New boxes 009 and 010 for new reduced VAT rate 5% were added to the declaration.
New format should be used starting from the reporting for July 2020. New boxes can be used only during the period from July 2020 till December 2020.
First reporting deadline is 15th September 2020.
This release contains updates to the VAT declaration U30 according to above changes.
The following reporting codes were added:
Box 009 (domestic sales):
1009 – sales 5%
1109 – tax payable on sales 5%
9009 – sales 5% (own consumption)
Box 010 (Intra-community purchases with Use tax):
1010 – intra-community acquisitions 5%
1110 – intra-community acquisitions 5% tax payable.
These reporting codes can be used only during a period from July 2020 till December 2020.
To start using new formats, you need to upload hotfix KB 4581624.