Thumbnails help users understand what a chapter is about. To edit a chapter's thumbnail:
Open the video
Select Table of contents from the menu in the upper-right corner
Select the chapter you want to edit. Once selected, an Edit icon (pencil) will appear to the right of the chapter's thumbnail. Select the Edit icon.
From here, you can edit a chapter's thumbnail by choosing an image from the video or by uploading your own image.
Choose an image from the video
Select the Thumbnail field. An Edit icon and an Upload icon will appear on the thumbnail.
Select the Edit icon
On the video's Seek bar, move your cursor to the point in the video that has the image you want to use as the thumbnail. The Thumbnail field will automatically update with the image indicated by your cursor's location.
Select the Check mark to the right of the Timecode field to save your changes
Upload an image
Select the Thumbnail field. An Edit icon and an Upload icon will appear on the thumbnail.
Select the Upload icon
You'll be prompted to navigate to the location of the image you want to upload.
Select the image and then select Upload
Select the Check mark to the right of the Timecode field to save your changes