After you use Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, you may notice that the size of the SQL table PrincipalObjectAccess grows and could be using a large percentage of the database size.
When records are deleted in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, the related PrincipalObjectAccess records are not removed.
Apply Update Rollup 6, and then execute the script that is documented here. This script must be executed only one time after you apply Update Rollup 6. Update Rollup 6 and future Update Rollups will fix this known issue.
SQL Script To Execute --Replace the text "Replace With DatabaseName" with your database name --For Example --USE [AdventureWorksCycle_MSCRM] USE [<Replace With DatabaseName>] GO BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRAN t1 IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'[dbo].[ToDeletePOAEntries]') AND ObjectProperty(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) create table ToDeletePoaEntries ( ObjectId uniqueidentifier, Otc int ) IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.sysindexes si INNER JOIN sys.sysobjects so ON = WHERE = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[ToDeletePoaEntries]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(, N'IsUserTable') = 1 AND LIKE '%mainindex%') CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [mainindex] ON [dbo].[ToDeletePoaEntries] ( [ObjectId] ASC, [Otc] ASC )WITH (STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ----- Insert records to be deleted in ToDeletePoaEntries -- go through all user-owned entities which are not replicated and don't support duplicate detection declare entity_cursor cursor local FORWARD_ONLY READ_ONLY for select distinct e.ObjectTypeCode, e.BaseTableName, a.PhysicalName from EntityView e inner join AttributeView a on e.EntityId = a.EntityId and a.IsPKAttribute = 1 where e.IsReplicated = 0 and e.IsDuplicateCheckSupported = 0 and e.OwnershipTypeMask & 1 = 1 open entity_cursor declare @baseTableName sysname declare @otc nvarchar(20) declare @primaryKey sysname declare @totalCollected int = 0 declare @currentCollected int declare @tempRowCount int = 0 declare @collectstatement nvarchar(max) fetch next from entity_cursor into @otc, @baseTableName, @primaryKey while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin print 'Cleaning up POA for ' + @baseTableName set @currentCollected = 0 set @collectstatement = 'insert into ToDeletePoaEntries(ObjectId, Otc) select distinct poa.ObjectId, poa.ObjectTypeCode from PrincipalObjectAccess poa left join ' + @baseTableName + ' e on poa.ObjectId = e.' + @primaryKey + ' where e.' + @primaryKey + ' is null and poa.ObjectTypeCode = ' + @otc; print @collectstatement exec(@collectstatement) set @tempRowCount = @@ROWCOUNT set @currentCollected = @currentCollected + @tempRowCount print CAST(@currentCollected as nvarchar(20)) + ' records collected for ' + @baseTableName set @totalCollected = @totalCollected + @currentCollected fetch next from entity_cursor into @otc, @baseTableName, @primaryKey end close entity_cursor deallocate entity_cursor print CAST(@totalCollected as nvarchar(20)) + ' total records collected' -- Delete query -- This scripts cleans up orphaned POA records for selected entities declare @deleteBatchSize int = 50000 declare @deleteBatchSizeNVarChar nvarchar(10) = CAST(@deleteBatchSize as nvarchar(10)) declare @totalDeleted int = 0 declare @currentDeleted int declare @deletestatement nvarchar(max) set @currentDeleted = 0 set @tempRowCount = 0 -- delete all records of the current entity type which don't have corresponding object in the base table set @deletestatement = 'delete top (' + @deleteBatchSizeNVarChar + ') from PrincipalObjectAccess from PrincipalObjectAccess poa join ToDeletePoaEntries e on poa.ObjectId = e.ObjectId and poa.ObjectTypeCode = e.Otc' print @deletestatement -- delete PrincipalObjectAccess records in batches exec(@deletestatement) set @tempRowCount = @@ROWCOUNT set @currentDeleted = @currentDeleted + @tempRowCount while @tempRowCount = @deleteBatchSize begin exec(@deletestatement) set @tempRowCount = @@ROWCOUNT set @currentDeleted = @currentDeleted + @tempRowCount print CAST(@currentDeleted as nvarchar(20)) + ' records deleted ' + cast(getUtcdate() as nvarchar(50)) --cleanup end COMMIT TRAN t1 -- Cleanup DROP Table [dbo].[ToDeletePoaEntries] PRINT 'EXECUTION SUCCEED' END TRY BEGIN CATCH ROLLBACK TRAN t1 -- Cleanup DROP Table [dbo].[ToDeletePoaEntries] PRINT 'EXECUTION FAILED :' + ERROR_MESSAGE() END CATCHMore Information
This script only needs to be run one time after Update Rollup 6 or a future Update Rollup is installed. After the script is run to clean up the PrincipalObjectAccess table, the script does not need to be run after any future Update Rollup installations.