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Maintain your train of thought by leaving follow-ups in the document, and bring others into the conversation by mentioning them directly into the canvas.

  1. To start a follow-up, right-click and select New Follow-up.

    Tip: You can also type a left and right bracket [] to start a follow-up.

  2. Type your follow-up, and then press Tab when you’re done. The follow-up will be highlighted in yellow.

    Note: If you're using SharePoint Online, you can even add an @mention as part of a follow-up. Type @ and their name. If they don’t have access, the Share box will appear. Select Share and notify to grant access.

  3. To resolve a follow-up, select it and select Resolve Follow-up. The follow-up will disappear.

  4. To see a list of all follow-ups, select one and select See all Follow-ups. This makes it simple to navigate through the Follow-ups. Select one to jump to that part of the document.

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