This article applies to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 for all countries and all language locales.


This cumulative update includes all hotfixes and regulatory features that have been released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015, including hotfixes and regulatory features that were released in previous cumulative updates. Note You must convert the database if you are upgrading to this cumulative update from a cumulative update earlier than cumulative update 9 (build 41779). For more information, see Converting a Database in Help for Microsoft Dynamics NAV.This cumulative update replaces previously released cumulative updates. You should always install the latest cumulative update.It may be necessary to update your license after implementing this hotfix to gain access to new objects included in this or a previous cumulative update (this only applies to customer licenses).For a list of cumulative updates released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015, see released cumulative updates for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015. Cumulative updates are intended for new and existing customers who are running Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015.ImportantWe recommend that you contact your Microsoft Dynamics Partner before you install hotfixes or updates. It is important to verify that your environment is compatible with the hotfixes or updates being installed. A hotfix or update may cause interoperability issues with customizations and third-party products that work with your Microsoft Dynamics NAV solution.

Problems that are resolved in this cumulative update

The following problems are resolved in this cumulative update:

Platform hotfixes




Odd caption is displayed on pages when you run the client from a role center.


Random errors for .Net Interop if the .Net add-in is updated.


Nested grid layout on a subpage breaks Word export.


Invisible actions are on the menu suite.


Cursor references or jumps to the first one when you delete a line at the end of a document that has many lines.


NEXT(-1) does not move the cursor.


"An attempt was made to change an old version of a Customer record" error message when you use the Combine Customer/Vendor report in the Russian version.


The client crashes if you add links or notes to a table that contains the "&" sign.


An error is displayed and the page is closed when you use the SETVIEW() statement to sort a text field that has the same caption as a BLOB field.

Application hotfixes



Changed objects

Functional area


The Pmt. Disc. Amount and the Balance fields show incorrect values on the Apply Customer Entries page if not all entries are applied.

PAG 232 PAG 233

Cash Management


The Index Capacity Ledger Entry No. value of the Value Entry table must have the MaintainSIFTIndex property enabled which improves performance in the Adjust Cost - item entries batch job.

TAB 5802



If you activate the Payment Discount Tolerance option, this does not work for credit memos.

COD 426



"The following C/AL functions are limited during write transactions because one or more tables will be locked. Form.RunModal is not allowed in write transactions ..." error message when you change ending date in the assembly order.

TAB 900



The Post and Email function ignores the approval setup.

COD 82



"The user process has terminated unexpectedly. Check the Windows Event Viewer for more information" error message when you try to run a job.

COD 448



You are allowed to change a bin mandatory location to directed put away and pick location when transfer orders are shipped and in In-Transit, and then there is no way for the user to receive the transfer order.

COD 5773 TAB 14



ILE is created on the bin transfer by using an item reclass journal.

COD 22 COD 23

Warehouse Management


The Quantity (Base) is not set to 0 if the Bin Content Quantity value is set to 0.

COD 7301

Warehouse Management

Local application hotfixes

AT - Austria



Changed objects

Functional area


The VAT Statement AT report displays incorrect categories 067 and 090 if the total amount is negative in category 72 in the Austrian version.

REP 11110


BE - Belgium



Changed objects

Functional area


It is possible to create a payment file for a blocked vendor in the Belgian version.

REP 2000005

Cash Management

CZ- Czech



Changed objects

Functional area


The matching of the bank statement lines has ended with error in the Czech version.

COD 11701 COD 1255

Cash Management


The User Checks Allowed value that is set to True on the General Ledger Setup page does not work in the Czech version.

COD 408



The Receipt No., Receipt Date and Acquisition Date fields are not correctly populated in the FA Receipt report in the Czech version.

REP 31046

Fixed Assets

DE - Germany



Changed objects

Functional area


Order-to-order link is not created when you create a released production order with source type sales header in the German version.

COD 99000787



Getting an optimal code change in the German version.

TAB 246


IT - Italy



Changed objects

Functional area


The Customer Bill List report shows incorrect balance after you close the Bank Receipts page in the Italian version.

REP 12117



If you post a purchase EU invoice in foreign currency, the foreign currency amount of sale VAT entry reported in the VAT book is negative in the Italian version.

REP 12120

VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat

NA - North America



Changed objects

Functional area


The Posted Sales Invoices report does not display any footer data in the North American version.

REP 10074


NO - Norway



Changed objects

Functional area


The SEPA Credit Transfer file is not validated by the bank in the Norwegian version.

XML 1000

Cash Management


The LineExtensionAmount tag is not correct at the line level and the header level in the e-Invoice xml file that is exported from NAV in the Norwegian version.

COD 10628


RU - Russia



Changed objects

Functional area


An error is displayed when you use the Import Currency Exch. Rate report in the Russian version.

COD 6224 REP 14900



How to obtain the Microsoft Dynamics NAV update files

This update is available for manual download and installation from the Microsoft Download Center.

Download Cumulative update CU27 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015

Which hotfix package to download

This cumulative update has multiple hotfix packages. Select and download one of the following packages depending on the country version of your Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 database:


Hotfix package

AT - Austria

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 AT package

AU - Australia

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 AU package

BE - Belgium

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 BE package

CH - Switzerland

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 CH package

CZ- Czech

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 CZ package

DE - Germany

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 DE package

DK - Denmark

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 DK package

ES - Spain

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 ES package

FI - Finland

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 FI package

FR - France

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 FR package

IS - Iceland

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 IS package

IT - Italy

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 IT package

NA - North America

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 NA package

NL - Netherlands

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 NL package

NO - Norway

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 NO package

NZ - New Zealand

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 NZ package

RU - Russia

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 RU package

SE - Sweden

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 SE package

UK - United Kingdom

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 UK package

All other countries

Download the CU 27 NAV 2015 W1 package

How to install a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 cumulative update

See How to install a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 Cumulative Update.


You must have Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 installed to apply this hotfix.

More Information

See more information about software update terminology and Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015.

Upgrade Toolkit for Upgrading Data from Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 or SP1 to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015

The cumulative update includes an upgrade toolkit for upgrading a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 or Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 database to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015. The upgrade toolkit includes several application objects in FOB files that simplify the upgrade process for those of you coming from Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 or Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.

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