This article applies to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 for all countries and all language locales.


This cumulative update includes all hotfixes and regulatory features that have been released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015, including hotfixes and regulatory features that were released in previous cumulative updates. Note You must convert the database if you are upgrading to this cumulative update from a cumulative update earlier than cumulative update 9 (build 41779). For more information, see Converting a Database in Help for Microsoft Dynamics NAV. This cumulative update replaces previously released cumulative updates. You should always install the latest cumulative update. It may be necessary to update your license after implementing this hotfix to gain access to new objects included in this or a previous cumulative update (this only applies to customer licenses). For a list of cumulative updates released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015, see released cumulative updates for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015. Cumulative updates are intended for new and existing customers who are running Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015. Important We recommend that you contact your Microsoft Dynamics Partner before you install hotfixes or updates. It is important to verify that your environment is compatible with the hotfixes or updates being installed. A hotfix or update may cause interoperability issues with customizations and third-party products that work with your Microsoft Dynamics NAV solution.

Problems that are resolved in this cumulative update

The following problems are resolved in this cumulative update:

Platform hotfixes




"A call to Microsoft.Dynamics.NL.DigipoortServices.Deliver failed with this message: Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream" error message displays when you submit the Elec. Tax declaration (Digipoort) report in the Dutch version.


The Dimension field in a general journal contains an incorrect value.


Some reports default to landscape orientation after you upgrade from CU4 to CU16.

Application hotfixes



Functional area

Changed objects


The Location Code field is empty when you create a bin code.


TAB 7354


Capacity constrained resource planning does not find available capacity.


COD 99000854


The Calculate Inventory field in revaluation journals when By Item Location & Variant is selected in the Average Cost Calculation field, and the user filters to a specific location to revalue a specific item with a non-invoiced quantity.


REP 5899 TAB 5802


The Overdue Balance ($) field in the Vendor Statistics FactBox shows a negative amount while all other balances show positive amounts.


TAB 23


The Get Shipment Lines function process takes too much time if the Calc. Inv. and Pmt. Discount field is activated on the Sales & Receivables Setup page in the Spanish version.


COD 64 TAB 111


When you post an undo receipt for an item that is related to a job, the purchase item ledger entry and negative adjustment are not invoiced.


COD 22 COD 5813 COD 5817 TAB 5802


When you create a sales return order by using the Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse function, when you choose the posted shipments the client does not check whether prices include VAT.


COD 6620


Reorder policy on SKU's is ignored for multi-level assembly BOM.


COD 99000854


When you apply an LCY check payment to a FCY invoice and print the Check report, the resulting check ledger entry and bank ledger entry do not match.

Cash Management

REP 1401


The projected inventory on the Item Availability by Event page is wrong when in-transit quantities exist.


TAB 5530


Available capacity is not found for a production with capacity constrained resource when you carry out an existing action line on the Planning Worksheet page.


COD 99000854 COD 99000774


The names of menu items for analysis views are not correct.


MEN 1010


The FlowField in the Team Name table has a length of 30, but the team name has 50 in the related table.


TAB 5084

Local application hotfixes




Functional area

Changed objects


The Document Date field is not updated in the Detailed Cust. Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry table in the APAC version.


COD 12

CZ- Czech



Functional area

Changed objects


"The VAT Base must have a value in VAT Amount Line. It cannot be zero or empty" error message displays if you enter a purchase invoice with allow VAT difference, enter no zero VAT amount in the line, and the total purchase document amount drops to zero in the Czech version.


TAB 37 TAB 39


The amount exempted from the VAT field on the EET entry card should be filled in with the sales invoice amount when the calculation is made with reverse charge VAT, even if the VAT Rate field on the VAT Posting Setup page is set to Base in the Czech version.


COD 31121


The VAT Base and VAT Amount fields on the EET Entry Card page are blank if you post a credit memo using postponed VAT in the Czech version.


COD 31121




Functional area

Changed objects


"You cannot post and apply general journal line %1, %2, %3 because the corresponding balance contains VAT" error message displays on multiple transactions in the DACH version.




Inconsistent behavior in the FactBox in cash receipt journals in the DACH version.


PAG 35516 PAG 35517


The Sales VAT Adv. Not. Acc. Proof report does not display G/L accounts when it is used with prepayment and unrealized VAT in the DACH Version.


COD 12


The county code is printed when the Blank Line+Post Code+City address format is selected and the county code is entered the DACH version.


COD 365


The SetGLAccountNoInVATEntries function slows down the posting routine in the customer database in the DACH version.

VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat

TAB 254

ES - Spain



Functional area

Changed objects


Corrections in the same period on the 349 Declaration page should be deducted from the same period total amount of operations, and not be listed in the file as a correction line in the Spanish version.

VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat

REP 10710


The declared amount on the Customer/Vendor Warnings 349 page does not include corrections that are made in a previous period of the current 349 Declaration page in the Spanish version.

VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat

PAG 10736

FI - Finland



Functional area

Changed objects


The Dimension field in a general journal contains an incorrect value in the Finnish version.



IT - Italy



Functional area

Changed objects


If the base amount of the payment exceeds the social security bracket, the social security contribution base of the vendor is not calculated correctly in the Italian version.


TAB 12113

NL - Netherlands



Functional area

Changed objects


"A call to Microsoft.Dynamics.NL.DigipoortServices.Deliver failed with this message: Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream." error message displays when you submit the Elec. Tax declaration (Digipoort) report in the Dutch version.



Local regulatory features

IT - Italy



Functional area

Changed objects


Quarterly VAT payment communication in xml for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 - Italy

Financial Management

COD1 2150, COD 12151, REP 12150, PAG 320, TAB 743, MEN 1030

CH - Switzerland



Functional area

Changed objects


Creation of payment files in ISO 20002 format as replacement for DTA and Ezag file formats for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 - Switzerland

Financial Management

TAB 288, TAB 1226, REP 3010546, COD 2, COD 1220, COD 1223, COD 11520, COD 11503, XML 1000, PAG 425


It is not possible to transfer data to the tax office with the old certificate after the ELSTER public certificate for COALA was changed. It is achieved by modifying the 'Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe.config' (usually under C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\80\RoleTailored Client). The changes are listed as follows:

Add the following code to the configSections:

<sectionGroup name="applicationSettings" type="System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089">

<section name="Microsoft.Dynamics.ElsterTransferHandler.Properties.Settings" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=netural, PublicKyeToken=b77a5c561934e089" requirePermission="false"/>


And add an applicationSettings under the configuration section as follows:



<setting name="PublicCertificateThumbprint" serializeAs="String">

<value>3d7d4c6abf46404bcf97b02a708bec2305614540</value> .





How to obtain the Microsoft Dynamics NAV update files

This update is available for manual download and installation from the Microsoft Download Center.

Download Cumulative update CU32 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015

Which hotfix package to download

This cumulative update has multiple hotfix packages. Select and download one of the following packages depending on the country version of your Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 database:


Hotfix package

AT - Austria

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 AT package

AU - Australia

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 AU package

BE - Belgium

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 BE package

CH - Switzerland

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 CH package

CZ- Czech

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 CZ package

DE - Germany

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 DE package

DK - Denmark

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 DK package

ES - Spain

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 ES package

FI - Finland

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 FI package

FR - France

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 FR package

IS - Iceland

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 IS package

IT - Italy

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 IT package

NA - North America

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 NA package

NL - Netherlands

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 NL package

NO - Norway

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 NO package

NZ - New Zealand

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 NZ package

RU - Russia

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 RU package

SE - Sweden

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 SE package

UK - United Kingdom

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 UK package

All other countries

Download the CU 32 NAV 2015 W1 package

How to install a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 cumulative update

See How to install a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 Cumulative Update.


You must have Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 installed to apply this hotfix.

More Information

See more information about software update terminology and Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015.

Upgrade Toolkit for Upgrading Data from Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 or SP1 to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015

The cumulative update includes an upgrade toolkit for upgrading a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 or Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 database to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015. The upgrade toolkit includes several application objects in FOB files that simplify the upgrade process for those of you coming from Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 or Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.

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