A 2-element constraint Two Element Constraint shape iconapplies to two elements, such as two classes or two associations. The constraint is shown as a dashed arrow from one element to the other with the constraint string label in braces ({  }).

An OR constraint OR Constraint shape iconindicates that any instance of a class may participate in only one association at one time. The constraint is shown as a dashed line connecting two or more associations, which must have a class in common. The line is labeled by the constraint string, OR, in braces ({  }).

Name a 2-element Constraint or OR Constraint shape and add a stereotype and other property values

Double-click the shape.

Add a stereotype to a 2-element Constraint or OR Constraint shape

Double-click the shape to which you want to add the Stereotype.

Hide the stereotype on a 2-element Constraint or OR Constraint shape

Right-click the shape, click Shape Display Options, and then clear Stereotype.

Constraint shape

Create a UML component diagram

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