July 13, 2021—KB5004305 (Monthly Rollup)
Release Date:
Monthly Rollup
Important: Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 (SP2) has reached the end of mainstream support and is now in extended support. Starting in July 2020, there will no longer be optional, non-security releases (known as "C" releases) for this operating system. Operating systems in extended support have only cumulative monthly security updates (known as the "B" or Update Tuesday release).article. To view other notes and messages, see the Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 update history home page.
Verify that you have installed the required updates listed in the How to get this update section before installing this update. For information about the various types of Windows updates, such as critical, security, driver, service packs, and so on, please see the followingImprovements and fixes
This security update includes improvements and fixes that were a part of update KB5004955 (released July 6, 2021) and addresses the following issues:
Addresses an issue in which some EMFs built by using third-party applications that use ExtCreatePen and ExtCreateFontIndirect render incorrectly.
Adds Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption protections for CVE-2021-33757. For more information, see KB5004605.
Removes support for the PerformTicketSignature setting and permanently enables Enforcement mode. For more information and additional steps to enable protection on domain controller servers, see Managing deployment of Kerberos S4U changes for CVE-2020-17049.
Security updates to Windows Apps, Windows Fundamentals, Windows Authentication, Windows Graphics, Windows HTML Platforms, and Windows MSHTML Platform.
For more information about the resolved security vulnerabilities, please refer to the new Security Update Guide website.
Known issues in this update
Symptom |
Workaround |
After installing updates released July 13, 2021 on domain controllers (DCs) in your environment, printers, scanners, and multifunction devices which are not compliant with section 3.2.1 of RFC 4556 spec, might fail to print when using smart-card (PIV) authentication. |
For more information on this issue, please see KB5005408 - Smart-card authentication might cause print and scan failures. |
After installing this update and restarting your device, you might receive the error, “Failure to configure Windows updates. Reverting Changes. Do not turn off your computer”, and the update might show as Failed in Update History. |
This is expected in the following circumstances:
If you have purchased an ESU key and have encountered this issue, please verify you have applied all prerequisites and that your key is activated. For information on activation, please see this blog post. For information on the prerequisites, see the "How to get this update" section of this article. |
Certain operations, such as rename, that you perform on files or folders that are on a Cluster Shared Volume (CSV) may fail with the error, “STATUS_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL (0xC00000A5)”. This occurs when you perform the operation on a CSV owner node from a process that doesn’t have administrator privilege. |
Do one of the following:
Microsoft is working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release. |
How to get this update
Before installing this update
IMPORTANT Customers who have purchased the Extended Security Update (ESU) for on-premises versions of these operating systems must follow the procedures in KB4522133 to continue receiving security updates after extended support ends on January 14, 2020.
For more information about ESU and which editions are supported, see KB4497181.
You must install the updates listed below and restart your device before installing the latest Rollup. Installing these updates improves the reliability of the update process and mitigates potential issues while installing the Rollup and applying Microsoft security fixes.
The April 9, 2019 servicing stack update (SSU) (KB4493730). To get the standalone package for this SSU, search for it in the Microsoft Update Catalog. This update is required to install updates that are only SHA-2 signed.
The latest SHA-2 update (KB4474419) released October 8, 2019. If you are using Windows Update, the latest SHA-2 update will be offered to you automatically. This update is required to install updates that are only SHA-2 signed. For more information on SHA-2 updates, see 2019 SHA-2 Code Signing Support requirement for Windows and WSUS.
The Extended Security Updates (ESU) Licensing Preparation Package (KB4538484) or the Update for the Extended Security Updates (ESU) Licensing Preparation Package (KB4575904). The ESU licensing preparation package will be offered to you from WSUS. To get the standalone package for ESU licensing preparation package, search for it in the Microsoft Update Catalog.
After installing the items above, Microsoft strongly recommends that you install the latest SSU (KB4580971). If you are using Windows Update, the latest SSU will be offered to you automatically if you are an ESU customer. To get the standalone package for the latest SSU, search for it in the Microsoft Update Catalog. For general information about SSUs, see Servicing stack updates and Servicing Stack Updates (SSU): Frequently Asked Questions.
Install this update
Release Channel |
Available |
Next Step |
Windows Update and Microsoft Update |
Yes |
None. This update will be downloaded and installed automatically from Windows Update if you are an ESU customer. |
Microsoft Update Catalog |
Yes |
To get the standalone package for this update, go to the Microsoft Update Catalog website. |
Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) |
Yes |
This update will automatically sync with WSUS if you configure Products and Classifications as follows: Product: Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 Classification: Security Updates |
File information
For a list of the files that are provided in this update, download the file information for update 5004305.