ms - Target step duration.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_started - Duration of 'started' step.

  • ScenarioAction_error_description - If an error occurred, the error description is passed here.


Startup duration measure by different phases, used to identify bottlenecks and health of the application.

  • ScenarioAction_currentIntent - Startup intent (Push, Chat, Call, Dialpad, Recents, JoinMeetNow, Other).

  • ScenarioAction_intentBased - Flag if the startup is intent based.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_phase0 - Duration of startup phase 0.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_phase1 - Duration of startup phase 1.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_phase2 - Duration of startup phase 2.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_phase3 - Duration of startup phase 3.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_phase4 - Duration of startup phase 4.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_phase5 - Duration of startup phase 5.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name - Name of this senario step.

  • ScenarioAction_step_duration - Scenario step duration. Indicator of performance of this step.

  • ScenarioAction_total_duration - Total duration of this scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_is_final - Indicator whether this is a final step of the scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_target_duration_ms - Target step duration.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_started - Duration of 'started' step.

  • ScenarioAction_error_description - If an error occurred, the error description is passed here.


Startup duration measure by different phases and context of intent, used to identify bottlenecks and health of the application.

  • ScenarioAction_AppState - A number representing app state, such as "Active" or "Background".

  • ScenarioAction_StartupContext - Startup context (Unknown, Push, Recents, Chat, IncomingRing, Dialpad).

  • ScenarioAction_ColdStartup - Flag indicating if this is "cold startup".

  • ScenarioAction_ColdStartup_step_duration - Duration of "cold startup" scenario step.

  • ScenarioAction_ColdStartup_total_duration - Total duration of scenario until "cold startup" step.

  • ScenarioAction_intentBased - Flag if startup is intent based (e.g. opens a chat or a call).

  • ScenarioAction_reason - App wake up reason (ColdStartup, AppStateChange, Push, LocalNotification, TrouterMessage).

  • ScenarioAction_Phase0_step_duration - Duration of startup phase 0.

  • ScenarioAction_Phase0_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_Phase1_step_duration - Duration of startup phase 1.

  • ScenarioAction_Phase1_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_Phase2_step_duration - Duration of startup phase 2.

  • ScenarioAction_Phase2_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_Phase3_step_duration - Duration of startup phase 3.

  • ScenarioAction_Phase3_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_Phase4_step_duration - Duration of startup phase 4.

  • ScenarioAction_Phase4_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_Phase5_step_duration - Duration of startup phase 5.

  • ScenarioAction_Phase5_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_CheckAppState_step_duration - Duration of "checking app state" step.

  • ScenarioAction_CheckAppState_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_StartedProcessingLocalNotification_step_duration - Duration of "started processing local notification" step.

  • ScenarioAction_StartedProcessingLocalNotification_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_StartedProcessingPush_step_duration - Duration of "started processing push notification" step.

  • ScenarioAction_StartedProcessingPush_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_PushProcessingComplete_step_duration - Duration of "push notification processing complete" step.

  • ScenarioAction_PushProcessingComplete_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_IncomingCallPush_step_duration - Duration of "incoming call push notification" step.

  • ScenarioAction_IncomingCallPush_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_NotifyingCallee_step_duration - Duration of "notifying callee" step.

  • ScenarioAction_NotifyingCallee_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_DisplayIncomingCallNotification_step_duration - Duration of "displaying incoming call notification" step.

  • ScenarioAction_DisplayIncomingCallNotification_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_PresentIncomingRing_step_duration - Duration of "present incoming ring" step.

  • ScenarioAction_PresentIncomingRing_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_CallPanelRendered_step_duration - Duration of "call panel rendered" step.

  • ScenarioAction_CallPanelRendered_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_WillNavigateToRecents_step_duration - Duration of "will navigate to recents" step.

  • ScenarioAction_WillNavigateToRecents_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_RecentsWillMount_step_duration - Duration of "recents will mount" step.

  • ScenarioAction_RecentsWillMount_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_ConversationListPanelRendered_step_duration - Duration of "conversation list panel rendered" step.

  • ScenarioAction_ConversationListPanelRendered_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_RecentsRendered_step_duration - Duration of "recents rendered" step.

  • ScenarioAction_RecentsRendered_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_WillNavigateToChat_step_duration - Duration of "will navigate to chat" step.

  • ScenarioAction_WillNavigateToChat_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_MessaggeStreamRendered_step_duration - Duration of "message stream rendered" step.

  • ScenarioAction_MessaggeStreamRendered_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_WillNavigateToDialpad_step_duration - Duration of "will navigate to dialpad" step.

  • ScenarioAction_WillNavigateToDialpad_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_DialpadRendered_step_duration - Duration of "dialpad rendered" step.

  • ScenarioAction_DialpadRendered_total_duration - Total duration so far up until this step of the measurement.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name - Name of this senario step.

  • ScenarioAction_step_duration - Scenario step duration. Indicator of performance of this step.

  • ScenarioAction_total_duration - Total duration of this scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_is_final - Indicator whether this is a final step of the scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_target_duration_ms - Target step duration.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_started - Duration of 'started' step.

  • ScenarioAction_error_description - If an error occurred, the error description is passed here.


Tracks time it takes for chat service to establish connection. Used to improve and track issues related to chat connectivity.

  • ScenarioAction_ConnectionType - Connection type, such as "REST".

  • ScenarioAction_ReasonForConnecting - Reason for connecting to chat service, such as "Foreground".

  • ScenarioAction_step_name - Name of this senario step.

  • ScenarioAction_step_duration - Scenario step duration. Indicator of performance of this step.

  • ScenarioAction_total_duration - Total duration of this scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_is_final - Indicator whether this is a final step of the scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_target_duration_ms - Target step duration.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_started - Duration of 'started' step.

  • ScenarioAction_error_description - If an error occurred, the error description is passed here.


Collected when user answers the call, helps to track scenario health and reliability.

  • ScenarioName - AnswerCall.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name - Name of this senario step.

  • ScenarioAction_step_duration - Scenario step duration. Indicator of performance of this step.

  • ScenarioAction_total_duration - Total duration of this scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_is_final - Indicator whether this is a final step of the scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_target_duration_ms - Target step duration.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_started - Duration of 'started' step.

  • ScenarioAction_error_description - If an error occurred, the error description is passed here.


Tracks reliability of HTML notifications.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name - Name of this senario step.

  • ScenarioAction_step_duration - Scenario step duration. Indicator of performance of this step.

  • ScenarioAction_total_duration - Total duration of this scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_is_final - Indicator whether this is a final step of the scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_target_duration_ms - Target step duration.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_started - Duration of 'started' step.

  • ScenarioAction_error_description - If an error occurred, the error description is passed here.


Track responsiveness of UI components - e.g. elapsed time between the click on mute button and actual muting the microphone.

  • ScenarioAction_cause - Specifies the reason why scenario was finished (e.g. ActionClosed, Timeout or Error).

  • ScenarioAction_step_name - Name of this senario step.

  • ScenarioAction_step_duration - Scenario step duration. Indicator of performance of this step.

  • ScenarioAction_total_duration - Total duration of this scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_is_final - Indicator whether this is a final step of the scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_target_duration_ms - Target step duration.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_started - Duration of 'started' step.

  • ScenarioAction_error_description - If an error occurred, the error description is passed here.


Track responsiveness of Hub Tab switching - time between clicking the tab control and content displaying.

  • ScenarioAction_cause - Specifies the reason why scenario was finished (e.g. ActionClosed, Timeout or Error).

  • ScenarioAction_tab - Specifies which tab was selected.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name - Name of this senario step.

  • ScenarioAction_step_duration - Scenario step duration. Indicator of performance of this step.

  • ScenarioAction_total_duration - Total duration of this scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_is_final - Indicator whether this is a final step of the scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_target_duration_ms - Target step duration.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_started - Duration of 'started' step.

  • ScenarioAction_error_description - If an error occurred, the error description is passed here.


Tracks time it takes to navigate to chat to monitor performance and health of conversation switching.

  • ScenarioAction_origin - Source Location in the App from where the conversation was initiated. Helps identifying problematic entry points.

  • ScenarioAction_browserOrigin - Source Location in the browser from where the conversation was initiated. Helps identifying problematic entry points.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name - Name of this senario step.

  • ScenarioAction_step_duration - Scenario step duration. Indicator of performance of this step.

  • ScenarioAction_total_duration - Total duration of this scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_is_final - Indicator whether this is a final step of the scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_target_duration_ms - Target step duration.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_started - Duration of 'started' step.

  • ScenarioAction_error_description - If an error occurred, the error description is passed here.


Tracks the contact search functionality to ensure you can find other people.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_ClickOnResult - User clicked on the search result item.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_ClickOnResultContextMenu - User opened context menu for the search result item.

  • ScenarioAction_QueryLength - The length of the query user entered for search.

  • ScenarioAction_Origin - Where in the application search was opened from.

  • ScenarioAction_ResultType - The type of the result user interacted with (Skype contact, message etc). Helps identifying problematic search types.

  • ScenarioAction_Index - The index of the search result item user interacted with.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name - Name of this senario step.

  • ScenarioAction_step_duration - Scenario step duration. Indicator of performance of this step.

  • ScenarioAction_total_duration - Total duration of this scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_is_final - Indicator whether this is a final step of the scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_target_duration_ms - Target step duration.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_started - Duration of 'started' step.

  • ScenarioAction_error_description - If an error occurred, the error description is passed here.


Tracks the MSA 'invalid_grant' interrupts to ensure the users are able to solve the interrupt and log back into the app.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_PreparingToShowMsaInterrupt - MSA interrupt popup is ready to show.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_MsaInterruptResolved - MSA interrupt popup was successfully resolved by the user.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_MsaInterruptFailure - MSA interrupt popup was dismissed by the user, which leads to a forced logout.

  • ScenarioAction_InvalidGrantErrorCode - Specifies the MSA 'invalid_grant' error code to identify the user interrupt type.

  • ScenarioAction_InvalidGrantErrorCategory - Specifies the MSA 'invalid_grant' error category to identify the user interrupt type.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name - Name of this senario step.

  • ScenarioAction_step_duration - Scenario step duration. Indicator of performance of this step.

  • ScenarioAction_total_duration - Total duration of this scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_is_final - Indicator whether this is a final step of the scenario.

  • ScenarioAction_target_duration_ms - Target step duration.

  • ScenarioAction_step_name_started - Duration of 'started' step.

  • ScenarioAction_error_description - If an error occurred, the error description is passed here.


Bundle of events related to the main welcome screen. Collected to measure the health of the main welcome screen.

Common attributes for sisu_welcome_screen events.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.

  • IsMSASignUpWebViewLoaded - Indicates if Microsoft Account flow is loaded to ensure sign in/up into Skype is possible.

  • IsFirstTimeSignIn - If this user signs in for the very first time to Skype, Skype federated profile is created. As an example user can be found now via Skype search directory.


The event sent after the welcome screen is successfully loaded. Used to measure health of pre-sign in/up experience.


The event sent after the "Get Started" screen is successfully loaded. Used to measure health of pre-sign in/up experience.


The event sent after the sign in/up flow is being started. Used to measure health of pre-sign in/up experience.


The event sent after the sign up flow is being started. Used to measure health of sign up experience.


Bundle of events related to user intent to sign in/up to Skype. Collected to measure the health of the sign in/up flow.

  • Method - Indicates if it was sign in/up. Used for monitoring of sign in/up flows.

  • IsFirstTimeSignIn - If this user signs in for the very first time to Skype, Skype federated profile is created. As an example user can be found now via Skype search directory.


Bundle of events related to user successfully finishing sign in/up to Skype. Collected to measure the health of the sign in/up flow.

  • Method - Indicates if it was sign in/up. Used for monitoring of sign in/up flows.

  • IsFirstTimeSignIn - If this user signs in for the very first time to Skype, Skype federated profile is created. As an example user can be found now via Skype search directory.


Bundle of events related to user going through individual steps of sign up flow to Skype. Collected to measure the health of the sign up flow.

  • FunnelPageName - Indicates the exact step name during sign up flow to Skype.

  • ErrorCode - Error code in case of error occurs during sign up flow.

  • IsFirstTimeSignIn - If this user signs in for the very first time to Skype, Skype federated profile is created. As an example user can be found now via Skype search directory.


Bundle of events related to user going through individual steps of sign in flow to Skype. Collected to measure the health of the sign in flow.

  • FunnelPageName - Indicates the exact step name during sign in flow to Skype.

  • ErrorCode - Error code in case of error occurs during sign up flow.

  • IsFirstTimeSignIn - If this user signs in for the very first time to Skype, Skype federated profile is created. As an example user can be found now via Skype search directory.


Bundle of events related to re-authentication popup. These popups occur when the system detects unexpected changes or activity on the account. For example a new device is used. Collected to measure the health of recovery flows from those scenarios.

Common attributes for sisu_msa_interrupt_handler events.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.

  • IsFirstTimeSignIn - If this user signs in for the very first time to Skype, Skype federated profile is created. As an example user can be found now via Skype search directory.


The event is sent when user re-authentication flow is started.


The event is sent after user successfully re-authenticated with a different user account.


The event is sent after user successfully re-authenticated.


Bundle of events related to single sign on (SSO) flow to Skype on Android. Collected to measure health of SSO flow.

Common attributes for sisu_sso_screen events.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.

  • IsFirstTimeSignIn - If this user signs in for the very first time to Skype, Skype federated profile is created. As an example user can be found now via Skype search directory.


The event is sent when user starts signing in using SSO flow.

  • ProviderPackageId - In case that Microsoft account credentials are being used from a different product, this attribute contains the identifier of that product, for example "com.microsoft.teams".


The event is sent when SSO authentication automatically refreshed its login.

  • ProviderPackageId - In case that Microsoft account credentials are being used from a different product, this attribute contains the identifier of that product, for example "com.microsoft.teams".


The event is sent when the automatic SSO authentication refresh failed.

  • ProviderPackageId - In case that Microsoft account credentials are being used from a different product, this attribute contains the identifier of that product, for example "com.microsoft.teams".


The event is sent when user successfully signed in using SSO flow.

  • ProviderPackageId - In case that Microsoft account credentials are being used from a different product, this attribute contains the identifier of that product, for example "com.microsoft.teams".


This event is sent when the automated login refresh failed. Collected to measure health of automated login refresh.

  • ErrorCode - Failure error code.

  • TokenSource - Describes the system involved in the re-login.

  • ErrorName - The descriptive name of the error which allows us to reference to the related code.

  • ErrorMessage - The verbose description of the error.

  • IsFirstTimeSignIn - If this user signs in for the very first time to Skype, Skype federated profile is created. As an example user can be found now via Skype search directory.


Bundle of events related to auto sign in flow which is leveraging Windows Account Manager (WAM). User has pre-filled option to sign in with the same personal account which is being used in Windows. All available personal accounts from Windows are listed for selection. Collected to measure the health of the auto sign in flow.

Common attributes for sisu_auto_signin events.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.

  • IsFirstTimeSignIn - If this user signs in for the very first time to Skype, Skype federated profile is created. As an example user can be found now via Skype search directory.


The event is sent when the system needs to refresh WAM authentication data.


The event is sent when user failed to sign in using WAM.


The event is sent when user successfully signed in using WAM.


The event is sent when the system requested its login.

  • IsRefreshRequest - Indicates if the login refresh was requested.

  • SignInSource - Describes the point of entry for sign in, for example Skype app was started.

  • WamCorrelationId - This identifier allows us to group the events together. Collected to measure the health of the auto sign in flow.


The event is sent when the system updated its login.

  • IsRefreshRequest - Indicates if the login refresh was requested.

  • SignInSource - Describes the point of entry for sign in, for example Skype app was started.

  • WamCorrelationId - This identifier allows us to group the events together. Collected to measure the health of the auto sign in flow.


The event is sent when the system failed to update its login.

  • ErrorCode - Failure error code.

  • ErrorMessage - The verbose description of the error.

  • HResult - The descriptive name of the error which allows us to reference to the related code.

  • IsRefreshRequest - Indicates if the login refresh was requested.

  • SignInSource - Describes the point of entry for sign in, for example Skype app was started.

  • WamCorrelationId - This identifier allows us to group the events together. Collected to measure the health of the auto sign in flow.


Bundle of events related to automatic login updates. Collected to measure the health of the automatic login update flow.

Common attributes for sisu_auth_background_refresh events.


The event is sent when automatic login update was scheduled.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.


The event is sent when automatic login update was performed.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.


The event is sent when the system determined that the current login is still valid.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.


Bundle of events related to user going through the logout flow. Collected to measure the health of the logout flow.

Common attributes for sisu_login_logout events.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.


The event is sent after successful logout.

  • Reason - Describes what/where the logout was initiated.

  • ErrorCode - Failure error code.

  • TimeSinceLastRefresh - Exact time when the system login was updated.

  • ErrorCorrelationId - This identifier allows us to group the events together. Collected to measure the health of the logout flow.


The event is sent when the user was logged out during application startup.

  • Error - The descriptive name of the error which allows us to reference to the related code.

  • AppWakeupReason - The descriptive name of the path the app took before failing to start which allows us to reference to the related code.


The event is sent after the user initiates the log out.

  • Reason - Describes what/where the logout was initiated.

  • IsSaveCredentials - If the user selected to remember the account. Collected to measure the health of one-click sign in flow.


The event is sent when user was logged out due to the application not to be able to retrieve information from a system password manager.

  • Error - The verbose description of the error.

  • FailureType - The descriptive name of the error which allows us to reference to the related code.

  • TokenType - Describes the system involved in logout flow.


The event is sent when the system login is corrupted and malformed. Collected to measure the health of the logout flow.

  • TokenType - Describes the system involved in logout flow.

  • TokenIssueType - The verbose description of the problem with the login.

  • Source - Describes the system involved in the login.


Bundle of events related to Microsoft account phone number and email verification flow in Skype. Phone number and email flows are increasing security of the user accounts. Collected to measure the health of the phone number and email verification flow.

Common attributes for sisu_phone_verification events.

  • Stage - Name of intermediate state of phone number or email verification.

  • Error - Describes errors that may occur during phone number or email verification.


The event is sent when the phone number verification flow in the popup was started.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.


The event is sent when a phone number was successfully verified in the popup.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.


The event is sent when the verified phone number was successfully registered by the login system.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.


The event is sent when an email was successfully verified in the popup.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.


The event is sent when the verified email was successfully registered by the login system.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.


The event is sent when the user aborted the phone number verification flow.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.


The event is sent when there was an error during the phone number verification flow.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.


Bundle of events related to user going through quick sign on (QSO) flow. QSO enables a user to sign out of the application with an option to "Remember the account". That allows the user to sign back in to Skype with single click. Collected to measure the health of the QSO flow.

Common attributes for sisu_qso events.


The event is sent when user started QSO flow.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.


The event is sent when the system successfully refreshed its login.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.


The event is sent when QSO was interrupted by an error.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.


The event is sent when user successfully signed in.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.


The event is sent when the system fetched a list of user accounts which are available for QSO flow on the device.

  • AccountListSize - Count of accounts available for QSO.

  • Action - Designates the exact event so we can group the events and measure health of the specific stages.


Bundle of events tracking the functionality of a guest user to create a conversation.

  • SisuPageName - Location within the application where the conversation creation was initiated from.

  • IsPresentedAsMainCTAButton - Indicates whether guest conversation creation is displayed as primary action.

  • IsFirstTimeSignIn - If this user signs in for the very first time to Skype, Skype federated profile is created. As an example user can be found now via Skype search directory.


Monitored to ensure the QR sign-in is working.

Common attributes for sisu_msa_qr_sign_in events.

  • Action - Name of the action being tracked.

  • QrShowType - We have different flows of displaying the QR code, this tracks which flow was used.

  • ErrorType - Type of error that user encountered during QR code sign-in process.

  • ErrorStatus - Request status of the failed authentication in QR code sign-in process.

  • IsFirstTimeSignIn - If this user signs in for the very first time to Skype, Skype federated profile is created. As an example user can be found now via Skype search directory.


Tracks successful QR sign-in processes for purpose of monitoring health of QR code sign-in.

  • Action - Base for QR sign-in actions.


Tracks failed QR sign-in processes for purpose of monitoring health of QR code sign-in.

  • Action - Base for QR sign-in actions.


Tracks successful QR code rendering for purpose of monitoring health of QR code sign-in.

  • Action - Base for QR sign-in actions.


Tracks unsuccessful QR code rendering on the Web client for purpose of monitoring health of QR code sign-in.

  • Action - Base for QR sign-in actions.


Tracks scenarios when QR code sign-in is not available for use.

  • Action - Base for QR sign-in actions.


Monitored to ensure that user's authenticated state is preserved correctly while the user isn't using the app.

Common attributes for sisu_msix_background_task events.

  • Action - Name of the action being tracked.

  • IsSuccessful - Used for tracking the success rate of the background refresh process.

  • CorrelationId - Used for correlating the events that are related to background refresh process. Used to monitor health of the process.

  • BackgroundTaskName - Name of the background task that was started.

  • BackgroundTaskTriggerType - Type of the background task that was started.

  • TimeTriggerInterval - Time in minutes until the background task fires again.


Tracks successful background task registrations for purpose of monitoring health of the background token refresh process.


Tracks successful unregistering of a background task for purpose of monitoring health of the background token refresh process.


Tracks successful unregistering of all background tasks for purpose of monitoring health of the background token refresh process.


Telemetry event monitoring when users click the authentication interrupt reminder notification. Needed for monitoring the health of authentication interrupts, used to avoid forcefully logging the user out.

  • IsMsaInvalidGrantInterruptReminder - Flag specifying if the notification is an interrupt reminder notification or a forced logout reminder notification.


Event used for monitoring the health of the critical services for authenticating the user.

  • RestClient - Name of the service being tracked.

  • Scenario - Name of the service request being tracked.

  • StatusCode - Request status code.

  • StatusText - Request status text.

  • Error - Request error description to understand the reason behind the failure.


Bundle of events monitoring the functionalities of Today tab.

Common attributes for s4l_today events.


Tracks the share Actions across the Today tab pages. Monitors the users can share from the Today tab.

  • shareAction - The action executed by the user. Can be "OpenedShare", "OpenedExternalShare", "SharedAction", "SharedExternallyAction", "DismissedAction".

  • Action - Name of the Actions tracked across the Today tab.


Tracks the Actions done in the native menu across the Today tab pages. Monitors the users can use the Action menu from the Today tab.

  • menuAction - The action executed by the user. Can be "Shown", "Dismissed".

  • Action - Name of the Actions tracked across the Today tab.


Monitored to ensure the user has full control over the visibility of the Today tab.

  • DidEnable - Tracks if the user has enabled or disabled the Today tab.

  • Action - Name of the Actions tracked across the Today tab.

Examples of Required Service Data events.


Collected when user answers the call, helps to track scenario health and reliability.

  • CallingStack - Indicates the technology used for calls to evaluate performance of different technologies.

  • IsMeetNow - Indicates whether this call is a "Meet Now" call.

  • IsGroupCall - Indicates whether this call is a group call.

  • IsPSTNCall - Indicates whether this call is a PSTN call.

  • IsCallCreator - Indicates whether this user was the one initiating this call.

  • IsTranslatedCall - Indicates whether this call is being translated by the Skype Translator service.

  • StartCaptioningCount - Number of start call captions attempts by user per call.

  • StopCaptioningCount - Number of stop call captions attempts by user per call.

  • StartPstnTranslationAttemptCount - Number of start PSTN call translation attempts by user per call collected to ensure phone call translation is working.

  • StartSkypeTranslationAttemptCount - Number of start skype call translation attempts (entering the consent flow) by user per call collected to ensure translation service health and reliability.

  • StopSkypeTranslationAttemptCount - Number of stops of skype call translation attempts (entering the consent flow) by user per call collected to ensure translation service health and reliability.

  • SkypeTranslationStartedCount - Number of actual start skype call translation attempts by user per call collected to ensure translation service health and reliability.

  • SkypeTranslationStoppedCount - Number of actual stops skype call translation attempts by user per call collected to ensure translation service health and reliability.

  • TranslationConsentChangeDate - Unix timestamp of date and time when user gave translation consent collected to ensure translation service health and reliability.

  • TranslationTruvoiceConsentChangeDate - Unix timestamp of date and time when user gave translation truvoice consent collected to ensure translation service health and reliability.

  • StartTruvoiceCount - Number of start Truvoice feature attempts by user per call collected to ensure translation service health and reliability.

  • StopTruvoiceCount - Number of stop Truvoice feature attempts by user per call collected to ensure translation service health and reliability.

  • StartTranslationAutoDetectCount - Number of start translation automatic language detection feature attempts by user per call collected to ensure translation service health and reliability.

  • StopTranslationAutoDetectCount - Number of stop translation automatic language detection feature attempts by user per call collected to ensure translation service health and reliability.

  • DidReceiveCaptions - Indicates if the captions are received, helps to measure captioning and translation service health and reliability.

  • DidRenderRemoteVideo - True if the app rendered any remote participant's video (including screen-sharing).

  • FirstCaptionReceivedLengthSeconds - Indicates the time between start of captioning session and first caption received.

  • FailedCaptioningConfigCount - Number of times the captioning service failed during the current call.

  • ReceiverSetupCount - Number of times the captioning service sets receiver setup.

  • ConversationId - Unique id of the conversation this call is attached to.

  • StartVideoCount - Number of times a video stream was started during the current call.

  • StartScreenSharingCount - Number of times screen sharing was started during the current call.

  • StopScreenSharingCount - Number of times screen sharing was stopped during the current call.

  • StartSoundSharingCount - Number of times sound sharing was started during the current call.

  • CancelScreenSharingCount - Number of times screen sharing was cancelled during the current call.

  • ScreenSharingDroppedCount - Number of times screen sharing was cancelled during the current call because of an error.

  • StartRecordingCount - Number of times call recording was started during the current call.

  • StopRecordingCount - Number of times call recording was stopped during the current call.

  • StartNdiCount - Number of times NDI was started during the current call.

  • StopNdiCount - Number of times NDI was stopped during the current call.

  • ShowBlockedVideoBannerCount - Number of times a banner related to blocked video was shown during the current call.

  • MaxConnectedParticipants - Number of times NDI was stopped during the current call.

  • ToggleVideoSuccessfulCount - Number of times the video camera was switched on or off during the current call.

  • StartBackgroundBlurCount - Number of times background blur was enabled during the current call.

  • StopBackgroundBlurCount - Number of times background blur was disabled during the current call.

  • StartBackgroundEffectBlurCount - Number of times background blur was enabled during the current call.

  • StopBackgroundEffectBlurCount - Number of times background blur was disabled during the current call.

  • StartBackgroundEffectImageCount - Number of times background replacement was enabled during the current call.

  • StopBackgroundEffectImageCount - Number of times background replacement was disabled during the current call.

  • BingBackgroundEffectCaptionClickCount - Number of times users clicked the Bing Background Info Caption during current call.

  • ScreenShareControlSentControlRequestCount - Number of request for control over screen sharing sent during the current call.

  • ScreenShareControlRequestAcceptedCount - Number of request for control over screen sharing accepted during the current call.

  • ScreenShareControlRequestDeniedCount - Number of request for control over screen sharing denied during the current call.

  • ScreenShareControlGrantedCount - Number of request for control over screen sharing granted during the current call.

  • HadNewCallStageEnabled - Indication if new stage was used on the call. Used for performance tracking.

  • HadOldCallStageEnabled - Indication if old stage was used on the call. Used for performance tracking.

  • HadNativeIncomingCallNotificationsEnabled - Indicates if the devices own notification system is used. Monitored to ensure delivery of notifications.

  • AverageCallingStoreUpdateTime - The average duration of the calling store update time. Used for performance tracking.

  • Source - Show us where (outside of the client) the conversation was created - which helps us track the performance of the partners flows.

  • ZoomedInCount - Number of times screen share zoom in was used during the current call.

  • ZoomedInDuration - Duration of how long the screen share zoom was used during the current call.

  • ZoomedOutCount - Number of times screen share zoom out was used during the current call.

  • ZoomDragUsed - Was the zoomed in screen share drag used during the current call.

  • ZoomUIControlsUsedCount - Amount of times screen share zoom controls were used during a call.

  • ZoomScrollWheelUsedCount - Amount of times mouse wheel was used to control screen share zoom during a call.

  • ZoomKeyboardUsedCount - Amount of times keyboard was used to control screen share zoom during a call.

  • ZoomTrackPadUsedCount - Amount of times track-pad was used to control screen share zoom during a call.

  • ShowShareTwinCamConnectionCount - Amount of times Share QR code was shown.

  • TwinCamConnectionUsedCount - Amount of times TwinCam was connected to the call.

  • TwinCamConnectionFailedCount - Amount of times TwinCam failed to connect to the call.

  • StopTwinCamCount - Amount of times Stop TwinCam button was pressed.

  • AbleToStartTwinCam - Amount of times there were possibility to add TwinCam.

  • CallManagerUsed - Was the call manager used during the current call.

  • IsIgnoringBatteryOptimizations - Indication if battery optimization settings is ignored for Skype on Android devices. Used to reduce issues with call notifications.

  • CaptionsPositionModeChangeCount - Amount of times the captions view was changed.

  • LastCaptionsPositionMode - Last captions view that user used.

  • CaptionsStartingMessageClickedCount - Amount of times the captions start message was clicked.

  • DidShowReconnectUI - Indicates if network changed during the call. Critical call quality and reliability measure.

  • CallReconnectDuration - Amout of time it took to reconnect the call if network changed during the call. Critical call quality and reliability measure.

  • CallDurationAfterReconnect - The duration of the call after network changed during the call. Critical call quality and reliability measure.

  • CallDroppedDuringReconnect - Indicates call dropped when network changed during the call. Critical call quality and reliability measure.

  • DidShowPoorConnectionUI - Indicates if poor network quality during the call. Critical call quality and reliability measure.

  • CallId - ID uniquely identifiyng this call within Skype systems.

  • CallDurationSeconds - The duration of this call measured in seconds.

  • ParticipantId - ID uniquely identifiyng this user in this call.

  • ToggleCameraCount - Number of times the camera was turned on or off during this call.

  • LocalMuteCount - Number of times the microphone was turned off during this call.

  • LocalUnmuteCount - Number of times the microphone was turned on during this call.

  • Origin - Specifies the location in the Skype client where this call was initiated.

  • CallConversationMriNamespace - Specifies the type of the coversation this call is attached to. It can be for instance a private chat with another SKype user, a group call, or a conversation with a Teams user.

  • CallConnectionDurationMilliseconds - Time it took to connect the current call (in milliseconds).

  • PhotoSnapshotCount - Number of photo snapshots taken.

  • DidUserPostPhotoSnapshot - YES/NO if user posted a snapshot.

  • PhotoSnapshotAudioCount - Number of snapshots with audio participants.

  • PhotoSnapshotVideoCount - Number of snapshots with video participants.

  • PhotoSnapshotScreenShareCount - Number of snapshots of screen sharing.

  • PhotoReactionCount - Number of photo reactions sent during this call.


Event to track One Way SMS Feature. Used to track errors on the One Way SMS feature.

  • Action - Action related to the one way SMS Feature (eg. Sms Delivery Failed).

  • ClientMessageId - Message Id where the error occured.

  • ErrorCategory - Category of the error ocurred.

  • Status - Error code of the error ocurred.

  • CallerIdType - Tells us if the user sending the SMS had the CallerId on and which type of CallerId was it at the moment the SMS was sent. Used to ensure the CallerId Service is working.

Following events are sent only from installed desktop clients.

Common attributes for all events.

  • Platform_Uiversion - Platform id combined with Skype version number. Allows us to classify data based on platform and version pivot.

  • Platform_Id - Numeric id for a platform type (1418 - Web, 1419 - Android, etc.). Allows us to establish health metrics based on the platform id.

  • DeviceInfo.Locale - User configured display locale of the operating system or device. Allows us to recognize operating system/device locale related issues.

  • UserInfo.Locale - Skype display locale. Allows us to recognize display locale related issues.

  • AppInfo.Version - Used to correlate telemetry to the specific Skype version. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • AppInfo.Language - Skype display language. Allows us to recognize display language related issues.

  • UserInfo.Language - User configured display language of the operating system or device. Allows us to recognize operating system/device language related issues.

  • UserInfo.TimeZone - User configured time zone.

  • UserInfo.Id - Anonymized (hashed) unique ID of user. Allows us to establish core health metrics based on user impact and Skype usage statistics.

  • DeviceInfo.OsName - Operating system name. Allows us to recognize operating system related issues.

  • DeviceInfo.OsVersion - Operating system version. Allows us to recognize operating system's version related issues.

  • DeviceInfo.Id - Id that uniquely identifies the specific device. Allows us to better understand impact of various things. For instance, if some issue is affecting only one or multiple devices.

  • DeviceInfo.BrowserName - Browser name (Edge, Chrome, ...). Allows us to establish health metrics based on a web browser.

  • DeviceInfo.BrowserVersion - Browser version. Allows us to establish health metrics based on a web browser version.

  • DeviceInfo.OsBuild - Operating system build number. Allows us to recognize operating system's build related issues.

  • EventInfo.Name - Name of this telemetry event.

  • EventInfo.SdkVersion - The SDK version of the telemetry management system (ARIA).

  • EventInfo.Source - Client-specific sub-component name, such as the library or component, used to identify the instrumentation point in the code.

  • EventInfo.Time - The UTC time on the client when this event occurred.

Required events.


Measure of startup performance on Windows, Macintosh and Linux, used for quality measurement.

  • DeviceInfo.NativeCpuArchitecture - Processor architecture of native machine. Allows us to establish health and performance metrics.

  • DeviceInfo.ProcessCpuArchitecture - Processor architecture of Skype process. Allows us to establish health and performance metrics.

  • startup_time - Startup time of desktop client. Allows us to establish performance health metrics.

  • is_background_token_refresh_startup - Flag specifying if the main process woke up to refresh the login token. Allows us to establish health metrics.

  • correlation_id - Unique id of current session. Allows us to better understand impact of various things. This allows us to correlate issues and establish health metrics.

  • DeviceInfo_OsVersion - Operating system name. Allows us to recognize operating system related issues.


Sent when a service requires client certificate authentication. Collected to measure heath of application authentication procedures.

  • endpoint_origin - Origin of the endpoint that requested client certificate authentication.

  • DeviceInfo_OsVersion - Operating system name. Allows us to recognize operating system related issues.


Tracks when operating system has to be restarted in order to do the update process. Allows us to identify issues with the update process.

  • DeviceInfo_OsVersion - Operating system name. Allows us to recognize operating system related issues.


Sent when the renderer crashes on Windows, Macintosh or Linux, used for health metrics.

  • CrashType - Crash type (e.g., process is unresponsive or process unexpectedly disappears).

  • Reason - Crash reason (e.g., out of memory, killed, launch failed).

  • CallStatus - State of the calling before the crash (e.g., no call was happening, during call or right after calling).

  • DeviceInfo_OsVersion - Operating system name. Allows us to recognize operating system related issues.


Sent when the main process crashes on Windows, Macintosh or Linux, used for health metrics.

  • CrashType - Crash type (e.g., exception occurred or native crash).

  • DeviceInfo_OsVersion - Operating system name. Allows us to recognize operating system related issues.


Sent when the main process quits gracefully after refreshing the token, on Windows, used for health metrics.

  • TokenRefreshResult - Token refresh result (e.g. if refreshing the token was successful, timed out or errored).

  • correlation_id - Unique id of current session. Allows us to better understand impact of various things. This allows us to correlate issues and establish health metrics.

  • DeviceInfo_OsVersion - Operating system name. Allows us to recognize operating system related issues.


Sent when the background process host is started by the Operating System. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background job.

  • Action - Background job action (i.e. started, completed successfully, stopped, etc. ).

  • PackageVersion - Skype MSIX app package version. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • PackageName - Skype MSIX app package name. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • OsDescription - Operating system version information. Allows us to recognize operating system's build related issues.

  • Timezone - The client timezone. Helps us understand the time on the client when the event occurred.

  • AppInfo.Version - Used to correlate telemetry to the specific Skype version. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • AppInfo.Language - Skype display language. Allows us to recognize display language related issues.

  • UserInfo.Language - User configured display language of the operating system or device. Allows us to recognize operating system/device language related issues.

  • UserInfo.TimeZone - User configured time zone.

  • UserInfo.Id - Anonymized (hashed) unique ID of user. Allows us to establish core health metrics based on user impact and Skype usage statistics.

  • DeviceInfo.OsName - Operating system name. Allows us to recognize operating system related issues.

  • DeviceInfo.OsVersion - Operating system version. Allows us to recognize operating system's version related issues.

  • DeviceInfo.Id - Id that uniquely identifies the specific device. Allows us to better understand impact of various things. For instance, if some issue is affecting only one or multiple devices.

  • DeviceInfo.BrowserName - Browser name (Edge, Chrome, ...). Allows us to establish health metrics based on a web browser.

  • DeviceInfo.BrowserVersion - Browser version. Allows us to establish health metrics based on a web browser version.

  • DeviceInfo.OsBuild - Operating system build number. Allows us to recognize operating system's build related issues.

  • EventInfo.Name - Name of this telemetry event.

  • EventInfo.SdkVersion - The SDK version of the telemetry management system (ARIA).

  • EventInfo.Source - Client-specific sub-component name, such as the library or component, used to identify the instrumentation point in the code.

  • EventInfo.Time - The UTC time on the client when this event occurred.


Sent when the background process host is stopped. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background job.

  • Action - Background job action (i.e. started, completed successfully, stopped, etc. ).

  • PackageVersion - Skype MSIX app package version. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • PackageName - Skype MSIX app package name. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • OsDescription - Operating system version information. Allows us to recognize operating system's build related issues.

  • Timezone - The client timezone. Helps us understand the time on the client when the event occurred.

  • AppInfo.Version - Used to correlate telemetry to the specific Skype version. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • AppInfo.Language - Skype display language. Allows us to recognize display language related issues.

  • UserInfo.Language - User configured display language of the operating system or device. Allows us to recognize operating system/device language related issues.

  • UserInfo.TimeZone - User configured time zone.

  • UserInfo.Id - Anonymized (hashed) unique ID of user. Allows us to establish core health metrics based on user impact and Skype usage statistics.

  • DeviceInfo.OsName - Operating system name. Allows us to recognize operating system related issues.

  • DeviceInfo.OsVersion - Operating system version. Allows us to recognize operating system's version related issues.

  • DeviceInfo.Id - Id that uniquely identifies the specific device. Allows us to better understand impact of various things. For instance, if some issue is affecting only one or multiple devices.

  • DeviceInfo.BrowserName - Browser name (Edge, Chrome, ...). Allows us to establish health metrics based on a web browser.

  • DeviceInfo.BrowserVersion - Browser version. Allows us to establish health metrics based on a web browser version.

  • DeviceInfo.OsBuild - Operating system build number. Allows us to recognize operating system's build related issues.

  • EventInfo.Name - Name of this telemetry event.

  • EventInfo.SdkVersion - The SDK version of the telemetry management system (ARIA).

  • EventInfo.Source - Client-specific sub-component name, such as the library or component, used to identify the instrumentation point in the code.

  • EventInfo.Time - The UTC time on the client when this event occurred.


Sent when the background process authentication token refresh action started. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background refreshing of the authentication token.

  • TaskName - Background task name. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background authentication token refresh task.

  • TaskInstanceId - Background task instance ID. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background authentication token refresh task.

  • DaysUntilTokenExpires - Number of days until the authentication token expires. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background authentication token refresh task.

  • TokenRefreshExpirationThresholdInDays - Maximum number of days remaining until the token expires when we can skip the background token refresh. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background authentication token refresh task.

  • ShouldTryToStartSkypeProcess - Flag telling us whether the background task will attempt to refresh the authentication token or skip it. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background authentication token refresh task.

  • Action - Background job action (i.e. started, completed successfully, stopped, etc. ).

  • PackageVersion - Skype MSIX app package version. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • PackageName - Skype MSIX app package name. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • OsDescription - Operating system version information. Allows us to recognize operating system's build related issues.

  • Timezone - The client timezone. Helps us understand the time on the client when the event occurred.

  • AppInfo.Version - Used to correlate telemetry to the specific Skype version. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • AppInfo.Language - Skype display language. Allows us to recognize display language related issues.

  • UserInfo.Language - User configured display language of the operating system or device. Allows us to recognize operating system/device language related issues.

  • UserInfo.TimeZone - User configured time zone.

  • UserInfo.Id - Anonymized (hashed) unique ID of user. Allows us to establish core health metrics based on user impact and Skype usage statistics.

  • DeviceInfo.OsName - Operating system name. Allows us to recognize operating system related issues.

  • DeviceInfo.OsVersion - Operating system version. Allows us to recognize operating system's version related issues.

  • DeviceInfo.Id - Id that uniquely identifies the specific device. Allows us to better understand impact of various things. For instance, if some issue is affecting only one or multiple devices.

  • DeviceInfo.BrowserName - Browser name (Edge, Chrome, ...). Allows us to establish health metrics based on a web browser.

  • DeviceInfo.BrowserVersion - Browser version. Allows us to establish health metrics based on a web browser version.

  • DeviceInfo.OsBuild - Operating system build number. Allows us to recognize operating system's build related issues.

  • EventInfo.Name - Name of this telemetry event.

  • EventInfo.SdkVersion - The SDK version of the telemetry management system (ARIA).

  • EventInfo.Source - Client-specific sub-component name, such as the library or component, used to identify the instrumentation point in the code.

  • EventInfo.Time - The UTC time on the client when this event occurred.


Sent when the background process authentication token refresh action completed successfully. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background refreshing of the authentication token.

  • TaskName - Background task name. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background authentication token refresh task.

  • TaskInstanceId - Background task instance ID. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background authentication token refresh task.

  • Action - Background job action (i.e. started, completed successfully, stopped, etc. ).

  • PackageVersion - Skype MSIX app package version. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • PackageName - Skype MSIX app package name. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • OsDescription - Operating system version information. Allows us to recognize operating system's build related issues.

  • Timezone - The client timezone. Helps us understand the time on the client when the event occurred.

  • AppInfo.Version - Used to correlate telemetry to the specific Skype version. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • AppInfo.Language - Skype display language. Allows us to recognize display language related issues.

  • UserInfo.Language - User configured display language of the operating system or device. Allows us to recognize operating system/device language related issues.

  • UserInfo.TimeZone - User configured time zone.

  • UserInfo.Id - Anonymized (hashed) unique ID of user. Allows us to establish core health metrics based on user impact and Skype usage statistics.

  • DeviceInfo.OsName - Operating system name. Allows us to recognize operating system related issues.

  • DeviceInfo.OsVersion - Operating system version. Allows us to recognize operating system's version related issues.

  • DeviceInfo.Id - Id that uniquely identifies the specific device. Allows us to better understand impact of various things. For instance, if some issue is affecting only one or multiple devices.

  • DeviceInfo.BrowserName - Browser name (Edge, Chrome, ...). Allows us to establish health metrics based on a web browser.

  • DeviceInfo.BrowserVersion - Browser version. Allows us to establish health metrics based on a web browser version.

  • DeviceInfo.OsBuild - Operating system build number. Allows us to recognize operating system's build related issues.

  • EventInfo.Name - Name of this telemetry event.

  • EventInfo.SdkVersion - The SDK version of the telemetry management system (ARIA).

  • EventInfo.Source - Client-specific sub-component name, such as the library or component, used to identify the instrumentation point in the code.

  • EventInfo.Time - The UTC time on the client when this event occurred.


Sent when the background process authentication token refresh action was cancelled by the operating system. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background refreshing of the authentication token.

  • TaskName - Background task name. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background authentication token refresh task.

  • TaskInstanceId - Background task instance ID. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background authentication token refresh task.

  • CancellationReason - Background task cancellation reason sent by the operating system. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background authentication token refresh task.

  • Action - Background job action (i.e. started, completed successfully, stopped, etc. ).

  • PackageVersion - Skype MSIX app package version. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • PackageName - Skype MSIX app package name. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • OsDescription - Operating system version information. Allows us to recognize operating system's build related issues.

  • Timezone - The client timezone. Helps us understand the time on the client when the event occurred.

  • AppInfo.Version - Used to correlate telemetry to the specific Skype version. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • AppInfo.Language - Skype display language. Allows us to recognize display language related issues.

  • UserInfo.Language - User configured display language of the operating system or device. Allows us to recognize operating system/device language related issues.

  • UserInfo.TimeZone - User configured time zone.

  • UserInfo.Id - Anonymized (hashed) unique ID of user. Allows us to establish core health metrics based on user impact and Skype usage statistics.

  • DeviceInfo.OsName - Operating system name. Allows us to recognize operating system related issues.

  • DeviceInfo.OsVersion - Operating system version. Allows us to recognize operating system's version related issues.

  • DeviceInfo.Id - Id that uniquely identifies the specific device. Allows us to better understand impact of various things. For instance, if some issue is affecting only one or multiple devices.

  • DeviceInfo.BrowserName - Browser name (Edge, Chrome, ...). Allows us to establish health metrics based on a web browser.

  • DeviceInfo.BrowserVersion - Browser version. Allows us to establish health metrics based on a web browser version.

  • DeviceInfo.OsBuild - Operating system build number. Allows us to recognize operating system's build related issues.

  • EventInfo.Name - Name of this telemetry event.

  • EventInfo.SdkVersion - The SDK version of the telemetry management system (ARIA).

  • EventInfo.Source - Client-specific sub-component name, such as the library or component, used to identify the instrumentation point in the code.

  • EventInfo.Time - The UTC time on the client when this event occurred.


Sent when the background process authentication token refresh process failed to start. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background refreshing of the authentication token.

  • TaskInstanceId - Background task instance ID. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background authentication token refresh task.

  • FailureReason - Reason the background authentication token refresh process failed. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background authentication token refresh task.

  • HResultErrorCode - HResult error code sent from the operating system for the authentication token refresh process failure. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background authentication token refresh task.

  • Action - Background job action (i.e. started, completed successfully, stopped, etc. ).

  • PackageVersion - Skype MSIX app package version. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • PackageName - Skype MSIX app package name. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • OsDescription - Operating system version information. Allows us to recognize operating system's build related issues.

  • Timezone - The client timezone. Helps us understand the time on the client when the event occurred.

  • AppInfo.Version - Used to correlate telemetry to the specific Skype version. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • AppInfo.Language - Skype display language. Allows us to recognize display language related issues.

  • UserInfo.Language - User configured display language of the operating system or device. Allows us to recognize operating system/device language related issues.

  • UserInfo.TimeZone - User configured time zone.

  • UserInfo.Id - Anonymized (hashed) unique ID of user. Allows us to establish core health metrics based on user impact and Skype usage statistics.

  • DeviceInfo.OsName - Operating system name. Allows us to recognize operating system related issues.

  • DeviceInfo.OsVersion - Operating system version. Allows us to recognize operating system's version related issues.

  • DeviceInfo.Id - Id that uniquely identifies the specific device. Allows us to better understand impact of various things. For instance, if some issue is affecting only one or multiple devices.

  • DeviceInfo.BrowserName - Browser name (Edge, Chrome, ...). Allows us to establish health metrics based on a web browser.

  • DeviceInfo.BrowserVersion - Browser version. Allows us to establish health metrics based on a web browser version.

  • DeviceInfo.OsBuild - Operating system build number. Allows us to recognize operating system's build related issues.

  • EventInfo.Name - Name of this telemetry event.

  • EventInfo.SdkVersion - The SDK version of the telemetry management system (ARIA).

  • EventInfo.Source - Client-specific sub-component name, such as the library or component, used to identify the instrumentation point in the code.

  • EventInfo.Time - The UTC time on the client when this event occurred.


Sent when the background process authentication token refresh task failed for unknown reasons. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background refreshing of the authentication token.

  • TaskName - Background task name. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background authentication token refresh task.

  • TaskInstanceId - Background task instance ID. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background authentication token refresh task.

  • ErrorMessage - Error message for the authentication token refresh background task failure. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background authentication token refresh task.

  • HResultErrorCode - HResult error code sent from the operating system for the authentication token refresh background task failure. Allows us to establish health metrics for the background authentication token refresh task.

  • Action - Background job action (i.e. started, completed successfully, stopped, etc. ).

  • PackageVersion - Skype MSIX app package version. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • PackageName - Skype MSIX app package name. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • OsDescription - Operating system version information. Allows us to recognize operating system's build related issues.

  • Timezone - The client timezone. Helps us understand the time on the client when the event occurred.

  • AppInfo.Version - Used to correlate telemetry to the specific Skype version. This helps to establish health of the version.

  • AppInfo.Language - Skype display language. Allows us to recognize display language related issues.

  • UserInfo.Language - User configured display language of the operating system or device. Allows us to recognize operating system/device language related issues.

  • UserInfo.TimeZone - User configured time zone.

  • UserInfo.Id - Anonymized (hashed) unique ID of user. Allows us to establish core health metrics based on user impact and Skype usage statistics.

  • DeviceInfo.OsName - Operating system name. Allows us to recognize operating system related issues.

  • DeviceInfo.OsVersion - Operating system version. Allows us to recognize operating system's version related issues.

  • DeviceInfo.Id - Id that uniquely identifies the specific device. Allows us to better understand impact of various things. For instance, if some issue is affecting only one or multiple devices.

  • DeviceInfo.BrowserName - Browser name (Edge, Chrome, ...). Allows us to establish health metrics based on a web browser.

  • DeviceInfo.BrowserVersion - Browser version. Allows us to establish health metrics based on a web browser version.

  • DeviceInfo.OsBuild - Operating system build number. Allows us to recognize operating system's build related issues.

  • EventInfo.Name - Name of this telemetry event.

  • EventInfo.SdkVersion - The SDK version of the telemetry management system (ARIA).

  • EventInfo.Source - Client-specific sub-component name, such as the library or component, used to identify the instrumentation point in the code.

  • EventInfo.Time - The UTC time on the client when this event occurred.

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