Select any topic below to learn about Purchase Orders in the Northwind Developer Edition.
This Dev Edition of the Northwind Purchase Orders sample application has the only Purchase Orders module. In Starter Edition, products never run out and never need to be purchased. This Dev Edition expands on the database schema (tables used) in Northwind 2.0 Starter Edition and uses more advanced features. It is still meant to introduce you to the major features of Microsoft Access, not to run any specific business.
The Purchase Order List is available from the Ribbon. It has hyperlinks to open each purchase order.
Both the Purchase Order List and the Ribbon have a New Purchase Order button to open a new, blank purchase order. You can also create Purchase Orders from the Products form >Reorder Product button.
The buttons in the header advance the Purchase Orders through the workflow through Submit, Approve, Receive and Close. The corresponding tracking fields on the form are locked because they should only be set programmatically by clicking the action buttons.
Approving a PO requires Purchase Approval privilege. You can login as Andrew Cencini, who has the privilege, or give it to yourself in System Admin > Privileges. Note that your ability to do so is one of the many reasons Northwind is not a production quality application. In the real world, users will not be able to elevate their own permissions.
Line items in a Purchase Order are validated with respect to their Quantity. It must be at least the Minimum ReOrder Quantity, and ideally it should get inventory back up to at least the Target Level, as set for each Product.
When a Purchase Order is Received, special processing is invoked to distribute those products to order line items that are in No Stock status and set them to Allocated. Any remaining quantity is sent to inventory. A record is added to the StockTake table.
This section addresses noteworthy implementation details of the Purchase Order form, frmPurchaseOrderDetails:
The Purchase Order form gets its data from a simple query, qryPurchaseOrder (see RecordSource property). Basing a data entry form on a simple query is a best practice. Note that it is not necessary to include the PurchaseOrderDetails table in this query. Details are handled by the subform. But the query does join with other tables to pick up the read-only StatusName, SubmittedBy, and ApprovedBy fields.
The PurchaseOrderList form can open multiple instances of the Purchase Order form. This is handy because the PO department deals with lots of interruptions and may need to open another PO while working on the first one -- or compare it to a third PO. The technique is documented here.
VendorID gets its value from a two-column combobox: a hidden ID column, and a visible Description column. Such comboboxes are bound to simple two-column queries: see the RowSource property.
When saving a record, at the very least the required fields must be filled out. In Starter edition, we let the Access default behavior happen; in this Dev edition, a more user-friendly technique is implemented -- as described in detail below.
When the PO Status goes to Received, special processing is invoked (procedure AllocateToInventory) to distribute the new inventory over orders that are waiting for these products.
The validation code implemented in Northwind Dev edition requires only three lines of code:
In Form_BeforeUpdate: Cancel = ValidateForm(Me)
In Form_AfterUpdate: ValidateForm_RemoveHighlights Me
In Form_Current: ValidateForm_RemoveHighlights Me
This is a good pattern to follow: making your code very self-contained makes it easy to implement everywhere. Professional developers may take this even further, for example using form subclassing. (This is beyond the goals for Northwind Dev.)
The self-contained validation code accepts a form object to validate. It then checks the underlying RecordsetClone’s form collection to find out which controls are bound to required fields, and checks if they have a value. If they don’t, they are highlighted.
Northwind 2.0 Developer Edition: Things you should know.
Northwind 2.0 Developer Edition: All topics